By Zoey Sky
Garlic is the ultimate survival food for the smart prepper
Garlic is popular all over the world because it’s both a flavorful seasoning and a versatile vegetable with many health benefits. Even after SHTF, carefully prepared garlic has incredible uses. (h/t to The various health benefits of garlic Garlic can improve blood lipids and help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke — Garlic can help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and […]
By Janine Acero
Plants that many consider to be weeds are actually powerful medicinal herbs
Weeds are plants that grow where they’re not wanted, where they “steal” nutrients meant for desired crops. However, not all weeds are pests. Some can be sources of food or have medicinal properties, and other benefits that may make you see these plants in a new light. While some weeds can be beneficial, you must first consider the […]
By Zoey Sky
Foraging for hygienic resources: Plants the Native Americans used to make soap (which can still be found today)
In the past, the Native Americans and early European settlers learned to adapt to their environment. Since they didn’t have access to commodities like shampoo and soap, they made do with what nature provided. Sanitation was a crucial yet challenging task at the time, and they learned to use versatile Native American plants to wash […]
By Frances Bloomfield
7 unconventional uses for pepper
Pepper: it’s a humble seasoning and spice that no home nor restaurant kitchen can do without. Yet far from just adding a touch of heat to any dish, peppers have a wide array of uses. And many of these don’t even have anything to do with food. Read on to discover the various possible applications […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Rosemary is one of the easiest herbs to grow
Rosemary is the darling of the mint family. This incredibly fragrant evergreen herb is used for a variety of things, from a culinary condiment to a wonderful perfume additive. The plant is a rich source of vital nutrients as iron, calcium, and vitamin B6. Although many people use the herb dried or powdered, wellness experts […]
By Earl Garcia
Stop throwing away this weed; it could help lower your cholesterol
A vast number of studies have demonstrated purslane’s efficacy in reducing blood cholesterol levels. As reported by, the plant is actually a beneficial herb packed with nutritional benefits, despite it being considered an insignificant weed. Purslane is known to contain high levels of carotene and antioxidants as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The plant […]
By Russel Davis
10 High-yield vegetables you should be growing this year
According to experts, combining the principles of biointensive gardening and square-foot gardening may help gardeners achieve good harvest despite the limited garden space. An article in has listed 10 high-yield crops to grow this year to maximize the limited space. 10 high-yield vegetables you can grow in small spaces Leaf lettuce – Leaf lettuce varieties such as oak […]
By Rhonda Johansson
14 fruits and vegetables to start planting in April
We’re hitting the middle of Spring! With temperatures rising and your garden soil reaching that “Goldilocks” temperature of not too hot and not too cold, now is the perfect time to plant most of your vegetable seeds. An article published on lists 14 fruits and vegetables you should start planting now! Beans: Not just […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Make time for thyme: How to grow your own thyme
If you feel like your roast chicken is missing that special something, a pinch of thyme might just do the trick. Now, you could go to your local farmers’ market to purchase a small bundle of thyme… or you could grow it yourself in your very own backyard. Not only is this aromatic, flavorful herb […]
By Earl Garcia
10 Earth-friendly hacks for starting your garden this spring
The season provides an opportune time to revitalize your garden, and optimize its space for a more bountiful harvest this year. Television personality and lifestyle guru Martha Stewart shares 10 essential tips to jump start your spring gardening this year. Revitalize your garden this spring with these easy steps Survey the garden – It is […]
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