
Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar: Powerful natural mixture against indigestion, obesity

Science is supposedly looking for miracle cures for all sorts of ailments, yet nature consistently provides the most powerful remedies anywhere on the planet. These solutions are also typically far safer and cost pennies on the dollar compared to steep costs for conventional medical treatments. Better yet, these down-to-earth treatments are usually simple and accessible to all people. The mixture of garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar is certainly no exception to those principles. It is a powerful remedy that you can make in the comfort of your own home with ingredients you probably keep on hand.

Benefits of this naturally healthy remedy

The combination of the three ingredients yields specific advantages to anyone who mixes then drinks them. It can help to prevent and treat gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, and it has also been shown to ward off weight issues like obesity. With the obesity rate climbing ever higher, having people take a few minutes to prepare this drink can certainly provide a solution to a growing problem.

Taking a look at the benefits of the three individual ingredients gives some clues as to what makes them so powerful when combined:

  • Garlic is high in allicin, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. It offers a world of miraculous benefits, and when taken internally, it can be helpful for treating all sorts of infections.
  • Honey contains high levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and it’s an excellent antiseptic.
  • Apple cider vinegar may provide the secret sauce in the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar combination because of the sour-tasting liquid’s anti-obesity and indigestion-fighting properties.

You can imagine what a powerhouse you are creating when you combine the three items, in light of their individual properties and benefits even when used alone. (RELATED: Learn more news about the healing power of superfoods at

How to make this powerful mixture

Preparing for yourself a healthy drink of these three wonderful ingredients could not be easier or quicker. Simply measure out one cup of apple cider vinegar, one cup of honey and ten cloves of freshly minced garlic. Thoroughly combine the ingredients in a blender, and pour the mixture into a glass jar. Refrigerate that. Take two tablespoons of the mixture each day in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. The mixture keeps for five days, and after that it will not provide the same powerful benefits. If you would like to improve the flavor some, add a small amount of water or organic juice such as apple juice.

Tips for maximum effectiveness

To get the most healing power out of the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar mixture, make sure you follow certain rules. First, preferably use only organic ingredients. Also, garlic should be as fresh as possible or even grown in your own garden. Avoid using garlic that feels spongy or has dried out. Honey needs to be raw and preferably local, and avoid at all costs the “fake” honey that has become more prevalent in recent years. It is a “mystery” concoction of additives masquerading as a healthy food. Use raw apple cider vinegar that contains particles, also known as the “mother,” that settle to the bottom of the bottle. Before pouring out some vinegar, shake the capped bottle vigorously to thoroughly mix the particles in with the liquid.

Additional benefits include reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, cancer treatment and diabetes improvement. What if one of the cures for those dreaded ailments is right in your kitchen? So cheers to your health, and enjoy the rewards that come from setting aside a few minutes daily to take care of yourself by drinking this remedy.

Learn more about natural remedies at



A handful of nuts a day could slash the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity and more by up to 30%

(NaturalNews) Eating just a handful of nuts daily can cut your risk of cancer and heart disease by as much as 30 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and published in the journal BMC Medicine.

The maximum benefit came from eating just a single ounce (20 g) per day. The risk of diabetes, respiratory disease and premature death was also decreased.

“We found a consistent reduction in risk across many different diseases, which is a strong indication there is a real underlying relationship between nut consumption and different health outcomes,” said co-author Dagfinn Aune. “It’s quite a substantial effect for such a small amount of food.”

You don’t have to eat very much

The researchers analyzed the results of 29 prior, worldwide studies conducted on a total of 819,000 participants. They found that people who ate an ounce of nuts daily had a 15 percent lower risk of cancer, a 22 percent lower risk of premature death and a 30 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease.

The benefits for other diseases were even greater, though not as statistically robust. Nuts cut the risk of diabetes by almost 40 percent, and the risk of respiratory disease by 50 percent.

“In nutritional studies so far much of the research has been on the big killers such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, but now we’re starting to see data for other diseases,” Aune said.

Little or no health benefits were seen from eating more than an ounce per day.

A growing body of research points to a wide range of health benefits from nuts, which are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. They are also a key component of the Mediterranean diet, which has been linked to a wide range of benefits against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and dementia.

