
Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar: Powerful natural mixture against indigestion, obesity

Science is supposedly looking for miracle cures for all sorts of ailments, yet nature consistently provides the most powerful remedies anywhere on the planet. These solutions are also typically far safer and cost pennies on the dollar compared to steep costs for conventional medical treatments. Better yet, these down-to-earth treatments are usually simple and accessible to all people. The mixture of garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar is certainly no exception to those principles. It is a powerful remedy that you can make in the comfort of your own home with ingredients you probably keep on hand.

Benefits of this naturally healthy remedy

The combination of the three ingredients yields specific advantages to anyone who mixes then drinks them. It can help to prevent and treat gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, and it has also been shown to ward off weight issues like obesity. With the obesity rate climbing ever higher, having people take a few minutes to prepare this drink can certainly provide a solution to a growing problem.

Taking a look at the benefits of the three individual ingredients gives some clues as to what makes them so powerful when combined:

  • Garlic is high in allicin, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. It offers a world of miraculous benefits, and when taken internally, it can be helpful for treating all sorts of infections.
  • Honey contains high levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and it’s an excellent antiseptic.
  • Apple cider vinegar may provide the secret sauce in the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar combination because of the sour-tasting liquid’s anti-obesity and indigestion-fighting properties.

You can imagine what a powerhouse you are creating when you combine the three items, in light of their individual properties and benefits even when used alone. (RELATED: Learn more news about the healing power of superfoods at

How to make this powerful mixture

Preparing for yourself a healthy drink of these three wonderful ingredients could not be easier or quicker. Simply measure out one cup of apple cider vinegar, one cup of honey and ten cloves of freshly minced garlic. Thoroughly combine the ingredients in a blender, and pour the mixture into a glass jar. Refrigerate that. Take two tablespoons of the mixture each day in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. The mixture keeps for five days, and after that it will not provide the same powerful benefits. If you would like to improve the flavor some, add a small amount of water or organic juice such as apple juice.

Tips for maximum effectiveness

To get the most healing power out of the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar mixture, make sure you follow certain rules. First, preferably use only organic ingredients. Also, garlic should be as fresh as possible or even grown in your own garden. Avoid using garlic that feels spongy or has dried out. Honey needs to be raw and preferably local, and avoid at all costs the “fake” honey that has become more prevalent in recent years. It is a “mystery” concoction of additives masquerading as a healthy food. Use raw apple cider vinegar that contains particles, also known as the “mother,” that settle to the bottom of the bottle. Before pouring out some vinegar, shake the capped bottle vigorously to thoroughly mix the particles in with the liquid.

Additional benefits include reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, cancer treatment and diabetes improvement. What if one of the cures for those dreaded ailments is right in your kitchen? So cheers to your health, and enjoy the rewards that come from setting aside a few minutes daily to take care of yourself by drinking this remedy.

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vitamin c

Researchers found that using vitamin C correctly in high doses kills cancer cells

One of the greatest controversies in oncology may have been resolved: Researchers may have discovered the reason that research into the effectiveness of high-dose vitamin C as a cancer treatment has been so mixed.

When taken orally, massive quantities of vitamin C are either broken down or excreted unused by the body. In contrast, intravenous administration of vitamin C produces blood levels 100 to 500 times higher than oral administration.

This could explain why many clinical trials on vitamin C and cancer — most of which have used oral administration — failed to support the results seen in laboratory studies using cancer cells.

Surprisingly, the most recent study on the topic from researchers at the University of Iowa (UI), published in the journal Redox Biology, suggests that vitamin C’s cancer-fighting potential might come not from its antioxidant capabilities, as previously assumed. On the contrary, vitamin C appears to generate free radicals that tear apart cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. (RELATED: Learn more about the benefits of nutritional supplements at

Targeting a weakness of cancer cells

In prior research, the same scientists found that high-dose vitamin C selectively killed cancer cells in the laboratory, and had the same effect in mice … if the vitamin C was administered intravenously. In the new study, researchers sought to discover the causes behind this effect.

They found that in the body, vitamin C quickly breaks down, generating the free radical hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct. This is a paradoxical effect, because free radicals are the very cell- and DNA-damaging chemicals that antioxidants such as vitamin C remove from the body.

But the researchers further found that healthy cells seemed to have defensive mechanisms that easily allowed them to resist the oxidizing effects of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide is, in fact, used as a defense mechanism by the body’s own immune system). Tumor cells, however, were much more likely to be damaged and destroyed by the chemical.

“In this paper we demonstrate that cancer cells are much less efficient in removing hydrogen peroxide than normal cells. Thus, cancer cells are much more prone to damage and death from a high amount of hydrogen peroxide,” lead researcher Garry Buettner said.

