By Zoey Sky
Activate these 5 acupressure points to relieve headaches naturally
Headaches can easily ruin your day if they’re left unchecked. But taking medications for headaches increases your risk of suffering from side effects, such as liver damage. To relieve headaches naturally, try alternative medicine like acupressure. Acupressure is a kind of complementary or alternative medicine that is based on the same fundamental principles as acupuncture. Both practices stimulate meridian lines, or pressure […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Self-administered acupressure helps relieve migraine symptoms, improves sleep quality: Study
Acupressure is a self-massage technique used by Ancient Chinese healers to treat certain illnesses and pain. This healing art, often referred to as acupuncture without needles, involves the application of manual pressure using the fingertips to stimulate specific points called acupoints along the body. This action is believed to activate the body’s self-healing mechanism. According to […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Exploring the potential of acupressure in treating migraines and sleep issues
In this study, Iranian researchers examined the impact of self-administered acupressure on sleep quality and fatigue among patients with migraine. Their results were published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Poor sleep quality and fatigue are two of the most common complaints associated with migraine. These problems contribute to the development of severe […]
By S.D. Wells
The top 7 causes of headaches (and how to stop them)
There are all types of headaches. Migraines get you right behind the eyes, others at the temples, some all around the whole back of your head or on top, while certain other headaches are deferred pain from the neck, back, or other parts of your body. Sometimes people just need to sit in a quiet, […]
By Darnel Fernandez
10 Possible causes of dizziness and how to address them
Dizziness is a common term used to describe feelings of lightheadedness, wooziness, and unsteadiness. It can also refer to the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. People who are suffering from recurring or severe dizziness know how much of an unpleasant experience it is and how it can interfere with daily life. Wrapping your […]
By Melissa Smith
Tension headache? Hang on a minute, try these quick fixes
A tension headache is the most common type of headache, and many people suffer from it. It is not surprising as many people are on their screens for a long time – either for work or personal use. Some people also experience tension headaches because of too much stress. People with tension headaches experience dull […]
By Edsel Cook
Alternative solutions for migraines: 12 Proven natural remedies backed by science
There are plenty of natural therapies for improving the painful symptoms of a migraine. These health supplements, herbal remedies, and alternative medicines can help manage migraines, especially if the patient also avoids triggers for the condition, such as food, food additives like MSG and artificial sweeteners, and heavy metals. Amend migraine-causing nutrient deficiencies with these health […]
By Edsel Cook
Use these 7 pressure points to ease your headaches
Bid farewell to the pain and tension brought about by headaches and migraines. Activating seven different acupressure points scattered across the body can bring welcome relief from those disorders. Acupressure offers a drug-free way to alleviate the symptoms of even the worst headaches. Evidence supporting its effectiveness include a 2010 experiment held by researchers at Kaohsiung Medical University. During […]
By Michelle Simmons
CoQ10 found to reverse the effects of fatty liver disease
Coenzyme Q10, also referred to as CoQ10, is a potent antioxidant naturally produced by the body. According to studies, CoQ10 supplementation is effective in addressing various health problems, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It can also help reverse the effects of NAFLD. NAFLD is a group of conditions characterized by liver fat buildup, inflammation, […]
By Ralph Flores
Use lavender essential oil to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines
People suffering from migraines could benefit a lot from lavender, a study published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine suggests. The study, a multi-university effort from Iranian researchers, looked at the effects of lavender essential oil when used in migraine prophylactics. In the three-month study, the researchers enrolled migraine sufferers in a randomized controlled clinical trial. The […]
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