By Isabelle Z.
Studies look at the potential of natural remedies for treating coronavirus
If you’ve been wondering if there’s a natural way to deal with coronavirus, you’re not alone – it’s a question that researchers have been trying to answer for many years. The novel coronavirus has been spreading across the globe, with an ever-growing number of people falling ill. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough and runny […]
By Zoey Sky
CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity
COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, and scientists have yet to develop a cure. One of the best ways to protect yourself against it and many other diseases is to maintain a healthy immune system. Now experts are looking into cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential remedy that can promote immunity. Immune boosters against coronavirus […]
By Ethan Huff
Here’s some good news: Traditional Chinese Medicine could help prevent coronavirus infections
With “no approved diagnostics, vaccines, or treatments for COVID-19,” according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), some people are turning to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for solutions. In addition to washing hands and practicing “social distancing,” those with an understanding of herbal healing are also opting for so-called “alternative” remedies […]
By Isabelle Z.
Medical journal recommends vitamin C for COVID-19 and related acute respiratory distress syndrome
With so many scary news stories about coronavirus these days, perhaps you’re trying to focus on the positive and be proactive in looking into ways that you can protect yourself from the disease. One nutrient in particular has been discussed quite a bit when it comes to COVID-19: vitamin C. Yet for every article outlining […]
By Isabelle Z.
The health benefits of Cubeb Pepper, an exotic medicinal spice that’s naturally rich in hinokinin, a powerful phytonutrient for enhancing immunity
When you hear about all of the incredible health benefits of herbs like turmeric and ginger, it makes you wonder whether the cure to many of the seemingly insurmountable illnesses facing mankind could be growing in a jungle somewhere on our planet, just waiting to be discovered. And right now, there’s one exotic plant that […]
By Franz Walker
Interferons and the immune system: Can this therapeutic strategy address viral infection and strengthen immunity against cancer?
Healthcare professionals use different methods to fight cancer and viral infections. However, a team led by researchers from Wake Forest University in North Carolina recently reported a potential therapeutic strategy that may help fight both. In a study published in the journal Cell, the researchers discovered that reducing lactate, a product of glucose breakdown, increases the production of type 1 interferons (IFN). Type […]
By Zoey Sky
Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads
During the last half of December 2019, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began spreading throughout China. To date, researchers around the globe are scrambling to find a cure for COVID-19, which has already infected hundreds of thousands of people, and claimed thousands of lives. But what if the key to staying healthy during a pandemic is strengthening your […]
By Tracey Watson
Can a dirty house help fight chronic disease? Study suggests early exposure to “farm-like microbiota” helps prevent asthma in children
There can be no doubt that proper hygiene practices like regular hand-washing are vital to maintaining good health. An understanding of how germs are spread and what makes people ill has literally saved millions of lives over the past century. But, could it be that we have taken the pursuit of cleanliness too far? Might […]
By Tracey Watson
This POWERFUL vitamin is a NATURAL remedy for measles, chicken pox and other viral infections
In 2019, the United States saw its largest measles outbreak in many decades. Predictably, the mainstream media was quick to blame a decline in the number of children being vaccinated for the crisis, noting that the majority of those affected were under the age of five and had not received the vaccine. Of course, media […]
By Lance D Johanson
Let ’em get dirty: Children who are “too clean” have higher risk of chronic inflammatory diseases later in life
The human immune system is developed extensively during childhood, from the baby’s first skin-to-skin contact with their mother, to the garden soil they crawl around in as a toddler. Every creek and every pond invites an opportunity for the child to introduce their immune system to the antigens in their environment. Exposure, not avoidance, is […]
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