Back-to-school natural remedy shopping list

These days, aware parents face greater challenges sending their kids back to school or to school for the first time than they did a few years ago. In addition to potential vaccination requirements, there are possible pharmaceutical demands for behavioral and attention issues.

Researching your options for vaccination exemptions, if you haven’t already, is a wise start. Vaccinations rights attorney Alan Phillips has written a few articles for NaturalNews, and he’s as up to date on vaccination exemptions state by state as anyone can be.

Here’s Alan’s site: (

When it comes to concerns about getting coerced into allowing your child to be prescribed and perhaps forced into ADHD drugs like Ritalin or any other psychotropic meds, there’s a wealth of information here: (

Proper diet, sleep, supplements, and a simple exercise are available in this article for preventing psychotropic interventions. There will also be tips for preventing and curing colds and flus without pharmaceuticals and over the counter (OTC) drugs.

Keeping your kid cool in school to avoid forced psychotropic drugs

Hold the sugar and, more importantly, synthetic sugar substitutes. Most of us know about sugar contributing to hyperactivity. But aspartame-type sweeteners are excitotoxins that burn out brain cells as they become overly excited.

So that means sodas no more. Get your child used to water or freshly squeezed fruit juices instead. Most of those commercially prepared fruit juices have lots of sugar, aspartame, or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The HFCS may not be as much of a brain killer, but it will lead to obesity sooner rather than later.

Try to use locally produced raw honey sold from bulk for sweetening. Read the cereal labels closely. Avoid toxic food colorings and another excitotoxin, MSG (monosodium glutamate), which is disguised with deceptive names to avoid scrutiny. (

In short, try your best to use unprocessed, organic foods with more emphasis on greens that can be gradually introduced and accepted. Studies have proven school children function better with this approach. (

Increased magnesium helps anyone calm down and get a good night’s sleep. It also improves mental stability and heart and bone health. But finding an easy to assimilate supplement is tricky.

You can order topically applied magnesium oils (not really oil) online or pick up a “calm” magnesium powder from a natural health store that mixes effervescently with hot water and gets into one’s system quickly.

Here’s that short, easy exercise called brain yoga that balances the left and right brain hemispheres, improving mental function and eliminating nervousness or irritability.

The video demo is located at the bottom of this article in the “Sources” section: (

Natural cold and flu prevention and remedy

Vitamin D3 is considered a supreme immune regulator. Too much immune response that creates allergies can be curbed, yet immunity can be enhanced to keep the flu bugs away.

Even mainstream medicine agrees that more vitamin D3 is safe and necessary for kids than previously thought – recommending at least 2,000 IU daily.

Make sure it’s not synthetic vitamin D or D2. Then of course there’s vitamin C. Try for the best quality and assimilation to get the most out of its antioxidant properties.

The herb of choice for many to prevent colds and flus is Echinacea. Echinacea is not a cold or flu remedy, it’s a preventative herb. For getting over colds and flus quickly without toxic pharmaceuticals, try elderberry extract.

Elderberry is much safer and efficacious than Tamiflu. You can get it in syrups or tinctures, which can be made at home. A recipe is at the bottom of this article: (

Sources for this article include:

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