By Michelle Simmons
Are you a night owl? You may be at risk of dying earlier, according to research
A night owl, a person who likes to stay up late and finds it hard to get out of bed in the morning, has long been known to have a greater risk of developing diabetes and depression than early birds, or those who go to bed early and have no problem waking up in the morning. […]
By Carol Anderson
Periodically constipated? A traditional Japanese foot massage can alleviate its symptoms, according to a study
Constipation is a topic that many people aren’t comfortable with – partly because of the pain, bloating, and straining associated with it. In a recent study, researchers from the Shinshu University School of Medicine in Japan found that using a traditional method of massaging tired feet also relieves constipation. The findings of their study, published […]
By Michelle Simmons
Cannabis drug found to reduce risk of seizures by half in people with treatment-resistant epilepsy
A new study found that using cannabis, partnered with anti-epilepsy treatments, helped lower the risk of epileptic seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome patients by almost 50 percent. The study was carried out by a team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital who looked at the effectiveness and safety of cannabidiol, which is found in marijuana plants, in Lennox-Gastaut […]
By Michelle Simmons
What you need to know about steam burns
Steam burns may look harmless on the outside, but research has shown that the lower skin layer, which is invisible to the naked eye, may already be severely damaged. Researchers at Empa revealed how this happens in their study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports. In their study, they used pig skin to mimic […]
By Michelle Simmons
Ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng, found to manage and prevent arthritis of the knee
Ashwagandha was proven to be effective for managing and treating arthritis of the knee, according to a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. The study was carried out by researchers from Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) looked at the efficacy and tolerability of the combination of the root and leaf extracts […]
By Ralph Flores
Yoga found to be effective at reducing fatigue and sleep disturbances in women diagnosed with breast cancer
Getting cancer can be one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. However, it’s a reality that some people face – such as when women face breast cancer. In the U.S., at least one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime, making it one of the most frequently diagnosed […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger SCIENCE: Horsetail herb prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia by removing toxic ALUMINUM from your body
Aluminum is a toxic metal that damages your brain, accelerating Alzheimer’s and dementia. No wonder the vaccine industry puts it into the vaccines, huh? In combination with mercury, another potent neurotoxin, aluminum ravages the brain, causing permanent brain damage that’s quite literally leading to the Vaccine Rage wave of insanity and mental illness now sweeping […]
By Mike Adams
Watch this fascinating CBD analysis lab science walkthrough by the Health Ranger (VIDEO)
Have you ever wondered exactly HOW hemp extracts are analyzed using laboratory instrumentation to determine the concentration of cannabinoids such as CBD, THC, CBD-A and more? In this video, the Health Ranger narrates a fascinating (and highly technical) screen capture walkthrough of a mass spec laboratory analysis of hemp extracts. This video covers: Retention time […]
By Mike Adams
Iodine protection from nuclear fallout? Not always, warns the Health Ranger in science article debunking iodine myths
As the risk of nuclear war continues rising by the day, iodine myths abound on the internet. While iodine is very important for protecting your thyroid and other organs from iodine-131, a dangerous radionuclide, the zealous over-promotion of iodine has led many people to falsely believe that iodine can protect them from ALL forms of […]
By Mike Adams
Now you can HEAR chemistry: Health Ranger translates molecules into music in stunning video demonstration that will blow your mind (and your ears)
What you are about to witness is something I first performed live in Dallas at The Truth About Cancer symposium in 2016, in front of an audience of tens of thousands of people (live + online streaming). It was so astonishing to the audience — truly jaw-dropping — that people couldn’t stop talking to me […]
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