
National Academy of Sciences: Marijuana can be used as a medicine

In one of the least surprising announcements of the year, the National Academy of Sciences has declared that marijuana can be used as a medicine in order to improve one’s health naturally. Despite the fact that anyone who has done any significant amount of research on the subject could have told you the same thing, racking up data from numerous reputable sources is always a good thing, as it eventually reaches the point where nobody can deny the truth any longer. Even the staunchest critics of marijuana will have to accept defeat at some point — and that is when true liberty will be achieved.

Marijuana advocates all over the world rejoiced at the news, and for good reason, since it is yet another piece of scientific evidence that helps prove to naysayers that cannabis has considerable health benefits. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano stated, “The National Academy of Science’s conclusions that marijuana possesses established therapeutic utility for certain patients and that it possesses an acceptable safety profile when compared to those of other medications or recreational intoxicants are not surprising. This evidence has been available for some time, yet for decades marijuana policy in this country has largely been driven by rhetoric and emotion, not science and evidence.”

It continues to become more and more obvious that the only reason that cannabis hasn’t been legalized from coast to coast, all across the United States, is because the powers that be are benefiting heavily from the pharmaceutical drugs that are being peddled in its place. Should cannabis be legalized, Big Pharma will take a drastic hit, which is guaranteed to leave them scrambling. Considering the fact that President Donald Trump has already waged a culture war against the pharmaceutical industry, it should come as no great surprise that they don’t want their brand to be damaged any further.

The bottom line is that cannabis is a natural, healthy and effective alternative to chemical drugs that are created in a lab somewhere. Opioid addiction in America is through the roof, and few have the courage to address that fact because they are afraid of the wrath of those controlling the pharmaceutical industry. Thankfully, the truth is always on the side of justice and there is no way to keep the truth from coming out. Though the powers that be did their best to keep Americans in the dark on the health benefits of cannabis for as long as possible, that time is long gone. We are all waking up, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows that marijuana is actually considerably healthier than the drugs peddled at the pharmacy. (RELATED: Find more news about medical marijuana at

This is going to be a year that welcomes many changes to the United States. With the inauguration of Donald Trump comes a lot of new ideas regarding freedom and liberty within our country. One of the issues that our politicians need to address immediately is the archaic manner in which the federal government views cannabis. If they are truly in the business of improving the lives of the American people, they need to stop banning a plant that is guaranteed to help many. Should they choose to continue living in the past, denying the truth and waging a war on reality, they will be preventing many from reaching their full potential.

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Emerging superbug kills woman: Infection resistant to 26 antibiotics

After fracturing her leg, a 70-year-old woman from Nevada was hospitalized. After surgery, she developed an infection in her hip. Medical professionals tried to control the infection with several antibiotics, but all of them failed. The woman was facing a superbug that had evolved at the DNA level.

The 26 antibiotics available in the US, including last-line antibiotic colistin, were unable to stop the infection. The result was tragic; the woman’s microbiome was overtaken by the highly evolved superbug and the infection killed her. During the struggle to survive, the woman was isolated so the bacteria would not spread to other weakened patients in the hospital. According to microbial tests taken from other patients, the drug-resistant superbug did not spread; however, a superbug’s ability to spread is only half the problem. The other, more troubling problem with super bugs is their ability to lurk quietly inside the human gut until they find an opportunity to take advantage of a microbiome newly weakened by a round of antibiotics.

The real threat of superbug infection occurs due to a bacteria’s ability to evolve when antibiotics are administered

Patients are often admitted to the hospital with compromised microbiomes and weakened immune systems. The addition of more antibiotics allows these lurking, resistant superbugs to take control of the patient. As increasing use of antibiotics depletes the good microbes in the individual’s gut, superbugs are able to destroy the balance and take over the patient’s immune system. When there are not enough protective microbes in the gut, the superbug can take command and an infection manifests. The real threat of super bugs is their ability to manifest when a patient is given antibiotics. (RELATED: Read more about the failures of chemical medicine at

Colistin is an antibiotic that is reserved for resistant super bugs, yet resistance to this drug has emerged as of recent. The scientists are finding out that resistance to colistin is caused by a single evolving gene called mcr-1. This gene is special because it can transfer between bacteria rather easily via free floating DNA called plasmids.

