Auriculotherapy is an effective treatment for insomnia and chronic pain

A literature review carried out by researchers from the University of Porto in Portugal concludes that auriculotherapy, also known as ear acupuncture, is an effective treatment for insomnia and acute and chronic pain. Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic technique that has been used for a wide variety of conditions.

  • In the review, the researchers critically analyzed published literature on auriculotherapy and assessed its effectiveness in treating health conditions.
  • They gathered a total of 14 reviews that were eligible based on the inclusion and exclusion criterions.
  • The reviews were focused on the management of insomnia, smoking cessation, and pain.
  • The results showed that auriculotherapy has positive effects on insomnia, smoking cessation, and pain.
  • It appears to be effective, with rare adverse risks.
  • The findings of the review were published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.

With these findings, the researchers suggest that auriculotherapy is a safe and effective therapeutic technique for insomnia, pain, and smoking cessation.

To read more studies on the health benefits of the different forms of acupuncture, including auriculotherapy, visit

Journal Reference:

Vieira A, Reis AM, Matos LC, Machado J, Moreira A. DOES AURICULOTHERAPY HAVE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS? AN OVERVIEW OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. November 2018; 33: 61-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.08.005
