Study confirms the healing potential of black cumin for asthmatic patients

Research suggests that black cumin, also known as Nigella sativa, can help people with asthma. The study, which was published in the journal Annals of Saudi Medicine, revealed that supplementing with black cumin, in addition to regular maintenance inhaler therapy, can improve respiratory function and inflammation in people with asthma. This finding suggests the healing potential of black cumin against asthma.

Asthma is an incurable lung condition characterized by inflamed lungs and narrowed airways. It causes recurring periods of wheezing, or a whistling sound when breathing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. This condition is caused by chronic inflammation in the lungs.

In the study, a team of researchers at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, formerly known as the University of Dammam, in Dammam, Saudi Arabia examined the effect of black cumin supplementation on inflammation of the airways and restriction of airflow in people with asthma.

Seventy-six people with asthma participated in the study. They were randomly divided into three groups: one control group and two treatment groups. Participants in the control group received the placebo, while those in the treatment groups received either one or two grams (g) of black cumin. The participants consumed their designated supplement once a day for three months. At the same time, they continued their regular maintenance inhaler therapy. On the sixth week and 12th week, the research team evaluated the participants’ symptoms of asthma.

The team found that those who received either dose of black cumin supplements experienced an improvement in their lung function and a reduction in lung inflammation. Black cumin was also proven safe as it did not cause any adverse effects, unlike pharmaceutical drugs for asthma, which cause many serious side effects. (Related: Asthma medications so ineffective that serious attacks require QUADRUPLE dose, according to study.)

With these findings, the researchers concluded that black cumin supplementation, together with regular maintenance inhaler therapy, can improve the symptoms of asthma.

Natural remedies for asthma attacks

Asthma attacks may be minor at first but can become very serious. Fortunately, you can treat asthma symptoms quickly at home to prevent them from escalating. Listed below are remedies effective for asthma during an emergency.

  • Apply mustard oil: Mustard oil, which is the fatty oil containing isothiocyanates from pressed mustard seeds, is a great asthma emergency relief. It provides relief from an asthma attack and opens airways, enhancing lung function. To use, mix the oil with salt and massage it into your chest several times daily until symptoms subside.
  • Drink a caffeinated drink: Drinking caffeinated tea, such as black tea and green tea, and coffee can provide asthma relief. The caffeine in these drinks works like theophylline, a popular asthma drug that opens up the airways. Caffeine can enhance breathing function in people with asthma for up to four hours. For faster relief, drink the tea or coffee warm.
  • Sit properly: Proper posture will help relieve asthma attacks. If you sit straight upright, your airways will open up, letting you breathe more efficiently. You can use a chair or sit in a place that has a back you can lean against.
  • Take slow, deep breaths: While taking slow, deep breaths is extremely challenging during an asthma attack, it provides many benefits. It helps you prevent from hyperventilating, which can make your breathing worse and lead to less oxygen intake. It also helps you remain calm, stimulating a relaxing response and preventing your chest from tightening up.
  • Try eucalyptus essential oil: For thousands of years, eucalyptus essential oil has been used to treat various health conditions, including breathing problems like asthma or bronchitis. You can use it as an asthma remedy in several ways. If you have an oil diffuser, put a few drops into an oil diffuser and go near it and take deep breaths. You can also boil a cup of water and add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to it, breathing the vapor in slowly, if you don’t have an oil diffuser.

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