Plasmids are swapped in the gut of humans, as bacteria interact. If the individual obtains a bacterium with a plasmid that carries resistance to colistin, the bacteria may lurk in the gut and be held in check; however, the bacterium becomes infectious when antibiotics are administered. The antibiotics kill everything except for the resistant bacteria. This failure of modern medicine allows the newly-equipped super bug to fill the void and manifest infection in the body. With no microbial competition to hold the infectious bacterium accountable, the super bug takes control. (RELATED: Follow more news about Big Pharma at

Antibiotic resistance occurring rapidly, across multiple bacteria species

Scientists warn that a single bacterium might collect multiple plasmids with multiple genes for resistance to multiple antibiotics. These infections can occur for multiple types of bacteria; tests have shown that E. coli has developed resistance through this same mcr-1 gene. One of the most recent super bugs to manifest came from the overuse of an antibiotic class called carbapenems. In 2009, scientists quickly found that the super bug had developed resistance through the gene, ndm-1, which allowed the bacteria to survive against the antibiotics that were once so heavily relied upon to treat it.

The real threat here is not the spread of a super bug from one person to the next. The real problem is the weakening of microbiomes via antibiotics which allows isolated cases of super bug infection to manifest, time and time again, in new places. Even if a hospital can control a super bug in the moment through isolation and sterilization, the real threat could manifest again and again, somewhere else.




Anti-aging ‘Holy Basil’ herb supports natural detoxification

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum tenuiflorum, is a sacred plant to many Hindus, and is used in a wide variety of religious contexts. It is also an important herb in Ayurveda, or traditional Indian medicine. Although the plant has been used in Ayurveda for centuries, Western herbalists and scientists are only just beginning to understand the powerful benefits of this anti-aging, detoxifying herb.

In Ayurveda, holy basil is used to support immunity, aid detoxification, modulate stress and slow aging. In Western herbalism, the plant is known as an “adaptogen,” or a plant that increases the body’s resistance to a wide variety of environmental stressors, rather than having only a few specific effects (such as lowering blood pressure, for example).

Adaptogens are so named because they adapt their function to the needs of the body, thus helping maintain balance. (Learn more about natural medicine for preventing disease at

Soothing stress, slowing aging

According to Ayurveda, holy basil can be used to boost mood, stamina and endurance by filling the body with a calming energy. It can help speed up slowed digestion or free up suppressed emotions.

Studies suggest that some of holy basil’s benefits come from its ability to help the body regulate its levels of cortisol, which is sometimes called the “stress hormone.” Released during times of stress, cortisol activates many components of the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the “fight or flight” response. While this response is important in times of crisis, it is hard on the body over time, and cortisol has been linked to many of the negative health effects of chronic stress.

Holy basil’s effects on cortisol may partially explain its traditional use in Ayurveda to soothe emotional and digestive upset. Cortisol can also suppress the immune system, a condition holy basil is also used to treat.

The herb’s much-lauded anti-aging effects may come in part from its high antioxidant activity. Researchers believe that many of the effects of aging come from cell and DNA damage caused by chemicals known as free radicals; antioxidants help remove free radicals from the body.

Science beginning to explore effects

Holy basil’s antioxidant effects likely make it a powerful cancer preventive, as cancer is one of the many health conditions linked to free radical damage.

A 2007 study from the Journal of Medicinal Food further suggests that holy basil may also exhibit direct anticancer activity. In that study, cancer was induced in rats, who were then treated with varying doses of holy basil leaf extract. At concentrations of 300 mg per kg of body weight, the extract reduced cancer cell formation, oxidative damage to proteins and fats, and levels of enzymes responsible for producing further toxic effects in the body.

