
National Academy of Sciences: Marijuana can be used as a medicine

In one of the least surprising announcements of the year, the National Academy of Sciences has declared that marijuana can be used as a medicine in order to improve one’s health naturally. Despite the fact that anyone who has done any significant amount of research on the subject could have told you the same thing, racking up data from numerous reputable sources is always a good thing, as it eventually reaches the point where nobody can deny the truth any longer. Even the staunchest critics of marijuana will have to accept defeat at some point — and that is when true liberty will be achieved.

Marijuana advocates all over the world rejoiced at the news, and for good reason, since it is yet another piece of scientific evidence that helps prove to naysayers that cannabis has considerable health benefits. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano stated, “The National Academy of Science’s conclusions that marijuana possesses established therapeutic utility for certain patients and that it possesses an acceptable safety profile when compared to those of other medications or recreational intoxicants are not surprising. This evidence has been available for some time, yet for decades marijuana policy in this country has largely been driven by rhetoric and emotion, not science and evidence.”

It continues to become more and more obvious that the only reason that cannabis hasn’t been legalized from coast to coast, all across the United States, is because the powers that be are benefiting heavily from the pharmaceutical drugs that are being peddled in its place. Should cannabis be legalized, Big Pharma will take a drastic hit, which is guaranteed to leave them scrambling. Considering the fact that President Donald Trump has already waged a culture war against the pharmaceutical industry, it should come as no great surprise that they don’t want their brand to be damaged any further.

The bottom line is that cannabis is a natural, healthy and effective alternative to chemical drugs that are created in a lab somewhere. Opioid addiction in America is through the roof, and few have the courage to address that fact because they are afraid of the wrath of those controlling the pharmaceutical industry. Thankfully, the truth is always on the side of justice and there is no way to keep the truth from coming out. Though the powers that be did their best to keep Americans in the dark on the health benefits of cannabis for as long as possible, that time is long gone. We are all waking up, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows that marijuana is actually considerably healthier than the drugs peddled at the pharmacy. (RELATED: Find more news about medical marijuana at

This is going to be a year that welcomes many changes to the United States. With the inauguration of Donald Trump comes a lot of new ideas regarding freedom and liberty within our country. One of the issues that our politicians need to address immediately is the archaic manner in which the federal government views cannabis. If they are truly in the business of improving the lives of the American people, they need to stop banning a plant that is guaranteed to help many. Should they choose to continue living in the past, denying the truth and waging a war on reality, they will be preventing many from reaching their full potential.

Read more censored science news at



CBS News shocked to report local man cured his cancer with cannabis oil

For those of us that have been following the process of cannabis legalization in the United States — and especially for those of us who are conscious of our health — then news about the “newfound” health benefits of cannabis comes as no surprise. For the rest of the world, however, the realization that people who are using cannabis are not a bunch of lazy stoners comes as a bit of a shock — but only because many of them have been willfully ignorant of the truth.

Few have been quite as ignorant as the mainstream media, whose obsession with normalizing everything somehow passed right by marijuana and cannabis products. Instead, they normalize things that are objectively evil like war crimes, pedophilia and government corruption. If you don’t realize that they have a certain agenda, then you simply aren’t paying close enough attention.

Then there are the few media outlets that are finally acknowledging the benefits of cannabis, but they also act so surprised by this fact that it is endlessly frustrating for those of us that have been fighting for truth on the matter for years now. This happened most recently with CBS News, when they appeared completely baffled while reporting on a story about a man whose cancer was cured through the use of cannabis oil. (RELATED: Stay informed about CBD oil and other cannabinoids news at

Brett Blume of CBS St. Louis reports, “The 50-year-old Granite City man is putting out the word that a steady diet of cannabis oil coupled with chemotherapy wiped out what doctors had only months earlier diagnosed as ‘incurable, inoperable’ lung and pericardial heart sac cancer. He’d basically been given about a year to live, with chemo. … He carried with him a stack of medical documents to back his claim that he’s been given a clean bill of health just months after being handed a death sentence.”

But while Blume seems shocked by this advancement, it really shouldn’t be all that surprising. There have been hundreds of reports over the years of people explaining how cannabis oils, marijuana and other products of a similar nature helped cure various illnesses and diseases. The fact that the mainstream media has been refusing to acknowledge any of these reports goes to show just how unconcerned they are with reporting on the truth and standing up to the status quo.

The only reason that marijuana isn’t already legalized is that the federal government profits far too heavily from the alternatives. The pharmaceutical industry would be put on life support almost instantly if marijuana were legalized across the United States, and since they are in the pockets of both the federal government and the mainstream media, that isn’t happening any time soon.

