Natural ways to relieve back pain

If you’re seeking relief from chronic back pain, consider natural remedies instead of prescription medication, which are often linked to negative side effects.

Below are seven such remedies for back pain.

  1. Change your sleep position. If you have trouble sleeping because of back pain, try different sleep positions. Sleep in a reclining position or use wedge-shaped cushions to minimize stress on your lower back. If sleeping in a reclining position is too uncomfortable, consider buying an adjustable bed. Rent one from a medical supply company to see if it can help your condition before you commit to a purchase.
  2. Get regular massages. A massage can help promote circulation, relax the muscles, and relieve stress. Getting a massage can also boost endorphins, the pain relievers naturally produced by the body. If you’re too busy to book a massage session, look for massage therapists that offer home services. According to research, massages can effectively reduce back pain. (Related: Non-invasive treatment for low back pain: Controlled “core muscle release technique” provides effective relief.)
  3. Sign up for laughter yoga sessions. Sign up for laughter yoga programs that are designed to help individuals manage pain by encouraging laughter. Laughter is good for your emotional health, but it also offers other benefits. Laughter yoga can increase oxygen intake, reduce stress, and it can promote the production of endorphins. These benefits can all help reduce pain naturally. Laughter yoga sessions include deep breathing exercises and “laughter exercises,” which can be a fun alternative to the other options in this list.
  4. Swim, or sign up for water exercise classes. Water is buoyant, which is perfect for chronic back pain sufferers. Floating in a pool lets you enjoy the benefits of exercise with less pain. If you want to swim in warmer pools, consider water exercise classes or hydrotherapy pools. Water therapy exercises often take place in water that is about 83 degrees to 88 degrees. Meanwhile, hydrotherapy pool temperatures are warmer than 90 degrees.
  5. Take a long, hot bath. Hot baths are more than just a relaxing way to end a tiring day. A hot bath can help ease various aches in the body, especially if you suffer from back pain. If you have a hard time falling asleep after you take a long bath, take one at least two or three hours before you go to bed. Use a bath cushion while you’re soaking in the tub to maximize the relaxation and to provide back support.
  6. Talk to other people with chronic back pain. Once you find a method that works, share it with other people who might benefit from your discovery. You can write about it in a blog or talk to a friend who also has chronic back pain.
  7. Use heating pads. If you suffer from intense back pain the minute you wake up, put a heating pad under the painful part of your back before you get out of bed. The pad will warm up your muscles and this will help prevent muscle spasms when you move, relieve morning stiffness, and promote blood flow to the area.

Can hobbies ease back pain?

Relief from back pain can also come in the form of your favorite hobbies. Ongoing pain can affect your quality of life; taking part in activities that make you feel happy can help relieve back pain. Try doing three activities that make you smile, like reading your favorite book, drinking a warm cup of tea, or walking your dog to make your back pain easier to bear.

You may need to experiment before you finally discover a remedy that can effectively relieve your back pain, so try these natural cures until you find one that works best for you.

Find more natural ways to relieve back pain at

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