Another study, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2008, found that holy basil might help reduce the effects of nerve degeneration (neuropathy), a common side effect of injury and many diseases, such as diabetes. Researchers severed sciatic nerves in the paws of rats, then treated them with holy basil extract for ten days. They found that over the course of the treatment, the nerve degeneration was reduced, and nerve sensitivity and motor control increased. Rats treated with holy basil extract also showed decreased oxidative stress and higher levels of calcium and glutathione. (RELATED: Learn about more natural remedies at

Holy basil may also be good for the skin, perhaps due to potent antimicrobial activity. A study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2006 compared the effects of holy basil, sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum, the type commonly used in Western cooking), and hoary basil (Ocimum americanum) on bacteria believed to be the cause of acne. The researchers found that both holy basil and sweet basil showed significant antimicrobial effects.



Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar: Powerful natural mixture against indigestion, obesity

Science is supposedly looking for miracle cures for all sorts of ailments, yet nature consistently provides the most powerful remedies anywhere on the planet. These solutions are also typically far safer and cost pennies on the dollar compared to steep costs for conventional medical treatments. Better yet, these down-to-earth treatments are usually simple and accessible to all people. The mixture of garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar is certainly no exception to those principles. It is a powerful remedy that you can make in the comfort of your own home with ingredients you probably keep on hand.

Benefits of this naturally healthy remedy

The combination of the three ingredients yields specific advantages to anyone who mixes then drinks them. It can help to prevent and treat gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, and it has also been shown to ward off weight issues like obesity. With the obesity rate climbing ever higher, having people take a few minutes to prepare this drink can certainly provide a solution to a growing problem.

Taking a look at the benefits of the three individual ingredients gives some clues as to what makes them so powerful when combined:

  • Garlic is high in allicin, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. It offers a world of miraculous benefits, and when taken internally, it can be helpful for treating all sorts of infections.
  • Honey contains high levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and it’s an excellent antiseptic.
  • Apple cider vinegar may provide the secret sauce in the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar combination because of the sour-tasting liquid’s anti-obesity and indigestion-fighting properties.

You can imagine what a powerhouse you are creating when you combine the three items, in light of their individual properties and benefits even when used alone. (RELATED: Learn more news about the healing power of superfoods at

How to make this powerful mixture

Preparing for yourself a healthy drink of these three wonderful ingredients could not be easier or quicker. Simply measure out one cup of apple cider vinegar, one cup of honey and ten cloves of freshly minced garlic. Thoroughly combine the ingredients in a blender, and pour the mixture into a glass jar. Refrigerate that. Take two tablespoons of the mixture each day in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. The mixture keeps for five days, and after that it will not provide the same powerful benefits. If you would like to improve the flavor some, add a small amount of water or organic juice such as apple juice.

Tips for maximum effectiveness

To get the most healing power out of the garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar mixture, make sure you follow certain rules. First, preferably use only organic ingredients. Also, garlic should be as fresh as possible or even grown in your own garden. Avoid using garlic that feels spongy or has dried out. Honey needs to be raw and preferably local, and avoid at all costs the “fake” honey that has become more prevalent in recent years. It is a “mystery” concoction of additives masquerading as a healthy food. Use raw apple cider vinegar that contains particles, also known as the “mother,” that settle to the bottom of the bottle. Before pouring out some vinegar, shake the capped bottle vigorously to thoroughly mix the particles in with the liquid.

Additional benefits include reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, cancer treatment and diabetes improvement. What if one of the cures for those dreaded ailments is right in your kitchen? So cheers to your health, and enjoy the rewards that come from setting aside a few minutes daily to take care of yourself by drinking this remedy.

Learn more about natural remedies at


Credit: Wikimedia

Researchers: Eating organic provides much greater nutritional intake vs. conventional foods

Despite propaganda put out by the pesticide and genetically modified organism (GMO) industries, the evidence is clear: organic food has a higher nutrient content than food produced with GMOs and synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

The issue is only increasing in relevance as consumers continue to turn to organic rather than conventionally produced foods. From 2014 to 2015, the amount consumers spent on packaged organic products went from $12.8 billion to $13.4 billion. That doesn’t include sales of organic produce, bulk dried goods, meat, or meals at organic restaurants.