We need to hold the mainstream media to a higher standard and continue to spread the truth about cannabis. The fact that there are still people in the United States that are misinformed about the plant is frustrating and unforgivable. All we can do at this point is fight back against misinformation and ignorance. That is the only way that we can win this battle.

So let’s get to work. (Read more news about advances in natural medicine remedies at



Voters pass medical marijuana legalization in Florida, but some officials still want to block it

Last November, on Election Day, Florida became one of the latest states to approve the use of medical marijuana, with some 71 percent of residents voting in favor. But despite that overwhelming margin, some state lawmakers now appear to be looking for ways to subvert the will of the people—not a smart thing to do, politically, in an age of populism.

As reported by the Sarasota Herald Tribune, despite the vote, some lawmakers and state officials say they are concerned about how medical marijuana will be regulated and whether, over the long term, “those 6.4 million residents made the right call.”

At a local Manatee Tiger Bay Club meeting recently, a proponent of medical pot, along with an addiction specialist who opposes legalization, debated about what will come next now that the electorate has (loudly and clearly) spoken.

The president of Advocate Inc., Bill Monroe, said he became involved in the medical marijuana issue some five years ago after researching a number of potential medications that could ease tremors being experienced by his elderly mother due to Parkinson’s disease, while also helping to boost her appetite.

‘Be a free thinker’

In doing so, Monroe said he discovered that a number of states and countries have legalized pot without undergoing major consequences.

“Be a free thinker,” he said during the forum. “Use your logical thinking. Are you seeing global chaos?”

Not from pot use; we’re seeing plenty of chaos from the abuse of prescription opioids, which has led to a dramatic increase in overdose deaths from them and from cheaper heroin, however.

Advocates, said Monroe, do not object to regulations pertaining to labeling, keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and other safety measures. In fact, he said he would prefer the state adopt a rule that pot from licensed growers be independently tested by free-standing labs to make sure that it is “free of heavy metals and pesticides.”

Monroe added that his group also “want the doctor-patient relationship,” thereby letting physicians “decide what the patients need.”

He further noted that synthetic THC—the chemical that produces marijuana’s psychological effects—has been legal in the U.S. since 1985 and is even available in many pharmacies. All that is being discussed since the Nov. 8 ballot measure approval is “organic THC,” he said, adding that he believes reports that claim outsized dangers over pot use are exaggerated.

Jessica Spencer, the policy director of the group “Vote No on 2,” which opposed the state constitutional amendment, stressed that doctors are still not able to legally prescribe marijuana because the federal government has not approved of it. Pot is still a Schedule I drug and Congress has so far not taken up the measure legislatively to get that changed.

Spencer said the amendment only allows doctors to “recommend” medicinal cannabis, while patients would then obtain it from approved dispensaries instead of pharmacies.

Concerns aside, it is time to move forward with the intent of the amendment

In recent days the Manatee County Commission and the Bradenton City Council both adopted a six-month moratorium on considering applications from dispensaries while they ponder land-use regulations about where such businesses would be permitted to operation. Other jurisdictions in the state have adopted similar moratoriums. That, of course, has angered many voters who see state and local officials as attempting to thwart their approval.

Spencer said that eventually, the number of dispensaries could total nearly 2,000—far more than the number of McDonald’s and Starbucks restaurants, as well as 7-Eleven convenience stores in the state, combined. She said the wording of the amendment was “very crafty.”

She also claimed that because there are a number of medical conditions for which doctors could prescribe cannabis—including cancer, epilepsy, and glaucoma—the wording on the amendment was open-ended, meaning doctors are open to prescribing it for just about any similar condition.

“Any 18-year-old can complain about test anxiety, an athletic injury or a migraine and receive a medical marijuana recommendation without their parent’s consent,” Spencer said.

Still, despite these concerns, the people have spoken. State and local governments are now obligated to move ahead with the implementation of the amendment.



Massachusetts joins the list of legal marijuana states

If you are 21 years of age or older and a Massachusetts resident, recreational marijuana is now legal for you after the law went into effect on Thursday, December 15, 2016. Massachusetts is the first state in the densely-populated U.S. Northeast that has legalized the drug for recreational use.

Despite the strong opposition from top politicians, the Catholic Church, doctors, business groups, and other civic leaders, Massachusetts is one of three states where ballot measures legalizing recreational use of marijuana passed on November 8, 2016, along with California and Nevada. The Governor’s Council certified those results on Wednesday, December 14, bringing the law into effect on Thursday. Voters in Arizona rejected the law, and a Maine ballot is still going through a recount.

A legal gray zone

Even though marijuana remains illegal under federal law, in Massachusetts, anyone who is 21 or older can now legally possess up to one ounce of pot in public and up to 10 ounces inside their home. Additionally, it’s also legal for Massachusetts residents to grow up to six plants per person, with a limit of 12 plants per household.

