The only source of CBD oil I personally test and trust

One of the reasons Native Hemp Solutions CBD products are frequently out of stock is because the manufacturer is often waiting on me to complete my laboratory quantitation analysis of its cannabinoid components.

Using advanced laboratory instrumentation known as LC-MS-TOF, I measure the concentration of CBD, CBDA and other cannabinoids in their hemp extracts. On top of that, I authenticate the cannabinoid molecules to ensure they’re 100% real (and not counterfeit). In fact, I’m one of the co-developers of a published scientific method for quantitating cannabinoids in hemp extract. Read the original study at this link in the LC/GC journal via (and note my name as one of the co-authors).

Along with my colleagues, we developed a reliable method for measuring the concentrations of 11 cannabinoids all at once, including THC, THCA, CBC, CBD and other cannabinoids. The two that really matter the most in terms of therapeutic applications are CBD and CBDA, by the way. (CBDA is a more complex form of CBD with the addition of a carboxylic acid group. It essentially “degrades” into CBD over time, in the presence of heat. The term “de-carbed” means heating the extract to convert the carboxylic acid forms into simpler cannabinoids.)

Some CBD oil products are wildly inaccurate in their label claims of CBD content

When I first started testing CBD products, I found that some were wildly inaccurate in their label claims. I also found that different labs produced shockingly different results, sometimes disagreeing as much as 50% on their final numbers. Over time, I also learned that accurately quantitating cannabinoids is extremely complex, mostly due to what’s called the “matrix” of other chemical constituents that are often present in hemp extracts.

This same laboratory analysis obstacle is also faced in labs that attempt to test tobacco products, for example, or complex herbal formulas. The more complex the phytochemicals, the harder the laboratory analysis becomes. As a result, we’ve had to develop some extremely clever techniques for achieving accurate quantitation of CBDs in hemp extract products.

And yet, to this day, we find that there are certain other herbs which cause such extreme “ionization suppression” that accurate quantitation is impossible in certain herbal formulas. Some herbs, fascinatingly, seem to cause CBD to vanish, while other herbs appear to form cannabinoids when in the presence of other cannabinoids, which appear to serve as catalysts for chemical reactions that we don’t yet understand. (Your own body, interestingly, generates very small amounts of CBD from your consumption of omega-3 oils.)

Our research continues in this realm, so we’ll hopefully have a more advanced understanding on all this over time. Cannabis is a truly miraculous, complex plant that exhibits properties we have never seen in any other plant matrix. It’s almost like there’s a “molecular code” that has to be untangled… more on that in a future article.

If you’re curious exactly how I quantitate cannabinoids using time-of-flight mass spec instrumentation, here’s a simplified video that gives you a guided tour of how I carry out this science at CWC Labs. Note that this is a vastly simplified public tour video, and what I actually do in the lab is considerably more complex:

Native Hemp Solutions holds all products until I approve the CBD content using laboratory science

In any case, the reason I endorsed Native Hemp Solutions is because they agreed they would never ship a product without my laboratory approval. As a result, they are the only brand (so far) that I know firsthand — with 100% certainty — contains at least the claimed cannabinoid content that’s printed on the label. (In 2018, I’m rolling out an industry-wide cannabinoid verification and authentication service to bring more certification to the CBD oil industry, by the way.)

NHS products vary in strength from 250 mg of cannabinoids per bottle to 1000 mg of cannabinoids per bottle. In truth, they all contain slightly more than the label claim to account for any minor variance in bottling.

Click here for the product page to see what’s available.

The “Hemp Clarity” cognitive enhancement formula is out of stock because we have held it up at the lab due to the frustrating fact that one of the herbal ingredients in that formula is interfering with the CBD quantitation. While we’re working on that issue, the product is not available because, as I said earlier, nothing ships until we give it the thumbs up.

The Hemp Salve is an amazing new product that’s so good, I actually took home the lab samples to rub on my own joints. I’ve been doing a lot of survival training lately, and I’ve overworked my arms on some repetitive rural survival skills and drills. The Hemp Salve has been a lifesaver.

We’re been hearing rave reviews about the Native Hemp “Sleep Essentials” product which combines cannabinoids with chamomile, oats and some other plant-based ingredients. I never knew so many people had sleep problems until I saw what people were experiencing with this product.

In terms of just getting the maximum cannabinoids per bottle, I recommend (and take this myself) the Coconut Vanilla Hemp Extract, which is available in 250mg, 500mg and 1000mg per bottle concentrations. If you do the math, the 1000mg / bottle is the best deal, and you only need a few drops at a time. It also tastes quite nice, especially considering the highly complex terpenes, minerals, phytonutrients and other molecules found in this product. The color alone tells you how potent this is (it’s rich, dark, and carried a very potent taste).

In any case, these are all offered at a discount through midnight, Sunday. If you want to stock up on extremely high quality, laboratory verified CBD oil products from a trusted source, Native Hemp Solutions is the ideal choice. Find them at

* These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. Native Hemp Solutions products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Under no circumstances does Native Hemp Solutions imply that any and all products and formulas are meant to diagnose , treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Due to these restrictions and limitations we are not making any medical claims whatsoever.