Yet you’ll still hear certain scientists, along with pesticide and GMO company spokespeople, claim that organic food is no better for you than “conventional” food. What’s the truth? (RELATED: Discover more news about healthful vs. harmful food ingredients at

Dramatically higher antioxidant content

The evidence for organic foods’ superior nutrient content just keeps getting stronger. In 2011, the journal Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences published what was, at that time, one of the most sophisticated analyses of the prior research comparing nutrient content of organic and conventional foods. They found that in general, organic foods tend to be higher in antioxidants (including vitamin C) and phenolic acids, but may be lower in protein and vitamin A.

They hypothesized that the main difference between the foods is the excessive use of synthetic fertilizers in conventional agriculture, which adds much more nitrogen to the plants’ diets. This leads to a reduction in stress, causing the plants to produce fewer defense-related secondary metabolites, such as vitamin C and other antioxidants. But it may cause the plant to accumulate more nitrogen in the form of protein, and to increase the content of secondary metabolites unrelated to defense, like vitamin A.

The researchers found that the levels of secondary plant metabolite-based nutrients in organic fruits and vegetables were about 12 percent higher in organic than in non-organic produce. Defense-related secondary metabolites in particular were 16 percent higher.

“This subset encompasses most of the important, plant-based antioxidants that promote good health,” the researchers wrote.

In 2014, an even more comprehensive analysis reviewed the findings of 343 prior peer-reviewed studies on the same topic. This paper, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, was the largest such analysis ever performed.

The researchers found much stronger results than the analysis from three years prior. They found that the antioxidant content of organic fruits and vegetable was between 19 and a shocking 69 percent higher than that of non-organic produce. This difference was large enough that shifting to an all-organic diet could provide the same nutritional benefit as eating an extra two servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Organic food lower in poisons

Higher nutrient content isn’t the only reason that organic food is better for your health, of course. Organic food is guaranteed free of GMOs, which have been linked to organ and reproductive problems.

It is also free from the residue of dangerous pesticides that have also been linked to problems across the health spectrum.

According a study published in the journal Environmental Research, switching to an organic diet can reduce an adult’s overall pesticide exposure by 90 percent. Another study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, showed the same effect over the long-term. It found that study participants who reported eating a higher proportion of organic produce showed evidence of significantly less organophosphate pesticide exposure than participants who ate mostly conventional produce.

This translates into real health benefits. According to a letter published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, you can reduce your pesticide-related health risk by 94 percent just by eating only organic forms of the top six most pesticide-intensive fruits (currently strawberries, apples, nectarines, peaches, grapes and cherries).

Despite the growing popularity and increasingly strong case for organic foods, farmers have been slow to convert their farmland to organic production. Several major food companies are now offering monetary incentives to help farmers make the switch.



Doctor sells practice in New York; buys New Jersey farm to offer plant-based medicine

After 25 years of treating patients in the conventional manner, Dr. Ronald Weiss has sold his West New York practice to establish New Jersey’s first farm-based medical facility on a 348-acre plot of land in Long Valley.

The community-supported Ethos Health agricultural program Weiss has founded is based on the principle that food is medicine, and that diet can be more effective than pharmaceutical drugs in the prevention and treatment of disease. (RELATED: Read about food as medicine to prevent disease at

“Plant-based whole foods are the most powerful disease-modifying tools available to practitioners — more powerful than any drugs or surgeries,” Weiss told “I am talking about treating and preventing chronic disease — the heart attacks, the strokes, the cardiovascular disease, the cancers … the illnesses that are taking our economy and our nation down.”

The 348-acre ‘farmacy’ feeds 90 families

Weiss’s undergraduate degree in botany has no doubt come in handy in setting up his “farmacy.” And with the assistance of two local farmers, the project is now producing fresh organic fruits, vegetables and herbs for 90 families.