“This explains how the very, very high levels of vitamin C used in our clinical trials do not affect normal tissue, but can be damaging to tumor tissue.”

Treatment on the horizon?

The researchers found that healthy cells use various mechanisms to remove hydrogen peroxide, and that one of the primary mechanisms is the enzyme catalase. They found that the lower cells’ catalase activity, the more damage they suffered from hydrogen peroxide exposure.

“Our results suggest that cancers with low levels of catalase are likely to be the most responsive to high-dose vitamin C therapy, whereas cancers with relatively high levels of catalase may be the least responsive,” Buettner said.

The researchers are planning future research to develop ways to measure tumors’ catalase levels and test this hypothesis further.

UI researchers also conducted clinical trials using intravenous, high-dose vitamin C in patients with pancreatic and lung cancer. Earlier, smaller trials suggested that this treatment had limited side effects and might improve patient outcomes. The larger study hopes to establish whether vitamin C, in conjunction with other cancer treatments, actually boosts patient survival. (RELATED: Discover more medical breakthroughs news at

Research continues to uncover new and surprising mechanisms by which vitamin C attacks cancer cells. A 2007 study by researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that many tumor cells rely on a protein known as HIF-1 for their survival, which allows them to continue growing in the absence of oxygen — which cancer cells tend to use up through their out-of-control reproduction. But HIF-1 only functions in high concentrations of free radicals, which vitamin C removes.

A 2015 study published in the journal Science found that in colorectal cancer cells with particular cell growth-related mutations, vitamin C induces oxidative stress and shuts down an enzyme that the cells use for reproduction. This finding was particularly promising, since cancer cells with this mutation are almost entirely immune to chemotherapy.

Editor’s note: We strongly recommend sourcing non-GMO vitamin C where possible. Most vitamin C is currently made from GMO corn. Very few providers currently offer non-GMO vitamin C.


Credit: Pixabay

Full-fat cream and cheese found to actually reduce risk of heart disease, study finds

Health and nutrition information we receive from the mainstream media often turns out to be incorrect, to such an extent that even to regular readers of Natural News, it’s really hard to know what to believe. One of the most pervasive and flawed paradigms in the field of nutrition is that saturated fats are unhealthful to consume. Yet dietitians, nutritionists, and the medical establishment still insist on the veracity of this now widely disproved nutritional dogma. As reported by Healthy Hubb:

“A recent study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has found that the fat in butter, cream, and cheese can benefit your health, despite what has been taught for decades about the artery clogging and premature death that it can cause. New evidence shows that a diet including full-fat instead of fat-free or low-fat dairy products actually protects you from cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer, which are the leading causes of death in the world.” Healthy Hubb continues,

“Researchers found that decreasing carbohydrate portions and increasing the intake of saturated fats, which are found mainly in full-fat dairy, meat, and tropical oils, resulted in weight loss in middle-aged overweight men, which resulted in better overall health. Participants in the study who were not categorized as overweight were found to benefit from more balanced blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure on the same eating plan, which disproves any previous theories about saturated fat being bad for your health. In fact, experts say that we need to monitor carbohydrate intake instead, which can cause blood sugar spikes and upset insulin levels, which risks the development of Type 2 diabetes.”

In Healthy Hubb’s article, a heart specialist from the University of Ireland, Professor Sherif Sultan, notes:

  • Current dietary guidelines are outmoded and desperately need to be revised.
  • Despite decades-old recommendations, high carbohydrate diets should be avoided.
  • Diets consisting largely of foods high in good quality fats are the healthiest.
  • this essential changeover will stem the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and weight-related heart problems.

The heart of the matter
How did we come to believe that animal fats are bad for us? The indoctrination of fraudulent science began decades ago, and were perpetrated by physiologist Ancel Keys in the 1950’s. He cherry-picked data to skew the results of his study, and TIME magazine ran a cover story to perpetuate the disinformation. Many studies since have countered the false data and we can only ask, how many have suffered and died by following this bad advice?

The wrong fats were demonized
We now know that the high Omega-6 vegetable oils cause inflammation and illness, margarine and vegetable shortening are comprised of deadly trans fats, and the fats we were told were bad for us, the saturated fats, are actually healthy. Many of us have been dutifully avoiding the foods we love, bacon, sausages, steak, cream, butter, and whole milk, and have been purchasing the supposed healthy alternatives that the packaged food manufacturers have been peddling — the sugar-laden, low-fat foods from a box. Could anything be more perverse than this travesty?



A handful of nuts a day could slash the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity and more by up to 30%

(NaturalNews) Eating just a handful of nuts daily can cut your risk of cancer and heart disease by as much as 30 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and published in the journal BMC Medicine.

