
If you only choose one remedy for survival and pain relief, grab some Arnica

If you’ve ever driven by a field of yellow daisy-like flowers and felt a sense of calm, you’ve experienced the embrace from Arnica, soothing your earthly and invisible aches and pains. Arnica montana, or Leopard’s bane has been in use medicinally since the 1500s, and is both an herbal medicine and a homeopathic remedy made from these lovely flowers. Many natural practitioners believe it is one of the most useful remedies in the medicine chest for a multiplicity of conditions. If it hurts, Arnica makes better — almost always. Of course there are thousands of homeopathic and herbal medicines for specific ailments; however, in almost every case of injury or shock — no matter how small — Arnica should be your first go-to treatment.

Arnica treats shock, on all levels. It heals shock to the tissues after injury or over-use, stops bleeding internally and externally and relieves emotional shock; anecdotal evidence points even to its ability to relieve shock on the soul level.

Herbal or Homeopathic

The herbal form of Arnica is available in extracts, tinctures, ointments, creams and gels and is only recommended for topical application. It should never be used on broken skin or taken orally as it produces serious side effects. Homeopathic Arnica is a standard remedy in every first aid it. It is meant to be used orally and is safe when used according to guidelines.

Aches, pains, bruising

One of the best known uses for homeopathic Arnica is for the treatment of aches, pains, bruises, sprains, broken bones, sports and other injuries to both soft tissue and joints. It relieves arthritis and gout pain and is an excellent general pain reliever that has been shown to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has a special affinity for relieving low-back pain.


Homeopathic Arnica reduces swelling, especially from injuries, and helps to dissolve blood clots that have formed at the site of the injury. It also reduces localized swelling from insect bites. Topical treatments with tincture of Arnica-soaked compresses or ointments will provide additional pain relief to the area. Ointments made with diluted Arnica tincture are especially helpful for reducing pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. http://www.naturalnews.com/028901_hemorrhoids_remedies.html


Arnica stops bleeding anywhere in the body. Whether from a car accident, a black eye, a stroke or after a tooth extraction, a dose of homeopathic Arnica will stop the flow of blood immediately.

Heart and cardiovascular system

Because it acts as a muscle tonic, Arnica strengthens the heart and reduces swelling associated with edema. The remedy will also relieve a variety of conditions related to the blood vessels, such as peripheral artery disease, or PAD. Do not self treat for these conditions. Consult an experienced homeopath for guidelines for use.

Sore feet

Too much standing, working out or shoes that don’t fit well all cause foot pain. A foot bath with a few drops of Arnica tincture mixed with Epson salts and warm water relaxes sore feet and heals bruises to bunions and tiny bones. Apply a smear of Arnica ointment after drying feet and pains will be gone by morning.

Emotional shock

Whether your toddler falls from her tricycle, gets stung by a bee, or you find out the stock market has crashed, a parent has died, or a new baby is born — Arnica works to calm the emotions and enables you to better cope in the moment. The person needing Arnica may appear indifferent, will want to be left alone and will usually be suffering from some form of shock or excess mental/emotional strain.

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Back-to-school natural remedy shopping list

These days, aware parents face greater challenges sending their kids back to school or to school for the first time than they did a few years ago. In addition to potential vaccination requirements, there are possible pharmaceutical demands for behavioral and attention issues.

Researching your options for vaccination exemptions, if you haven’t already, is a wise start. Vaccinations rights attorney Alan Phillips has written a few articles for NaturalNews, and he’s as up to date on vaccination exemptions state by state as anyone can be.

Here’s Alan’s site: (http://www.vaccinerights.com/)

When it comes to concerns about getting coerced into allowing your child to be prescribed and perhaps forced into ADHD drugs like Ritalin or any other psychotropic meds, there’s a wealth of information here: (http://www.naturalnews.com/ADHD_drugs.html)

Proper diet, sleep, supplements, and a simple exercise are available in this article for preventing psychotropic interventions. There will also be tips for preventing and curing colds and flus without pharmaceuticals and over the counter (OTC) drugs.

Keeping your kid cool in school to avoid forced psychotropic drugs

Hold the sugar and, more importantly, synthetic sugar substitutes. Most of us know about sugar contributing to hyperactivity. But aspartame-type sweeteners are excitotoxins that burn out brain cells as they become overly excited.

So that means sodas no more. Get your child used to water or freshly squeezed fruit juices instead. Most of those commercially prepared fruit juices have lots of sugar, aspartame, or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The HFCS may not be as much of a brain killer, but it will lead to obesity sooner rather than later.

