
There’s no good evidence that cough medicine works; use natural remedies instead

Has winter left you with a scratchy throat and nagging cough? If you are like most people, you might already have reached for that bottle of cherry-flavored over-the-counter (OTC) cough syrup. According to the American Chemistry Society (ACS), a nonprofit chartered by the U.S. Congress, you’re not alone. Every year thousands of people worldwide spend billions of dollars on cough medicines. According to the Drug News Store report, cough syrup sales were worth almost $580 million in 2015.

Back in the old days, your OTC cough syrup may have consisted of alcohol, cannabis, morphine, chloroform, or even heroin. Luckily those days are over, but are today’s options any better and do they work as well as we think they do?

ACS called the active ingredients in today’s cough syrups “more reasonable.” However, we at Natural News have our doubts. Most of these syrups include synthetic chemicals which have been linked to serious adverse health effects. (RELATED: Learn more about natural medicine at

Does cough syrup actually work?

The ACS analyzed both the chemistry behind cough medicines and data from previous scientific research into the efficacy of those drugs and published its findings in a video earlier this month.

The researchers analyzed systemic reviews and found very little evidence that cough syrups are effective at doing their job. They reported that these medications are generally no better than a placebo. In one of the systematic reviews they looked at, which included 19 previously conducted studies, 15 showed no benefit or the results were conflicting. All other reports showed similar results. The researchers concluded that there is no real evidence for or against the effectiveness of OTC drugs in an acute cough.

Furthermore, these OTC meds can have deteriorating side effects and even lead to death when taken in larger doses. Every year, thousands of children under 12 end up in the emergency room due to accidental cough medicine overdose, reported the ACS.

And if you thought you were better off with treatments based on Echinacea, vitamin C or zinc, the ACS researchers noted that aside from the placebo effect, these remedies will likely not help soothe a cough either. Although upping your vitamin C levels and boosting your immune system may help prevent a viral infection and winter cough in the first place.

What you should do instead

Though OTC cough syrups may help you sleep better, it is a persistent and nagging cough you want to get rid of, right? So, what should you do instead?

  • Drink plenty of fluids to thin out extra mucus and reduce the cough reflex.
  • Use a humidifier or take a steamy shower to reduce congestions.
  • Honey and lemon have been used for ages to treat a cough and science backs it up. Especially kids fare well by this age-old remedy. It soothes the back of their throats which eases a cough. And it’s delicious, especially in hot tea.
  • Cough drops have proven their effectiveness. They help to get saliva flowing which soothes a sore or irritated throat.
  • Or why not diffuse the healing aroma of essential oils throughout your home to find relief? The potent plant compounds in some essential oils can suppress a cough and enable you to breathe better, especially when you are asleep. Some of the best essential oils to treat a cough include lemon, frankincense, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, tea tree and thieves oil.

A cough is usually a viral infection that will go away without any treatment after a week or two. However, when a cough persists for more than a few weeks, the ACS recommends seeing your doctor. (RELATED: Learn more about natural remedies at

Sources: PDF


Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup

As we are nearing the end of the year, the flu and cold season is kicking into high gear. While it isn’t the cold weather itself that makes you sick – you can get a cold year-round – most people tend to get sick during the winter months.

Most germs that cause the common cold spread more quickly in cold, dry air. Furthermore, during the winter months, people spend more time indoors and closer to each other, which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread.

Of course, there are a few things you can do to prevent sickness in the first place. Keeping up your healthy eating habits, boosting your immune system, drinking enough filtered water during the day, washing your hands regularly, eating wholesome foods, and getting an adequate amount of exercise and sleep are all good examples of how to keep your body healthy and clean.

However, if you do get sick this season, don’t be too quick to run to the pharmacy for an over-the-counter solution unless it’s absolutely necessary. Nature can provide you with a far better and tastier solution that doesn’t come with harmful side effects.

DIY citrus spiced cough syrup

If there is one remedy you should add to your natural medicine cabinet, then it’s the citrus spiced cough syrup. It is easy and inexpensive to make, tastes great and you probably already have all the ingredients in your kitchen.

Whenever you have a nagging cough, sore throat or feel the first tingle in your throat, brew up this concoction made from vitamin C-packed citrus fruits, extra-virgin coconut oil and antioxidant-rich cinnamon sticks.


  • One medium organic navel orange, cut into one to two-inch pieces (do not peel)
  • One organic lemon, cut into one-inch pieces (do not peel)
  • Two-inch piece of fresh ginger, chopped
  • Two teaspoons mixed peppercorns
  • One cinnamon stick
  • Two tablespoons water
  • Two tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil
  • One cup raw honey


  1. In a saucepan, combine orange and lemon pieces, ginger, peppercorns, cinnamon stick and water. Heat over medium heat while mashing the ingredients with a wooden spoon to release the juices. Lightly crush the cinnamon stick and peppercorns.
  2. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 5 to 8 minutes or until fragrant.
  3. When fragrant, stir in the coconut oil and raw honey until the coconut oil is melted. Remove from the heat and allow to steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth and pour into a clean jar with a lid.
  5. To use, take one or two tablespoons as needed until the symptoms disappear.

Combinations of honey, lemon and ginger to soothe a cough or a sore throat have been around for centuries. And these age-old remedies actually work! Even science agrees. Studies have shown that honey has potent antimicrobial properties. Furthermore, researchers suggest that raw honey can ease a cough and improve sleep as well as, or even better than, over-the-counter cough syrups.

Combine honey’s power with the immune-boosting nutrients in lemons and oranges, coconut oil and the spices, and you’ve got a delicious way to treat cold and flu symptoms naturally.
