News & Articles By Darnel Fernandez
By Darnel Fernandez
Drinking coffee can cause your body to turn on its “fat-fighting” mechanism, says research
Coffee has become one of the most popular beverages in the world. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t enjoy a good cup of coffee to start their day. While coffee tastes great and can give you the energy boost you need to get you through the morning rush, the rich beverage can […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Study: Consuming Aronia berries boosts heart health and improves cholesterol levels
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in certain foods and created by the liver. While the body needs some cholesterol to maintain proper function, too much of the bad type of cholesterol — also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — may lead to some drastic consequences. This substance can build up in blood vessel […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Mosquito begone: 5 Natural ingredients that work as a mosquito repellent
For many people, mosquito bites can be quite a nuisance when they’re trying to enjoy the great outdoors. If you happen to be a mosquito magnet, you’re probably already tired of having itchy, bumpy skin all the time. Just like with overall health, avoiding mosquito bites is all about practicing preventative measures as the first […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Understanding the causes and treatments of joint pain
Joints refer to the parts of the body where your bones meet each other, particularly in the shoulders, elbows, knees and hips. These connections allow the bones to move around. However, as you grow older, you may start to experience pain and discomfort emanating from these joints. People often see this developing joint pain as […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Survival medicine: Use wild lettuce as a natural painkiller and sedative when SHTF
Any prepper worth his salt should have a well-stocked medicine cabinet somewhere in his home or bug-out shelter. However, when SHTF and you’re forced to leave and go to a safer location, you might not have the time or luxury to bring with you all the contents of your medicine cabinet. This is why having […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Yoga as complementary medicine: How yoga can support your mental and physical health
Yoga, an ancient practice with origins stemming from ancient Indian philosophy, has become an increasingly popular trend in today’s society. A survey conducted by the Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance revealed that the number of Americans practicing yoga increased from 20.4 million to 36 million between 2012 and 2016. Many people use yoga as a relaxing […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Applying pressure to the arms and legs shown to improve brain blood flow, reveals study
As you age, your brain will experience changes that could affect your mental function. With cognitive decline being quite common, it is important to maintain brain function by keeping your brain as healthy as it can be. Now, recent evidence suggests that a simple squeeze to your arms and legs might be beneficial for your brain. […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Skin care 101: How essential oils help reduce acne
Acne is a common skin disorder that affects most people at some point in their lives. In fact, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases claims that an estimated 80 percent of individuals aged 11 to 30 experience outbreaks. Acne can be found almost anywhere in your body, although it commonly develops on the face, […]
By Darnel Fernandez
A hefty dose of vitamin C can help fight the common cold
Just like clockwork, the dreaded common cold comes around every year, causing runny nose, persistent coughing and misery. But does it really have to be this way? According to recent studies, it doesn’t. A study published in the journal Nutrients found that vitamin C is the key to recovering from the symptoms of the common cold. A researcher […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Survival medicine 101: Three natural remedies for pain relief, infections and for improving heart health
If and when SHTF, you might experience a higher risk for physical injuries. This could be made even worse by the potential lack of conventional medical facilities or medical supplies. In times of disaster, many stores would have been completely ransacked, leaving you with only nature’s boons to keep you safe from harm. If you […]
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