In turn, the families pay a membership fee and perform volunteer work on the farm, such as picking produce or pulling weeds. This helps people take a greater interest in the foods they eat – an awareness that is the foundation of good health, according to Weiss.

“Human health is directly related to the health of the environment, the production of food and how it is grown,” Weiss said. “I see this farm as an opportunity for me to take everything I’ve done all my life, all the biology and chemistry of plants I have studied, and link them to the human biological system.”

Although many mainstream medical practitioners continue to express skepticism regarding the “food as medicine” philosophy, there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that it really works, and some of Weiss’s patients are good examples.

‘More than a miracle’

For instance, 90-year-old Angelina Rotella was able to recover from chronic heart disease and diabetes by switching to Weiss’s plant-based dietary prescription.

Rotella was confined a wheelchair and suffering from congestive heart failure when she first visited Dr. Weiss. Eight months later, after changing her diet, she had lost 40 pounds and was able to get around without the wheelchair.

Her daughter, Angie Rotella-Suarez, called it “more than a miracle,” and after witnessing their mother’s dramatic improvement, Rotella-Suarez and her sister also switched to Weiss’s vegan diet plan, enabling them both to also lose 40 pounds and reverse their pre-diabetic status.

Weiss is encouraged by those within the medical profession who advocate a plant-based diet, such as Kim A. Williams, former president of the American College of Cardiology, who has written essays on the subject and spoken out about his own experiences. Williams has said that he succeeded in lowering his cholesterol levels on a vegan diet after failing to do so on a low-fat diet.

Other health experts remain critical of the concept, labeling all-plant diets as “still experimental.”

Whether or not a strict vegan diet is superior to one that includes some protein obtained from meat is open to debate, but what does seem clear is that primarily consuming fresh organic fruits and vegetables is the true prescription for good health.

It doesn’t take a medical degree to understand that what you put in your body not only affects but actually determines your state of health – and in fact, a conventional education in medicine tends to steer people away from that realization.

One of the reasons that plant-based medicine is still considered “fringe” appears to be that the medical establishment feels threatened by an approach that might put them out of business.

Big Pharma and the cancer industry would simply cease to exist if plant-based therapies and remedies became mainstream. Stay informed about the healing benefits of fresh foods at



Study finds acupuncture to be more effective in treating pain than morphine

Acupuncture is an age-old traditional Chinese practice in which practitioners stimulate specific trigger points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin. In Asia, acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat back, knee, and neck pain, osteoarthritis, headaches, and many other medical conditions. Today researchers are slowly unraveling what benefits acupuncture can have on our overall health.

According to new research, published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, acupuncture may be more efficient in the management of pain than intravenous morphine. Furthermore, the study reported that acupuncture can work faster in relieving pain and with no adverse health effects. When performed by an experienced, well-trained practitioner using sterile needles, acupuncture is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. (RELATED: Learn more about acupuncture and other healing arts at

The dark side of morphine use

People suffering chronic pain are usually prescribed morphine or morphine-like prescription drugs. These opioid pain medications are highly addictive and can have severe adverse health effects. Next to being highly addictive, morphine-based drugs can cause drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, tired feeling, anxiety, and mild itching.

Furthermore, a research team from the University of Colorado-Boulder reported that they may actually worsen chronic pain instead of treating it. As reported by Waking Times, prescription painkillers have been responsible for more than 183,000 deaths over the last 15 years.

Even though there are several holistic alternatives available to treat chronic pain, doctors keep prescribing these health-damaging drugs to the majority of pain sufferers. Current evidence suggests acupuncture is one of the most effective holistic treatments to combat pain. It might even be more effective than morphine, according to the researchers from the Fattaouma Bourguiba University Hospital in Tunisia.

Acupuncture versus Big Pharma

For their study, the research team evaluated 300 emergency patients. Of these 300 patients, 150 were administered up to 15 milligrams of morphine per day while the other 150 people were treated with acupuncture to manage their pain.