Try to use locally produced raw honey sold from bulk for sweetening. Read the cereal labels closely. Avoid toxic food colorings and another excitotoxin, MSG (monosodium glutamate), which is disguised with deceptive names to avoid scrutiny. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026244_food_MSG_neurotoxins.html)

In short, try your best to use unprocessed, organic foods with more emphasis on greens that can be gradually introduced and accepted. Studies have proven school children function better with this approach. (http://www.naturalnews.com/036548_kids_veggies_strategies.html)

Increased magnesium helps anyone calm down and get a good night’s sleep. It also improves mental stability and heart and bone health. But finding an easy to assimilate supplement is tricky.

You can order topically applied magnesium oils (not really oil) online or pick up a “calm” magnesium powder from a natural health store that mixes effervescently with hot water and gets into one’s system quickly.

Here’s that short, easy exercise called brain yoga that balances the left and right brain hemispheres, improving mental function and eliminating nervousness or irritability.

The video demo is located at the bottom of this article in the “Sources” section: (http://www.naturalnews.com/028207_brain_health_exercise.html)

Natural cold and flu prevention and remedy

Vitamin D3 is considered a supreme immune regulator. Too much immune response that creates allergies can be curbed, yet immunity can be enhanced to keep the flu bugs away.

Even mainstream medicine agrees that more vitamin D3 is safe and necessary for kids than previously thought – recommending at least 2,000 IU daily.

Make sure it’s not synthetic vitamin D or D2. Then of course there’s vitamin C. Try for the best quality and assimilation to get the most out of its antioxidant properties.

The herb of choice for many to prevent colds and flus is Echinacea. Echinacea is not a cold or flu remedy, it’s a preventative herb. For getting over colds and flus quickly without toxic pharmaceuticals, try elderberry extract.

Elderberry is much safer and efficacious than Tamiflu. You can get it in syrups or tinctures, which can be made at home. A recipe is at the bottom of this article: (http://www.naturalnews.com/026354_flu_Tamiflu_elderberry.html)

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New natural remedy for morning sickness

Morning sickness has been documented as early as 2000 B.C. by the ancient Egyptians. These days, more than half of pregnant American women suffer from nausea and/or vomiting of varying severity in their first trimester. It was once believed that morning sickness is psychological, but today’s doctors emphasize that it is indeed a physical condition. Thus, women everywhere beg the question: what is the cure?

Unfortunately, there is no one particular remedy. Fairhaven Health; however, has recently introduced their new product – Pregease – to promote pregnancy wellness. The great news for mothers-to-be is that the supplement includes a combination of several proven ingredients that relieve symptoms of both morning sickness and heartburn.

Pregease is a multi-ingredient chewable tablet designed by a team of doctors and nutritionists. Suzanne Munson, director of product development at Fairhaven, adds that the supplement is made to taste good even when nauseous. Each tablet includes vitamins B6 and B12 (both of which have proved to reduce vomiting), calcium carbonate and brown seaweed powder (both are included in many over-the-counter heartburn and antacid products), ginger root and lemon balm (nausea reduction), and deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (soothes and heals the esophagus).

There is no known cause for morning sickness, though there are a number of theories, most of which centralize around an increase in hormones. For each one of the theories, there is a possible remedy, although response depends from woman to woman. For those not interested in taking a supplement, a solution can be found in some simple lifestyle changes.

It is a common suggestion to graze throughout the day instead of eating three meals. Some doctors recommend keeping crackers beside your bed to munch on before getting up in the morning. Those who believe in the effects of ancient Chinese medicine encourage giving acupuncture a try. Sucking on lemon drops or peppermint can offset nausea, as lemon and peppermint are known for soothing the stomach. Many, including the makers of Pregease, refer back to the old favorite: ginger. Ginger ale – pure, not those containing high fructose corn syrup – or certain teas are great sources.

Whether sticking with oldies-but-goodies or opting for more modern treatments, the release of Pregease to the shelves is potentially the relief many pregnant women have been seeking. Be sure to check with your doctor before purchasing Pregease or starting your own remedial routine, and discuss what is the best plan for you.






New scientific breakthrough mimics an age-old remedy for grey hair and baldness: Onion juice

Days ago it was announced that European researchers had discovered a breakthrough cure for grey and thinning hair: A topical application of a sun-activated compound called PC-KUS (a modified pseudocatalase). However, the researchers may be a few hundred years late with their discovery since onion juice has been used as a remedy for thin and greying hair for ages.

What the researchers found was that grey hair is primarily caused by a buildup of hydrogen peroxide at the root of hair follicles and that this was due in great part to a reduction in the natural antioxidant compound catalase. In addition to helping cleanse the scalp and follicles, onion juice also promotes the production of catalase. Catalase prevents grey hair as well as promoted thicker hair follicles.

