Shield yourself against everyday sicknesses with this essential oil protective and immunity blend

Essential oil blends are often used to prevent and treat illnesses, such as colds and flu. They make for a convenient natural remedy you can easily carry around in a small bottle. Why not give yourself an added layer of protection against everyday sicknesses by making your own essential oil protective and immunity blend?

Ingredients for DIY essential oil protective and immunity blend

Essential oils are concentrated extracts that are derived from a wide variety of plants, each with its own unique scent, characteristics, and healing properties. To make your own DIY essential oil protective and immunity blend, you will need these different types of essential oils:

  • Clove bud oil. This essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering buds of the clove tree. Its aroma is strong, warm and spicy, allowing it to perfectly complement other spicy essential oils, such as cinnamon bark. Clove bud oil is beneficial for use in blends meant to relieve pain. However, it is very potent and can be irritating to the skin, so it must be used sparingly in blends.
  • Cinnamon bark oil. Steam distilled from the bark of the cinnamon tree, this essential oil is often considered to be warming, stimulating and energizing. It also has a far richer aroma than ground cinnamon. It best complements essential oils in the wood, spice, citrus, and mint families. Use extreme caution if you plan to apply this oil directly on your skin.
  • Lemon oil. Lemon oil has antibacterial properties and is commonly used in disinfectants. If your lymph nodes feel swollen, you can rub a little lemon oil with some carrier oil around your lymph nodes to help them drain. You can also use it to make a DIY air freshener to help boost your energy levels.
  • Eucalyptus oil. This essential oil can be commonly found in cough drops and ointments due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. You can use it in a steam inhalation remedy to stimulate your immune system and treat sinus infections.
  • Rosemary oil. Since it does not contain fat, rosemary essential oil is not considered a true oil. Some of the health benefits this oil can provide include improving brain function, increasing circulation, reducing joint inflammation, and easing stress.

Once you have all of these essential oils, you can make your own DIY essential oil protective and immunity blend by mixing together 25 drops of clove bud oil, 15 drops of cinnamon bark oil, 20 drops of lemon oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus oil, and 10 drops of rosemary oil in an empty glass bottle. This should provide five mL (milliliters) of the blend. You can easily double or triple this amount if you want, following the recipe.

How to use the essential oil blend

Essential oil blends are highly versatile and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Here are some ways you can use your essential oil blend:

  • In an oil diffuser. Simply add six to eight drops of the oil blend to an oil diffuser to give your home a refreshing and energizing aroma.
  • As a hand sanitizer. Protect yourself from pathogens and harmful bacteria by using your essential oil blend as a hand sanitizer. If you want some additional antibacterial protection, you can add a few drops of oregano oil and some witch hazel. (Related: How to use essential oils to increase your odds of survival in almost any situation.)
  • As a protective salve. Add around 30 drops of the protective oil blend to a one-ounce jar of healing salve. Rub the salve on the bottom of your feet every morning and night to help protect you from illness.
  • As a foaming soap. Simply add 12 drops of the oil blend to two ounces of castile soap and 10 ounces of water to create your own non-toxic foaming soap. Pour the mixture into a soap dispenser and use whenever you wash your hands.

If you want to learn more about essential oils, you can find more articles at

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