“Some nuts, particularly walnuts and pecan nuts, are also high in antioxidants which can fight oxidative stress and possibly reduce cancer risk,” Aune said. “Even though nuts are quite high in fat they are also high in fibre and protein and there is some evidence that suggests nuts might actually reduce your risk of obesity over time.”

Even eating nuts three times a week provides big benefits

Nuts have been called a superfood, and some experts are even calling for doctors to start prescribing them, and for their cost to be covered by health insurance.

“This analysis adds further value to scores of clinical studies that reveal the positive health impact of regular nut consumption,” said British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, who was not involved in the study. “Their mechanism of benefit appears to be through anti-inflammatory properties. It’s time doctors started prescribing nuts to patients which will not only help prevent heart attacks and deaths within a short space of time but combined with other lifestyle interventions would save the NHS billions.”

Nearly all research into the benefits of nuts has been conducted on adults. But at least one study, released in 2015, found that nuts provide important protective benefits for adolescents, as well. That study found that adolescents who ate just 12.9 grams per day cut their risk of metabolic syndrome by more than 50 percent. The benefits increased as the teenagers ate more nuts, then dropped off if they consumed more than 50 grams (1.8 ounces) per day.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes. One in nine U.S. teenagers now suffers from the condition.

A 2013 study found that people who ate just three 28 gram servings of nuts per week had a 39 percent lower risk of death from all causes, a 40 percent lower risk of cancer and a 55 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

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A year-end look at superfoods: What’s good, bad and just odd

Over the past few years, the term ‘superfood’ has become a popular buzzword in the food and health language. We all know that an active lifestyle combined with a balanced diet packed with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables remains the best way to ensure optimal health. However, some foods are so nutrient dense that they stand out from the rest.

These super nutrient-dense foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other health-boosting phytonutrients. When we think of superfoods things such as kale, blueberries, chia seeds, and goji berries immediately spring to mind. While these are touted for their super powers, every year new contenders that offer a tremendous dietary and healing potential are added to the superfood list.

The superfood fad is set to continue in 2017, so here are the past year’s trendiest health foods that will carry their superfood status into the new year.

1.      Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the green plant pigment crucial for the process of photosynthesis. It pulls in light rays from the sun and converts them to energy. Besides sustaining plant life, it turns out adding chlorophyll to your yogurt bowl, water, or cold-pressed juice has some tremendous effects on human health too.

Chlorophyll is an excellent liver detoxifier that promotes energy, mental clarity, and weight loss. Furthermore, it has been shown to bind and eliminate environmental pollutants including toxic heavy metals, pollution, and certain carcinogens.

2.      Activated charcoal

While this chalky substance has been used for ages to treat poisonings and drug overdoses, activated charcoal in lemonades and hangover pills seem to be a growing trend. However, Vogue warns that regular use may not be such a great idea because it can interfere with the absorption of other vital nutrients.

3.      Maple water

Introduced as the alternative to coconut water, maple water stimulates the immune system and is loaded with abscisic acid (ABA), which helps move sugar out of the bloodstream. However, critics are not sure if this trend will still stand in 2017 as it has less flavor, fewer electrolytes, and is more expensive than coconut water.

4.      Bone broth

Celebrities like Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow swear by it. Bone broth is rich in collagen, glutamine, glycine, and proline, all essential to muscle and ligament function and repair. Furthermore, the collagen has also been shown to reduce intestinal inflammation for a healthier gut.

5.      Almond butter

According to researchers at the Harvard Medical School, a diet containing nuts can contribute to lessening the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. This overly delicious snack is believed to grow in popularity within the next year.

6.      Banana flour

While you might not have heard of banana flour yet, it is on its way to rocking the superfood world. This gluten-free flour is an excellent prebiotic that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, which boost immunity and weight loss and improve overall health.

7.      Acai bowls

If you haven’t seen an acai bowl passing by on Instagram, then you’ve probably lived under a rock for the greater part of 2016. Acai berries are the superstars when it comes to antioxidants that fight inflammation, lower oxidative stress, and promote brain health. Furthermore, they are packed with fibers and heart-healthy fats.