The researchers “new” breakthrough appears to be the rediscovery of a remedy for grey hair and baldness that herbalists have known for centuries: Onion juice. Hundreds of years ago, famed herbalist John Gerard (1545- 1612) wrote: “the juyce of onions annointed upon a bald head in the sun bringeth the hair againe very speedily.” Today, many herbalists recommend onion juice either singly or in combination with other natural items as a remedy for grey and thinning hair.

What the research found

The new research, which was published in The FASB Journal, also found that the modified catalase compound also works for the skin condition vitiligo (a skin pigment condition marked by loss of skin color). Reported study author Karin U. Schallreuter, M.D. from the Institute for Pigmentary Disorders:

“To date, it is beyond any doubt that the sudden loss of the inherited skin and localized hair color can affect those individuals in many fundamental ways. The improvement of quality of life after total and even partial successful repigmentation has been documented.”

In 2009, a similar breakthrough for grey hair was reported which also found that hydrogen peroxide buildup was a culprit and that the compound catalase could reverse grey hair. That research was conducted by Bradford University in the UK.

Other natural solutions for grey hair

Over the years, many remedies for grey hair have been used with mixed results. Some of the better known ones include:

The oriental remedy fo-ti has a long history of being used for grey hair. Fo-ti is also called he shou wu, which translates to “black-haired Mr. He” or “Mr. He’s black hair”.

Black Strap molasses has worked well for many people for restoration of color, but it may take some time (as is true with other remedies as well).

Pine needle tea is another remedy which has been used to help with greying hair.

Many have reported that moringa leaf and moringa root extracts have restored hair color as well as helped with thinning hair.

Nutrition for hair health

As is true for the entire body, good nutrition is essential for healthy hair. The best diet for hair health is a wholesome diet which is rich in silica, B-vitamins, omega-3s, protein, calcium and iron. Other important nutrients include antioxidants, trace minerals and vitamin A.

Some of the best foods for hair health include:

• Oats
• Sweet rice and mochi (pounded sweet rice)
• Nuts and seeds
• Leafy, green vegetables
• Root vegetables, such as carrots, rutabagas, parsnips, ginger, turnips, and onions
• Winter squash
• Black beans
• Pumpkin
• Black pepper
• Brown rice syrup
• Seaweed
• Microalgae

Foods to avoid for better hair health:

• Cold foods and drinks
• Sugary foods and drinks
• Fatty foods
• Animal protein
• Tofu
• Salt
• Dairy products

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Homeopathic remedy Lycopodium Clavatum offers new hope to cancer sufferers: Study

One of the most exciting developments in the war on cancer has just been published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, where new research shows that the homeopathic remedy, Lycopodium Clavatum (a spore bearing plant from the clubmoss family), has an anti-cancer effect on infected cells while protecting normal blood cells.

The report by the Boiron Laboratory in France and the University of Kalyani in India reveals that highly diluted Lycopodium Clavatum remedies (LC-5C and LC-15C) are capable of inducing ‘apoptosis’ (cellular death) in cervical cancer cells, signifying their possible use as a supportive medicine in cancer therapy.

The $200 billion dollar per year cancer industry is desperate to convince you that chemotherapy, radiation, toxic drugs and surgery are the only proven treatments for the disease, faced as it is today, with rising demand for complementary and alternative cancer medicines.

Not the first time: Other homeopathic remedies fight cancer too

This isn’t the first time that a homeopathic remedy has been found to be effective against cancer. Two previous studies have produced similarly exciting results. Frenkel, M. et al. (2010) used ultra-diluted remedies of Phytolacca, Carcinosin, Conium, and Thuja on breast cancer cells and witnessed a deactivation of the cancer in a process called cytotoxicity. Another team, led by Toliopoulos IK, Simos Y, Bougiouklis D and Oikonomidis S (2013), discovered that certain homeopathic complexes were able to stimulate the anti-cancer activity of Natural Killer Cells (part of our immune system) in cancer patients.

With North America holding the second highest incidence rate of cancer in the world, closely followed by Western Europe, the discovery delivers the prospect of an existing, legal and affordable alternative to conventional treatments.

Dr Alexander Tournier, Executive Director of the London-based Homeopathy Research Institute (http://www.homeoinst.org) confirmed the validity of the Boiron/Kalyani report, stating:

“This study is very significant, performed by a well trained team with access to modern molecular biology techniques and with the support of Boiron – a leading homeopathic manufacturer worldwide – thus ensuring that the homeopathy part of the experiment is taken care of correctly.”