The maximum benefit came from eating just a single ounce (20 g) per day. The risk of diabetes, respiratory disease and premature death was also decreased.

“We found a consistent reduction in risk across many different diseases, which is a strong indication there is a real underlying relationship between nut consumption and different health outcomes,” said co-author Dagfinn Aune. “It’s quite a substantial effect for such a small amount of food.”

You don’t have to eat very much

The researchers analyzed the results of 29 prior, worldwide studies conducted on a total of 819,000 participants. They found that people who ate an ounce of nuts daily had a 15 percent lower risk of cancer, a 22 percent lower risk of premature death and a 30 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease.

The benefits for other diseases were even greater, though not as statistically robust. Nuts cut the risk of diabetes by almost 40 percent, and the risk of respiratory disease by 50 percent.

“In nutritional studies so far much of the research has been on the big killers such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, but now we’re starting to see data for other diseases,” Aune said.

Little or no health benefits were seen from eating more than an ounce per day.

A growing body of research points to a wide range of health benefits from nuts, which are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. They are also a key component of the Mediterranean diet, which has been linked to a wide range of benefits against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and dementia.

“Some nuts, particularly walnuts and pecan nuts, are also high in antioxidants which can fight oxidative stress and possibly reduce cancer risk,” Aune said. “Even though nuts are quite high in fat they are also high in fibre and protein and there is some evidence that suggests nuts might actually reduce your risk of obesity over time.”

Even eating nuts three times a week provides big benefits

Nuts have been called a superfood, and some experts are even calling for doctors to start prescribing them, and for their cost to be covered by health insurance.

“This analysis adds further value to scores of clinical studies that reveal the positive health impact of regular nut consumption,” said British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, who was not involved in the study. “Their mechanism of benefit appears to be through anti-inflammatory properties. It’s time doctors started prescribing nuts to patients which will not only help prevent heart attacks and deaths within a short space of time but combined with other lifestyle interventions would save the NHS billions.”

Nearly all research into the benefits of nuts has been conducted on adults. But at least one study, released in 2015, found that nuts provide important protective benefits for adolescents, as well. That study found that adolescents who ate just 12.9 grams per day cut their risk of metabolic syndrome by more than 50 percent. The benefits increased as the teenagers ate more nuts, then dropped off if they consumed more than 50 grams (1.8 ounces) per day.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes. One in nine U.S. teenagers now suffers from the condition.

A 2013 study found that people who ate just three 28 gram servings of nuts per week had a 39 percent lower risk of death from all causes, a 40 percent lower risk of cancer and a 55 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sources for this article include:

cancer guy

Top 7 causes of cancer and smart alternatives for prevention and healing

If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin to “do the trick” every time, for weeks, months and even years? Wouldn’t you expect that you would get such a horrible infection that you might lose your foot, your leg or even your life? That’s exactly what people do with toxic junk food – they eat it at every meal, every day for years, and then take antacids, IBS medicine, aspirin, ibuprofen, diet pills and prescription medicines for everything from inflammation to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia … you name it.

Then, after years of abuse, these same people think that some oncologist is just going to magically cut out the damage, the polyp or the tumor, and they’ll be just fine. It rarely ever works out. Why? Cancer is the uncontrolled multiplication of mutated cells that thrive off chemicals, and the more toxic food you eat, the worse it gets. It’s like walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells for years and expecting the doctors to just patch you up and send you home. Well, you can forget about it. You need drastic, major lifestyle changes to prevent and/or beat cancer. Sounds difficult, but if you know what to cut out first, it’s actually pretty easy. Here we go.

These top seven causes of cancer are some of the most popular foods, beverages and even medicines known to Americans. Doctors, dentists and dermatologists refrain from telling their patients the truth, or they may lose all their “clients for life.” Many doctors don’t even know what to tell their patients, because there is zero nutrition education in medical school in America. It’s true. Let’s take a look at the major cancer culprits “cutting up” your health daily.

Top seven causes of cancer, and great alternatives for prevention and healing

#1. Fluoridated water: Want some insecticide in your tap water? You’re in luck! It’s already in there. Municipal tap water often contains toxic sodium fluoride imported from China. It causes cancer, brittle bones and a lowered IQ. The solution? Get a Big Berkey water filtration system for your home. It’s the best filter on the planet, and even removes other people’s medications, heavy metal toxins, bleach, artificial sweeteners and more.

#2. Artificial sweeteners: They should be called the sweet devils, because aspartame, sorbitol and sucralose trick your body into thinking it’s getting something sweet, increasing cravings for sugar and carbs and contributing to weight gain. And, because they’re synthetic and carcinogenic, they warp your cells and lead to cancer of the breasts, prostate, bladder and more. Look into safe alternatives like stevia or xylitol, or just moderate your sugar intake using organic sugar in the raw, or better yet, organic honey.

