acupressure points
By Zoey Sky
Activate these 5 acupressure points to relieve headaches naturally
Headaches can easily ruin your day if they’re left unchecked. But taking medications for headaches increases your risk of suffering from side effects, such as liver damage. To relieve headaches naturally, try alternative medicine like acupressure. Acupressure is a kind of complementary or alternative medicine that is based on the same fundamental principles as acupuncture. Both practices stimulate meridian lines, or pressure […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Use acupressure to keep your spleen healthy
The spleen is often overlooked and is probably ranked the lowest in the hierarchy of vital organs by many people. This could be due to the fact that the spleen isn’t really necessary for survival. Unlike the heart or the lungs, the absence of a spleen from the body doesn’t automatically spell death. But what […]
By Edsel Cook
Get relief from musculoskeletal pain by learning these 7 acupressure points
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicinal approach that applies pressure to certain points in the body to stimulate the corresponding muscles and organs. There are seven points, in particular, that are commonly used to relieve pain in the musculoskeletal system. Putting pressure on these points reduces the pain emanating from the injured or strained parts […]
By Edsel Cook
The best acupressure points for more youthful skin
You can look and feel young again without resorting to toxic “beauty products” or costly “cosmetic surgery.” If you press certain acupressure points on your face and body, your skin will take on a fresh new glow within days. Before you start, find a quiet place. Empty your mind, breathe evenly through your nostrils, and […]
By Edsel Cook
Acupressure can heal stress fractures
Acupressure is often touted as a means of relieving pain caused by various ailments and injuries. But did you know that it can also help heal tiny fractures in bones? An article in Modern Reflexology covered how acupressure therapy could heal stress fractures. Stress fractures are also called hairline fractures. They develop when bones can no […]
By Edsel Cook
Cure your nausea naturally with acupressure
Nausea accompanies many ailments. It is also a common side effect of stimulants and pharmaceutical medicine. While many people will take anti-nausea drugs or just endure it, an article in Modern Reflexology suggested acupressure as a natural means of remedying the common disorder. Acupressure is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is similar […]
By Zoey Sky
Detoxify with acupressure: Top 7 pressure points to flush toxins and strengthen the immune system
An individual with recurring illnesses and chronic diseases may experience a build-up of toxins in the body. Their condition may also worsen if their diet consists of food that contains preservatives, which can hamper the normal functions of major organs in the body. If these organs aren’t in peak condition, the aches and pains you may […]
By Michelle Simmons
Treat migraines and headaches with 6 effective acupressure regions
Migraines and headaches are two of the most common pains that people experience. If you want to relieve your headache or migraine, apply acupressure on the following regions listed below. Forehead region – The points located in the face and forehead are yang pints which are full of energy, coming from the head and face […]
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