News & Articles By Bridgette Wilcox
By Bridgette Wilcox
Vitamin D found to substantially reduce risks of early menopause
Early menopause not only takes a toll on a woman’s physical health, but affects her emotional and mental well-being, too. It’s understandable, then, that delaying menopause is a matter of great importance to many women, and a subject of many scientific studies — many of which have found that delaying menopause often comes down to the things […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
Lawmakers set to approve marijuana as a treatment for menstrual cramps
Women who experience debilitating menstrual cramps could soon be allowed to take marijuana for relief, at least in the state of New York where lawmakers are currently mulling the approval of including dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) as one of the health conditions that allow medical marijuana. However, gynecologists say that more research needs to be done to recommend marijuana […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
Could your pet be your new probiotic?
If you’re considering getting a pet, here’s another reason to do so: New research suggests that pets — dogs in particular — balance the good and bad bacteria in a home by boosting the diversity of indoor microbes. This essentially turns them into a probiotic that boosts the immune system and positively affects gut bacteria. […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
Twelve weeks of Tai Chi shown to significantly reduce mild to moderate depression
The ancient Chinese martial art of Tai Chi is often overlooked as a form of exercise even though the practice has countless health benefits that include stress reduction, increased flexibility, and now, according to a new study, an improvement in depression symptoms. The research, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, focused on adult members of […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
10 Surprising health benefits of cinnamon
Cinnamon is more than just that thing you sprinkle on toast or on top of a holiday drink. The spice, is typically used in baked goods and pastries, mostly because it smells really good — but its benefits go far beyond its scent. Cinnamon, whether in stick or powder form, comes from the inner bark of evergreen trees […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
OUTLAW: Georgia representative takes law into his own hands by delivering cannabis oil to hundreds of sick patients
A representative from Georgia has been distributing cannabis oil to hundreds of people, relying on narrow provisions in the state’s medical marijuana law to evade felony charges for drug trafficking. Every month, Rep. Allen Peake receives a box of cannabis oil, which he hands out to hundreds of people who are part of the state’s medical […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
Marijuana for your memory? Study suggests wonder drug can reverse memory loss in older people
Marijuana is often associated with spaciness and slowed cognition, but it can actually do your brain some good, particularly in terms of your memory. A new study has found that the controversial drug can reverse age-related memory loss, reported. The study, done by researchers from the University of Bonn and published in the journal […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
These two spicy ingredients pack a powerful punch against cancer
Cancer prevention has never been more delicious than this: The zingy combination of ginger and chili can actually protect you from the deadly disease. A recent study by the American Chemical Society (ACS) has found that specific properties in the two spices combined can effectively inhibit tumor growth receptors, the reported. For the study, the research team from […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
White noise found to be just as effective against ADHD as dangerous psychiatric drugs
While attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is typically treated with a psychiatric drug prescription, a new study has found a possible new solution that is simpler, and less harmful. The Scandinavian study revealed that white noise may be effective in improving focus in children with ADHD, making it a suitable alternative to ADHD medications that come […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
6 Supplements you MUST take if you follow a plant-based diet
It’s easy to assume that anyone on a vegan, plant-based diet is healthier than everyone else. But that’s not always the case, said holistic cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn. Dr. Kahn warned against foods that cover their lack of nutritional value with labels that say “vegan” or”plant-based”, saying that vegans can easily get duped into a poor diet […]
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