The power of trace minerals: How tiny elements can do so much for the human body

Ask yourself this: Are you getting enough trace minerals? If the word “trace” didn’t precede “minerals”, then you might be more self-assured in your answer. But the word is there for a reason: trace minerals refer to vital minerals that are needed in small amounts. These elements are absolutely vital to the upkeep of our biological functions, yet we need less than 20 mg of these in a single day. That should speak volumes about the potency and significance of trace minerals. Anyone who wants to be at their healthiest needs to take in the following trace minerals on a daily basis:

  • Zinc (Zn): Zinc is considered the “champion” trace mineral. An absence of zinc results in a compromised immune system, stunted growth, insufficient liver function, and poor eyesight, among many other possible health issues. Zinc has been compared to an essential amino acid in terms of its nutrient value.
  • Manganese (Mn): As a nutrient essential to proper enzyme function, manganese performs a variety of roles for the human body. From nourishing skin and hair to facilitating calcium absorption and even helping with the breaking down of carbohydrates and dietary fats, this mineral assist many vital functions in the body.
  • Selenium (Se): The ideal partner of vitamin E. Together with selenium, these two nutrients work as antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage. Selenium accomplishes this by participating in glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme function that decreases peroxide concentrations in cells and subsequently blocks free radical production. What makes selenium unique among other trace minerals is how harmful it can become: too little selenium can cause muscle weakness and pain, while too much selenium can cause hair loss. Getting the right amount of selenium is the key to getting the most out of this trace mineral.

Knowing this, can you now answer the earlier question with more confidence? If you’re still unsure, then look into Health Ranger Select Concentrated Mineral Drops, which contain all the trace minerals mentioned here, as  well as other vital minerals like calcium and potassium. Taking these mineral drops while following a nutrient-dense and varied diet are reliable ways to give your body the minerals it needs.

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