The hunt to eradicate safe and effective medication: Homeopathy in the cross hairs

Many of us have trouble trusting the FDA, given their horrible track record when it comes to protecting Americans’ health and safety, so we turn to homeopathic remedies instead. Unfortunately, this option could be about to become a lot more difficult as the FDA has announced a draft guidance for regulating homeopathic products. Is yet another freedom about to slip away?

In addition to repeatedly referring to homeopathy as “unproven” despite people benefiting from it for hundreds of years, the FDA mentions the claim by the FTC that “companies must have competent and reliable scientific evidence for health-related claims, including claims that a product can treat specific conditions.”

This would have the effect of giving homeopathic medicine the same status as pharmaceutical drugs and possibly subject them to their regulatory approval process, writes osteopathic doctor Larry Malerba on GreenMedInfo. Because homeopathic drugs do not have the huge profit margins that conventional drugs do, many would struggle to afford the approval process.

FDA claims to care about safety, but its actions indicate otherwise

It’s interesting that the FDA is suddenly so concerned about safety. After all, they don’t seem too bothered by the serious side effects caused by many of the most popular pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines on the market today, whether it’s the unconscionable suicide rate among those taking antidepressants or the scary side effects of statins. Then again, those drugs make millions upon millions of dollars for stakeholders. Need we say more?

People are growing increasingly disillusioned with the treatments provided by conventional medicine and the harm they cause, and it’s hard to blame them. That, of course, is why the FDA is acting now to eliminate the competition. They held a 2015 public hearing in which many homeopathic experts presented positive testimony regarding the efficacy and safety of homeopathic medicines. Yes, the FDA let them have their say, but it’s now apparent that they never really planned to take their voices into consideration.

Current flu epidemic a perfect example of FDA’s incompetency

How can the FDA claim to have people’s best interests at heart? There are lot of examples we could use, but one of the timelier ones is the flu. Right now, America is still experiencing a flu epidemic and record flu deaths despite widespread vaccination by FDA-approved flu shots. These mercury-containing vaccines have a lot of disturbing side effects like chest pain, dizziness, seizures, brain swelling, and facial paralysis. They actually weaken your immune system for years and make you more likely to get the strains not included in the vaccine. They’re apparently not very effective, either.

Do you know what can help with flu symptoms? Natural remedies like elderberries, African geraniums, and plenty of vitamin C. That’s why the FDA has been coming down hard on homeopathy, supplements, and herbal medicines in recent years on the pretense of helping people – the same people it doesn’t seem to care one bit about when it comes to cash-cow medicines that cause real harm.

By its very nature, homeopathy treats diseases using the smallest possible amounts of a particular active ingredient. Critics in the medical community like to claim that homeopathic treatments contain such small amounts of ingredients that they can’t possibly be effective and that any improvements noted by people must be attributed to a placebo effect.

If that is the case, then how are these impotent placebos capable of being so dangerous that the FDA needs to tighten regulations? The answer is that their danger lies not in their threat to human health but threats to Big Pharma profits.

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