#3. Nitrites and nitrates in meat: Meat spoils easily, so manufacturers use extra strong preservatives – highly concentrated salts – to preserve them. This goes for nearly all deli meat, barbecued meat, spicy meat, hot dogs, most Chinese food, jerky treats, sausages, and of course, meat in soups. Watch out for monosodium glutamate (MSG), a genetically modified preservative used to add flavoring back into meat products that have been processed with ammonia and bleach to kill the E.coli and salmonella. These salts cause migraines, severe dehydration, and yes, cancer. Want safe alternatives? Use organic sea salt, organic garlic salt and organic jalapeño peppers.

#4. Vaccines: Contained in the infamous polio vaccine were nearly 100 million doses of SV40 – a cancer-causing virus that is now believed to be responsible for causing millions of cancer cases in America, according to the CDC. The information was posted on an official CDC fact sheet entitled Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40) and Polio Vaccine. Though the CDC removed it from their site, archived the damning page before the CDC pulled it. Check it out yourself here.

#5. Chemotherapy: Most MDs and oncologists would never take chemotherapy themselves or recommend it for their relatives, knowing as do that it only has a 3 percent chance of success and totally wipes out the human immune system, while flooding the whole body with chemicals that cause new cancers to develop. Look into medicinal mushrooms and alkalizing the body to naturally beat cancer.

#6. Pharmaceuticals (prescription medications): The number one cause of cancer is consuming chemicals, so why would you ever take prescription medications that are all made in laboratories using chemicals?

#7. Conventional gluten: Also known as “food glue,” most gluten is processed with bleach and toxic dough conditioners, and it all sticks in your digestive tract for days, rotting everything that comes in behind it and fueling chronic inflammation, IBS, dehydration, polyps, and eventually, cancer.

Sources for this article include:


Lingzhi mushrooms combat aging, disease and even cancer

The Lingzhi mushroom, also known as Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi, has been used for ages in traditional Asian medicine to treat a host of health conditions and promote longevity. Often referred to as the “king of mushrooms,” this edible medicinal fungus is well known to boost anti-inflammatory properties, immune function, liver health and mental clarity.

Unlike other edible mushrooms, Lingzhi mushrooms consist of many important compounds, such as triterpenes, which give them their unique bitter flavor. As well as being bitter, Lingzhi mushrooms have a tough, woody texture; for this reason, they are used rather for their medicinal properties than for their nutritional value.

Lingzhi’s magic powers

According to Paul Stamets, author of Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms and educator of mushroom cultivators worldwide, Lingzhi mushrooms have a remarkable diversity of genes coding for cytochrome P450 enzymes. These enzymes not only play a crucial role in digestion, but they also help to break down toxins, fight cancer-causing free radicals and increase the liver’s metabolic efficiency.

The largest group of health-promoting compounds found thus far in Lingzhi mushrooms are terpenes. Terpenes are a class of volatile plant chemicals, or essential oils, that give pine trees, cloves, cinnamon and other plants their beautiful, healing fragrance.

As reported by the website Dr. Sircus, terpenes are considered the strongest anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor compounds found in nature. In less than 20 minutes after ingestion, high quantities of triterpenes are detected in the blood plasma. Besides their immediate effects, terpenes also have the ability to dissolve, dissipate and decompose cellular matter.

Furthermore, an article published in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapies, reported that powdered Lingzhi mushrooms clearly demonstrated anticancer activity. They concluded that the mushroom has a possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement in alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancers.

Additionally, regular consumption of Lingzhi mushrooms can boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. They are considered adaptogens, meaning they alter body conditions to stabilize cellular and psychological homeostasis or internal balance. They are often used in the treatment of anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, hepatitis and insomnia.

How to use Lingzhi mushrooms

In ancient holistic medicine practices, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the full-grown mushroom was dried, cut into slices and then boiled in hot water and steeped to make a healing tea or soup. These days, however, you are more likely to find them in the form of a tincture, supplement or powder.

As reported by the website Dr. Axe, Lingzhi mushrooms are most useful if you take them in the morning on an empty stomach. Furthermore, pairing them with water and vitamin C improves the absorption of the healing compounds, including several types of antioxidants.

Reishi or Lingzhi mushroom extracts, capsules or powders are widely available in health food stores or online. However, when purchasing any of these products make sure to opt for the ones that are certified pure and produced in Asian countries, preferably Japan. Japanese Reishi products are usually the most genuine and cultivated in a way that preserves the most delicate compounds.

Lingzhi mushrooms are generally well-tolerated and safe for most people. However, if you notice any side-effects such as digestive issues or skin rashes, stop using them and visit your healthcare provider.