The team concluded that there was a significant difference in pain reduction between the two groups. The acupuncture group experienced greater pain reduction. Furthermore, the researcher reported that the effect occurred faster and with fewer side effects compared to the morphine group.

This is not the first time acupuncture has been associated with better health and pain reduction. In 1996, acupuncture became an accepted form of medical treatment, officially recognized by some governments throughout the world. Nonetheless, harmful prescription medication is for many pain sufferers still the way they choose to manage their chronic aches and pain.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), conditions for which acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment include adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, biliary colic, depression, dysentery, nausea, morning sickness, hypertension, headaches, sciatica and lower back, knee, and neck pain.

As you can see, acupuncture can play a crucial role in pain management. It works better than morphine, one of the strongest painkillers out there, making it an effective drug-free alternative to health-damaging prescription drugs.

If you, or one of your loved ones, suffers from chronic pain, instead of relying on money-generating, addictive medications why not give this ancient, time-tested, natural practice your trust?

Stay informed and learn about more advances in medicine at



Huge 400 page scientific report concludes marijuana effectively treats chronic pain

A new 400-page analysis of more than 10,000 marijuana studies concluded that marijuana is effective for treating chronic pain, relieving multiple sclerosis symptoms and alleviating the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

The report, released by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine on January 12, is the first since 1999 to take a comprehensive look at the overall state of marijuana research, and may have a significant impact on future policy-making decisions at the state and federal level. (RELATED: Learn more breakthroughs in natural medicine at

But whether or not the information contained in the report will actually benefit the pro-marijuana movement overall is an open question, since the findings are a mix of positive and negative regarding the use of marijuana and its impact on public health.

The positive findings include “conclusive or substantial” evidence that the above-mentioned therapeutic applications are effective and the fact that there is little or no evidence linking marijuana smoking to cancer.

Perhaps the most potentially significant conclusion made by the researchers was that under marijuana’s current classification as a Schedule I drug, new cannabis research is made difficult to undertake.

The daunting bureaucratic maze and approval process encountered by scientists often discourages new research from being conducted – research the report stressed as necessary to gaining a full understanding of marijuana’s effects on human health and society as a whole.

Study’s impact on future cannabis policy remains to be seen

But the report also contained findings that some in the media are interpreting as a threat to the marijuana industry and legalization movement.

For example, a January 16 Fox News story title asks the question: “Could This Study Be Disastrous for Marijuana Stocks?”

Fox’s take on the report’s potential impact is rather grim:

“A study just released by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine slams many of the purported benefits of marijuana. In one of the most comprehensive studies of the effects of marijuana ever, a heavy-hitting lineup of health and medical experts punched holes in several key arguments that marijuana proponents make. Could this study be disastrous for marijuana stocks?”

The “purported benefits” allegedly slammed by the report include marijuana’s effects on epilepsy, PTSD, HIV/AIDS, Tourette syndrome and other conditions, but the researchers’ general conclusions were that there is simply just not enough evidence to prove such benefits – it’s unclear how Fox News managed to interpret that as a “slam.”

But there were other aspects of the study that indeed may prove to be worrisome for cannabis advocates. The researchers reported evidence associating marijuana to an increased risk of automobile accidents, lower birth weights for babies whose mothers smoked cannabis during pregnancy, and a link between marijuana smoking and bronchial problems.

The release of the study comes a time of flux and uncertainty regarding marijuana’s legal status, particularly in terms of the current divergence between federal laws and those of states which have passed marijuana initiatives. (Stay informed about hemp and marijuana science at

How will the Trump administration handle the marijuana issue?

It’s unclear how the incoming presidential administration will deal with the issue – Donald Trump himself has provided scant information and somewhat mixed signals – leading up to and since the election – regarding his stance on marijuana, and his nominee for Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions, has also given conflicting statements to the press.