8.      Kefir

In 2016, a lot of attention has gone to our gut health and pre- and probiotics. While many cultures have been drinking the fermented dairy beverage for centuries, the West has now jumped on the kefir bandwagon and has called it a superfood.

9.      Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most revered spices in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Recently, word of turmeric’s powers has spread through the rest of the world. It works wonders in the treatment of chronic inflammation and has been linked to reducing the risk of breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer.

10. LaCroix

Since the 1990s, LaCroix’s sugar-free seltzer water has been a favorite amongst Midwestern mothers. As more influential and famous people openly began popping cans of LaCroix’s sparkling water as a healthy alternative to soda, it has massively grown in popularity.



Natural Allopathic medicine: the power to heal and cure cancer

There has never been a more important time for all systems of healing to integrate and bring their best practices to the forefront. Practitioners of allopathic medicine should be working directly with naturopaths to put patients first and get to the root causes of human suffering and disease. Good medicine should strive vigorously to do no harm to patients, while providing the knowledge and pathways for individuals to heal themselves. Healthcare should empower patients with strong mindset, not fear of disease. The system should work to prevent health problems before they arise, instead of trying to capitalize on managing and creating new problems. The system should respond with precision when intervention is only absolutely necessary.

A passionate doctor named Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD has outlined key principles for the integration of Natural Allopathic Medicine. Dr. Sircus puts forth a new path to incorporate the best natural, preventative approaches to healing to increase individuals’ power to heal and cure cancer.

Integrating the best of all systems of healing for patient and caregiver empowerment

Today’s allopathic system oftentimes seems like a cult, heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Allegiant to synthetic drugs and standard procedures, MD’s often shun anything that’s natural. Likewise, natural-minded cults tend to shun any medicine put together by chemists, even though intervention is sometimes needed in emergency situations.

In today’s Western allopathic system, the method of treatment is a top-down standard and doesn’t always consider a patient’s individual circumstances, toxicity, and deficiency. Faith is put in diagnoses labels and chemical treatments that wreck the body with new side effects. With the rising popularity of osteopathic medicine, there is greater emphasis on treating the individual, mind, body, and spirit. Nutritionists are becoming more important, for they provide the best knowledge for personal prevention of illness and chronic disease. Herbalists know how to prepare the best plant-based medicinal extracts to empower self healing in the body. Metaphysical healers work with the patient’s mindset, thoughts, and beliefs; likewise in homeopathic medicine, the placebo effect is real and powerful. Naturopaths are skilled at integrating therapeutic natural medicines and detoxification protocols that are safer and less invasive, like intravenous vitamin C therapy. Indigenous healing is keen on identifying underlying spiritual and emotional causes of disease. Physical trainers work directly with the kinesiology of the body. Chiropractors are knowledgeable of adjustments to the spine for proper alignment of the body. Chinese medicine is aware of the body’s energy systems and capable of adapting treatments to maximize the body’s own healing.

Integration and greater understanding of these systems is essential for the future of healthcare. The food system and food policy are equally important. Also, clean air, water, and soil are more important than economic success.

New book lays out principles for integration of non-invasive, natural approaches to allopathic standards of medicine

In Dr. Sircus’s new book, he seeks to “increase the healing power of doctors and other health care practitioners as well as give power to the patients themselves.” This book could help open the eyes of those who are closed off from the wisdom of competing medical paradigms. There are many lower cost strategies that work and less invasive treatments for treating cancer that activate the individuals own immune system. There are plant-based extracts that are safer and less expensive than synthetic drugs. The inclusion of midwives in childbirth leads to more natural deliveries and less surgical intervention.

Dr. Sircus delves into various topics that could revolutionize care, including self confrontation, mindset, breathing techniques, and fasting. He explores less invasive ways on how to starve cancer cells and how to maximize mitochondrial energy production. He writes about pH and baking soda and various eating protocols that help the body eliminate wastes more effectively and utilize nutrients. He talks about the importance of clean water and the additives in water that are inflicting harm on cellular processes. He informs on the importance of antioxidants found in plants and the therapeutic effect of minerals such as selenium, magnesium and iodine.

Dr. Sircus’s book, Principles and Practices of Natural Allopathic Medicine is the foundation for a new, more self empowering healthcare system, one that is inclusive, preventative and truly puts the patient first.