Lycopodium Clavatum could work against other types of cancer

Although cervical cancer cells were used in the study, the findings suggest that Lycopodium Clavatum could help fight other types of cancer. Dr Tournier adds:

“These results found on [cervical] cells are potentially generalisable to other cancer cell lines, although the tests would have to be done.

“The fact that homeopathic medicines were shown to be effective at selectively killing cancer cells warrants further research, and offers the possibility that homeopathy could be useful for a wide variety of cancer patients in the future.”

With Lycopodium Clavatum being widely available to purchase online, it could be tempting for cancer sufferers to self-medicate. However, this would be inadvisable until further research has confirmed its safety and efficacy in patients. Dr Tournier adds:

“Lycopodium is already available to the general public. It would be very easy to purchase from a homeopathic pharmacy. However, I would not recommend taking Lycopodium for cancer, even for cervical cancer. This study does not provide evidence that the homeopathic remedy will be effective in cancer patients. More research is required before such a homeopathic medicine can be used routinely in cancer treatment.”

It is nevertheless, still possible to find experienced doctors who treat cancer patients using homeopathy with a high success rate. One of these is Dr. Spinedi’s team at the Clinica Santa Croce (http://www.omeopatia.clinicasantacroce.ch) in Switzerland, who use many remedies, carefully selected for the particular complaint and circumstances of each patient.

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Three ways to quickly remedy constipation and maintain bowel regularity

A variety of health issues can arise from bowel irregularity; for this reason, it’s best to regularly evacuate the colon. The accumulation of fecal matter in the bowel creates an ideal environment for parasites and bacteria to proliferate. This can create or further exacerbate bowel issues such as diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis. Constipation can increase your chances of developing candida, an overgrowth of yeast. Additionally, some parasites, such as roundworm, can contribute to intestinal blockage due to their size. While pharmaceutical laxatives are commonly sought out to remedy constipation, they can be harsh on the colon, create dependency, decrease the colon’s ability to contract, deplete the body of minerals and damage the nerves, muscles and tissues of the colon. The following three herbs can be used as remedies for constipation and can also help keep the bowels regular.

Aloe Vera

The outer leaf of the aloe vera plant contains strong laxative properties. Constipation can be remedied by blending a small piece of aloe, spiky tips removed, and drinking the juice once a day. The clear gel, found inside the aloe leaf, may help promote bowel regularity and may also be used to remedy constipation. The inner portion of the aloe leaf is milder and generally safer to use than the outer part of the leaf that contains the strong laxative compounds. Adverse side effects have been reported when using the outer portion of the leaf, so try using the inside portion first. Aloe can also help soothe and repair stomach ulcers, damaged intestinal tissue and inflammation.


Ginger is an antiseptic, mild laxative and a stimulant. It promotes bowel regularity by improving digestion and stimulating the muscles of the bowel to move matter along. Its mild laxative properties make ginger a great herbal remedy for constipation. The amount of ginger consumed can be increased to create a slightly stronger laxative effect, in cases of constipation, without the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals. Ginger also strengthens the stomach, aids digestion and stimulates appetite, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. According to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, ginger reduced markers of colon inflammation and “may have potential as a colon cancer prevention agent.” The study showed that 2 grams of ginger extract daily, over a period of 28 days, was able to reduce pro-eicosanoids in the colon. Keep bowel movements regular and improve digestion by drinking 2 teaspoons (1 gram) of freshly grated or powdered ginger in 8 ounces of hot water. In times of constipation, drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea per day.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm contains mucilage — a thick glue-like substance produced by most plants — that is beneficial against gastrointestinal inflammation. Slippery elm has been used by Native Americans for centuries. The Native Americans made salves out of it to heal wounds, burns, ulcers, boils and skin inflammation. Taken orally, it can also help relieve diarrhea, stomach issues, coughs and sore throats. A salve can be made by mixing powdered slippery elm with water, stirring it and letting it sit. You’ll notice that it will start to thicken and take on a gel-like consistency. Its mucilaginous property soothes the stomach and intestines. Slippery elm also contains antioxidants that help fight inflammation of the bowel. Additionally, it promotes reflux stimulation of nerve endings in the gastrointestinal tract that leads to an increase in mucus secretion, which protects against excessive acidity and ulcers. This is a a great “all-purpose” herb, because it’s effective for constipation and equally for diarrhea, helps regulate the bowel, and heals and soothes irritated tissue in the gastrointestinal tract.

Click here for on cleansing the bowel, written by the author, Jeanette Padilla.











About the author:
Jeanette Padilla is an experienced herbalist and iridologist. Read more health articles from her at Sunshine Natural Healing, or follow her on Facebook