Full-fat cream and cheese found to actually reduce risk of heart disease, study finds

Health and nutrition information we receive from the mainstream media often turns out to be incorrect, to such an extent that even to regular readers of Natural News, it’s really hard to know what to believe. One of the most pervasive and flawed paradigms in the field of nutrition is that saturated fats are unhealthful to consume. Yet dietitians, nutritionists, and the medical establishment still insist on the veracity of this now widely disproved nutritional dogma. As reported by Healthy Hubb:

“A recent study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has found that the fat in butter, cream, and cheese can benefit your health, despite what has been taught for decades about the artery clogging and premature death that it can cause. New evidence shows that a diet including full-fat instead of fat-free or low-fat dairy products actually protects you from cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer, which are the leading causes of death in the world.” Healthy Hubb continues,

“Researchers found that decreasing carbohydrate portions and increasing the intake of saturated fats, which are found mainly in full-fat dairy, meat, and tropical oils, resulted in weight loss in middle-aged overweight men, which resulted in better overall health. Participants in the study who were not categorized as overweight were found to benefit from more balanced blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure on the same eating plan, which disproves any previous theories about saturated fat being bad for your health. In fact, experts say that we need to monitor carbohydrate intake instead, which can cause blood sugar spikes and upset insulin levels, which risks the development of Type 2 diabetes.”

In Healthy Hubb’s article, a heart specialist from the University of Ireland, Professor Sherif Sultan, notes:

  • Current dietary guidelines are outmoded and desperately need to be revised.
  • Despite decades-old recommendations, high carbohydrate diets should be avoided.
  • Diets consisting largely of foods high in good quality fats are the healthiest.
  • this essential changeover will stem the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and weight-related heart problems.

The heart of the matter
How did we come to believe that animal fats are bad for us? The indoctrination of fraudulent science began decades ago, and were perpetrated by physiologist Ancel Keys in the 1950’s. He cherry-picked data to skew the results of his study, and TIME magazine ran a cover story to perpetuate the disinformation. Many studies since have countered the false data and we can only ask, how many have suffered and died by following this bad advice?

The wrong fats were demonized
We now know that the high Omega-6 vegetable oils cause inflammation and illness, margarine and vegetable shortening are comprised of deadly trans fats, and the fats we were told were bad for us, the saturated fats, are actually healthy. Many of us have been dutifully avoiding the foods we love, bacon, sausages, steak, cream, butter, and whole milk, and have been purchasing the supposed healthy alternatives that the packaged food manufacturers have been peddling — the sugar-laden, low-fat foods from a box. Could anything be more perverse than this travesty?




