
Study finds acupuncture to be more effective in treating pain than morphine

Acupuncture is an age-old traditional Chinese practice in which practitioners stimulate specific trigger points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin. In Asia, acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat back, knee, and neck pain, osteoarthritis, headaches, and many other medical conditions. Today researchers are slowly unraveling what benefits acupuncture can have on our overall health.

According to new research, published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, acupuncture may be more efficient in the management of pain than intravenous morphine. Furthermore, the study reported that acupuncture can work faster in relieving pain and with no adverse health effects. When performed by an experienced, well-trained practitioner using sterile needles, acupuncture is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. (RELATED: Learn more about acupuncture and other healing arts at

The dark side of morphine use

People suffering chronic pain are usually prescribed morphine or morphine-like prescription drugs. These opioid pain medications are highly addictive and can have severe adverse health effects. Next to being highly addictive, morphine-based drugs can cause drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, tired feeling, anxiety, and mild itching.

Furthermore, a research team from the University of Colorado-Boulder reported that they may actually worsen chronic pain instead of treating it. As reported by Waking Times, prescription painkillers have been responsible for more than 183,000 deaths over the last 15 years.

Even though there are several holistic alternatives available to treat chronic pain, doctors keep prescribing these health-damaging drugs to the majority of pain sufferers. Current evidence suggests acupuncture is one of the most effective holistic treatments to combat pain. It might even be more effective than morphine, according to the researchers from the Fattaouma Bourguiba University Hospital in Tunisia.

Acupuncture versus Big Pharma

For their study, the research team evaluated 300 emergency patients. Of these 300 patients, 150 were administered up to 15 milligrams of morphine per day while the other 150 people were treated with acupuncture to manage their pain.

The team concluded that there was a significant difference in pain reduction between the two groups. The acupuncture group experienced greater pain reduction. Furthermore, the researcher reported that the effect occurred faster and with fewer side effects compared to the morphine group.

This is not the first time acupuncture has been associated with better health and pain reduction. In 1996, acupuncture became an accepted form of medical treatment, officially recognized by some governments throughout the world. Nonetheless, harmful prescription medication is for many pain sufferers still the way they choose to manage their chronic aches and pain.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), conditions for which acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment include adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, biliary colic, depression, dysentery, nausea, morning sickness, hypertension, headaches, sciatica and lower back, knee, and neck pain.

As you can see, acupuncture can play a crucial role in pain management. It works better than morphine, one of the strongest painkillers out there, making it an effective drug-free alternative to health-damaging prescription drugs.

If you, or one of your loved ones, suffers from chronic pain, instead of relying on money-generating, addictive medications why not give this ancient, time-tested, natural practice your trust?

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Collusion: DEA bans plant medicines, then Big Pharma patents them for profits

Is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) really looking out for anyone’s best interests with their latest stand on natural, medicinal plants like cannabis and kratom? Most would tend to disagree with them, just on principle. But a deeper look into the matter reveals that their intent may be far more sinister than they want us to believe.

While the DEA consistently maintains that these plants work against the greater good, there are clearly a lot of questions about the agency’s integrity – especially when Big Pharma is involved.

Marijuana and THC – a well-known cannabinoid compound – are both illegal. And yet, as The Free Thought Project pointed out back in September, Big Pharma companies mass-produce and sell synthetic THC formulations, such as Marinol. Marinol is the brand name for dronabinol – the new name that the Big Pharma executives give to THC after it’s been synthesized in a lab. Marinol’s own website notes that THC is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis. However, as Paul Armentano – the senior policy analyst for the marijuana legislation reform group NORML – notes, Marinol lacks many of the natural therapeutic compounds that are present in the cannabis plant. And because Marinol’s sole active ingredient is synthetic THC, and it’s taken orally, the psychoactive effects tend to be much stronger (and even problematic for some) compared to traditional cannabis. CBD, another beneficial compound, tends to help counteract the psychoactive effects of THC, and without it, you’re in for a whole different kind of ride.

Regardless of how one feels about Marinol and the fact that it offers only limited relief to patients in comparison to the plant it’s modeled after, it is exceedingly hypocritical of the FDA to approve of it while the DEA continues to prosecute marijuana to the fullest extent. It’s not just being blind to the facts or refusing to believe a plant could be medicinal; its outright sabotage at this point. The federal government has literally allowed Big Pharma to create medicine derived from the plant, and then made the plant itself illegal. It is simply mind-boggling how they can rationalize and justify such despicable behavior.

The DEA’s recent statement on kratom underlines the extreme lengths to which they will go to continue to assert that they are in the right, even if only to themselves. The agency filed a notice of intent declaring that they would “temporarily schedule the opioids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are the main active constituents of the plant kratom, into schedule I pursuant to the temporary scheduling provisions of the Controlled Substances Act.” The notice then explained, “This action is based on a finding by the Administrator that the placement of these opioids into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act is necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety.”

As is typical of bureaucratic agencies, the notice of intent continued in a similar fashion with its convoluted explanation.

And, of course, three synthetic opioids have been synthesized from the kratom plant, namely MGM-9, MGM-15 and MGM-16. Unsurprisingly, these three synthetics were developed from the kratom alkaloids, Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine – you know, the ones named by the DEA as an “imminent hazard to public safety.”

If these compounds are so dangerous, why on earth would Big Pharma be synthesizing them to make medicine? It just doesn’t seem to add up, but the federal agency continues to go along with their story of supposed danger to society, hoping we’ll all fall for it. It really tells you all you need to know about the DEA and their relationship with Big Pharma though, doesn’t it?
