cancer cells

Researchers: Fasting can kill cancer cells in common childhood leukemia

Specific cancer cells from childhood leukemia regress when intermittent fasting is applied. That’s what researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center found out after testing their theory in laboratory mice. The most effective fasting method included six cycles of one day fasting, followed by one day of feeding.

The finding sheds new light on the health benefits of intermittent fasting, especially for healing type-dependent blood cancers. The same intermittent fasting strategy wasn’t effective for a type of blood cancer found in adults, myeloid leukemia (AML), but it profoundly halted and reversed the progression of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), sub-type B-cell and sub-type T-cell. (RELATED: Follow more medical discoveries at

Dr. Chengcheng “Alec” Zhang, Associate Professor of Physiology at UT Southwestern and senior author of the study also said that they identified the mechanism that is responsible for the differing response during fasting.

Intermittent fasting shows potential for reversing childhood leukemia

In the study, the researchers tracked the cancer cells using green and yellow florescent proteins. They applied various fasting techniques and watched if the protein levels rose or fell in response to the fasting.

“Strikingly, we found that in models of ALL, a regimen consisting of six cycles of one day of fasting followed by one day of feeding completely inhibited cancer development,” said Zhang. After seven weeks the researchers couldn’t find any cancer cells in the mice that were put on that fasting regime. In mice that hadn’t fasted, 68 percent of cancer cells were still proliferating in the test areas. The areas of the body that saw the greatest reduction was in the bone marrow and the spleen, a blood filtering organ.

“In addition, following the fasting treatment, the spleens and lymph nodes in the fasted ALL model mice were similar in size to those in normal mice. Although initially cancerous, the few fluorescent cells that remained in the fasted mice after seven weeks appeared to behave like normal cells,” he said.

Fasting improved the longevity of mice as well. The mice that ate normal, steady diets perished within 59 days. 75 percent of mice on the fasting protocol lived longer than 120 days and the leukemia didn’t return in any of the cases.

Fasting stops leukemia cancer cells, signaled through the leptin pathway

Fasting works through a mechanism called leptin, which is a cell signaling molecule created by fat tissue. Leptin levels fall during periods of intermittent fasting. The researchers in this study observed not only this but also leptin levels falling in bone marrow. Repeated cycles of fasting made the effects stronger. “After fasting, the rate at which the leptin levels recovered seemed to correspond to the rate at which the cancerous ALL cells were cleared from the blood,” Zhang said.

“It will be important to determine whether ALL cells can become resistant to the effects of fasting,” he said. “It also will be interesting to investigate whether we can find alternative ways that mimic fasting to block ALL development.”

The difference between the two leukemia types stems from the difference between bone marrow derived blood cells. AML, more common in adults, targets white blood cells such as macrophages and granulocytes. ALL affects the white blood cells of the B and T variety. In all cases of leukemia, the cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably and displace healthy blood cells over time. These rogue cancer cells will even penetrate into other tissues and cause other health problems.

Since this fasting technique is noninvasive and uses no drugs, the researchers look forward to moving forward with human clinical trials to more quickly end the suffering, anemia, and reoccurring infections that come with these sub-types of childhood leukemia.

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Natural Allopathic medicine: the power to heal and cure cancer

There has never been a more important time for all systems of healing to integrate and bring their best practices to the forefront. Practitioners of allopathic medicine should be working directly with naturopaths to put patients first and get to the root causes of human suffering and disease. Good medicine should strive vigorously to do no harm to patients, while providing the knowledge and pathways for individuals to heal themselves. Healthcare should empower patients with strong mindset, not fear of disease. The system should work to prevent health problems before they arise, instead of trying to capitalize on managing and creating new problems. The system should respond with precision when intervention is only absolutely necessary.

A passionate doctor named Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD has outlined key principles for the integration of Natural Allopathic Medicine. Dr. Sircus puts forth a new path to incorporate the best natural, preventative approaches to healing to increase individuals’ power to heal and cure cancer.

Integrating the best of all systems of healing for patient and caregiver empowerment

Today’s allopathic system oftentimes seems like a cult, heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Allegiant to synthetic drugs and standard procedures, MD’s often shun anything that’s natural. Likewise, natural-minded cults tend to shun any medicine put together by chemists, even though intervention is sometimes needed in emergency situations.

In today’s Western allopathic system, the method of treatment is a top-down standard and doesn’t always consider a patient’s individual circumstances, toxicity, and deficiency. Faith is put in diagnoses labels and chemical treatments that wreck the body with new side effects. With the rising popularity of osteopathic medicine, there is greater emphasis on treating the individual, mind, body, and spirit. Nutritionists are becoming more important, for they provide the best knowledge for personal prevention of illness and chronic disease. Herbalists know how to prepare the best plant-based medicinal extracts to empower self healing in the body. Metaphysical healers work with the patient’s mindset, thoughts, and beliefs; likewise in homeopathic medicine, the placebo effect is real and powerful. Naturopaths are skilled at integrating therapeutic natural medicines and detoxification protocols that are safer and less invasive, like intravenous vitamin C therapy. Indigenous healing is keen on identifying underlying spiritual and emotional causes of disease. Physical trainers work directly with the kinesiology of the body. Chiropractors are knowledgeable of adjustments to the spine for proper alignment of the body. Chinese medicine is aware of the body’s energy systems and capable of adapting treatments to maximize the body’s own healing.

Integration and greater understanding of these systems is essential for the future of healthcare. The food system and food policy are equally important. Also, clean air, water, and soil are more important than economic success.

New book lays out principles for integration of non-invasive, natural approaches to allopathic standards of medicine

In Dr. Sircus’s new book, he seeks to “increase the healing power of doctors and other health care practitioners as well as give power to the patients themselves.” This book could help open the eyes of those who are closed off from the wisdom of competing medical paradigms. There are many lower cost strategies that work and less invasive treatments for treating cancer that activate the individuals own immune system. There are plant-based extracts that are safer and less expensive than synthetic drugs. The inclusion of midwives in childbirth leads to more natural deliveries and less surgical intervention.

Dr. Sircus delves into various topics that could revolutionize care, including self confrontation, mindset, breathing techniques, and fasting. He explores less invasive ways on how to starve cancer cells and how to maximize mitochondrial energy production. He writes about pH and baking soda and various eating protocols that help the body eliminate wastes more effectively and utilize nutrients. He talks about the importance of clean water and the additives in water that are inflicting harm on cellular processes. He informs on the importance of antioxidants found in plants and the therapeutic effect of minerals such as selenium, magnesium and iodine.

Dr. Sircus’s book, Principles and Practices of Natural Allopathic Medicine is the foundation for a new, more self empowering healthcare system, one that is inclusive, preventative and truly puts the patient first.