It will be at least another year before cannabis can be legally sold in the state, giving state officials time to figure out how to implement the new law. They have been given until January 2018 to regulate the marketplace and set up licensed retail stores. This, however, creates a temporary legal gray zone where buying up to an ounce of marijuana from a dealer is legal while the dealer is breaking the state law.

Supporters of the new law are very wary that Massachusetts officials might try to change the law or delay its full implementation over the coming months, ABC News reported.

“I am both celebrating and worrying that the law might not be implemented properly,” said Bill Downing, member liaison for the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition who has spent nearly three decades crusading for relaxed marijuana rules.

His concern stems from public statements made by Democratic legislative leaders and Republican Gov. Charlie Baker, who were opposed to the law but had no choice other than to honor the will of the people. The Massachusetts marijuana legalization ballot passed last month with about 1.8 million people voting for and 1.5 million people voting against the measure, reported the Boston Globe.

Top leaders and politicians already stated that the law does not sufficiently protect public health and safety, trying to delay the opening of stores beyond the planned January 2018 date.

Massachusetts’ influence on neighboring states

Some people suggested that the legalization in Massachusetts could motivate neighboring states to consider similar steps. Given the close distances between cities in the West, it will be easy for people to cross state lines to acquire the drug.

Taylor West, deputy director of the Washington-based National Cannabis Industry Association, told the Huffington Post in a phone interview that it certainly makes sense for neighboring states to look at the policy and consider the benefits the state can get from putting this behind a regulated counter. Rhode Island’s governor, Democrat Gina Raimondo, already communicated that she is willing to consider the idea.

According to a poll by Gallup, 60 percent of Americans support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. Nonetheless, the future remains uncertain. While Trump has said that marijuana legalization was best left to the states during his campaign, his pick for attorney general is U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who criticized Barack Obama’s administration for not enforcing the federal ban on marijuana aggressively enough.




Collusion: DEA bans plant medicines, then Big Pharma patents them for profits

Is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) really looking out for anyone’s best interests with their latest stand on natural, medicinal plants like cannabis and kratom? Most would tend to disagree with them, just on principle. But a deeper look into the matter reveals that their intent may be far more sinister than they want us to believe.

While the DEA consistently maintains that these plants work against the greater good, there are clearly a lot of questions about the agency’s integrity – especially when Big Pharma is involved.

Marijuana and THC – a well-known cannabinoid compound – are both illegal. And yet, as The Free Thought Project pointed out back in September, Big Pharma companies mass-produce and sell synthetic THC formulations, such as Marinol. Marinol is the brand name for dronabinol – the new name that the Big Pharma executives give to THC after it’s been synthesized in a lab. Marinol’s own website notes that THC is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis. However, as Paul Armentano – the senior policy analyst for the marijuana legislation reform group NORML – notes, Marinol lacks many of the natural therapeutic compounds that are present in the cannabis plant. And because Marinol’s sole active ingredient is synthetic THC, and it’s taken orally, the psychoactive effects tend to be much stronger (and even problematic for some) compared to traditional cannabis. CBD, another beneficial compound, tends to help counteract the psychoactive effects of THC, and without it, you’re in for a whole different kind of ride.

Regardless of how one feels about Marinol and the fact that it offers only limited relief to patients in comparison to the plant it’s modeled after, it is exceedingly hypocritical of the FDA to approve of it while the DEA continues to prosecute marijuana to the fullest extent. It’s not just being blind to the facts or refusing to believe a plant could be medicinal; its outright sabotage at this point. The federal government has literally allowed Big Pharma to create medicine derived from the plant, and then made the plant itself illegal. It is simply mind-boggling how they can rationalize and justify such despicable behavior.

The DEA’s recent statement on kratom underlines the extreme lengths to which they will go to continue to assert that they are in the right, even if only to themselves. The agency filed a notice of intent declaring that they would “temporarily schedule the opioids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are the main active constituents of the plant kratom, into schedule I pursuant to the temporary scheduling provisions of the Controlled Substances Act.” The notice then explained, “This action is based on a finding by the Administrator that the placement of these opioids into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act is necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety.”

As is typical of bureaucratic agencies, the notice of intent continued in a similar fashion with its convoluted explanation.

And, of course, three synthetic opioids have been synthesized from the kratom plant, namely MGM-9, MGM-15 and MGM-16. Unsurprisingly, these three synthetics were developed from the kratom alkaloids, Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine – you know, the ones named by the DEA as an “imminent hazard to public safety.”

If these compounds are so dangerous, why on earth would Big Pharma be synthesizing them to make medicine? It just doesn’t seem to add up, but the federal agency continues to go along with their story of supposed danger to society, hoping we’ll all fall for it. It really tells you all you need to know about the DEA and their relationship with Big Pharma though, doesn’t it?