In the past, Sessions has said things like: “We need grown-ups in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized,” and “good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

But during his confirmation hearing, when queried on the subject, Sessions said:

“I won’t commit to never enforcing federal law… I think some of [the Obama-era guidelines] are truly valuable in evaluating cases… Using good judgment about how to handle these cases will be a responsibility of mine. I know it won’t be an easy decision, but I will try to do my duty in a fair and just way.”

Most observers seem to agree that going against the wishes of the majority of American voters regarding marijuana legalization would be an unwise political move for the incoming administration. Let’s hope they truly understand that fact and opt for doing the right thing.



These incredible plants were used by Native Americans to cure illness

Native American medicine is something that many people hold in high regard. Their traditional techniques and natural remedies are truly something to marvel at. Every Native American tribe has its own unique approach. The Cherokee, a tribe indigenous to the Southeastern United States, believed that the “Creator” gave them the gift of being able to understand and preserve medicinal herbs. A number of different herbs and plants can be used as medicine, as they once were.

Here are nine plants that the Cherokee tribe used to cure a variety of different symptoms:

1. Big Stretch (Wild Ginger)

Mild tea made from the wild ginger plant was believed to help stimulate the digestion process. The Cherokee believed it could also treat stomach problems, colic and even intestinal gas. Another Native American tribe, known as The Meskwaki, used pulverized wild ginger stems to treat ear infections.

2. Hummingbird Blossom (Buck Brush)

Hummingbird blossom was used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Traditionally, it was used as a diuretic to stimulate kidney function, but it was also used to treat inflamed tonsils or lymph nodes and other oral issues, as well as menstrual bleeding.

Modern day laboratory research has indicated that hummingbird blossom is great for treating lymphatic blockages and hypertension.

3.Wild Mint

Mint remains popular today as a tasty herbal tea that’s also packed with antioxidants. The Cherokee used mint to assist with digestion, and also ground the leaves up to create ointments or for use in cold compresses. Mint was also added to baths to help relieve itchy skin.

4. Blackberry

These berries are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that help to support good health. In addition to the delicious berries, a tea can also be made from the root of the plant, which is said to help decrease swelling in the joints and bodily tissues. Chewing on the leaves of the blackberry plant is also said to help relieve bleeding gums.

5. Cattail 

Cattails have been regarded as a great preventive medicine and, barring the seed heads and mature leaves, is digested fairly easily. Boiled and mashed cattails were often used to create a paste to treat burns and other sores. Seed down, or the fluff from the seed blooms, was also used to help prevent skin irritations for infants.

6. Sumac

Sumac is touted as having many different uses. The bark, for example, can be made into a mild decoction to help soothe diarrhea. Tea made from sumac leaves is also said to help reduce fevers. There are many types of sumac, so one must be careful not to choose poison sumac.

7. Wild Rose

Tea made from wild rose hips was traditionally used to stimulate kidney function and bladder function. A rose petal infusion can also be used to help relieve sore throats; the petals can also be used to make a tasty jam. The roots of the wild rose plant can also be made into a mild decoction for diarrhea.

8. Mullein

According to The Cherokee, this herb can be used to help treat asthma and clear away chest congestion. Inhaling smoke from the burning leaves and roots is said to actually help open your airways and calm your lungs. Decoctions made from mullein can be used for foot soaks to relieve pain and inflammation. Flowers from the mullein plant were also used to make a tea with a mild sedative effect.

9. Yarrow

The crushed-up leaves of this well-known plant were traditionally used to encourage blood clotting. The crushed leaves were applied topically to wounds to help stop the bleeding. Yarrow juice, mixed with fresh water, was also said to help stop intestinal bleeding.

Tea made from yarrow leaves is said to boost digestion and assist with kidney and gallbladder issues.

Herbal medicine is truly nature’s medicine, and there is so much more we have to learn about it, especially from other cultures. Stay informed about more strategies for preventing disease at



Dandelion root, a cancer cell killer, has a long history as medicine

The roots, leaves and flowers of the dandelion plant are a potent and healthy herbal medicine, although folks might think those yellow dots popping up in their landscape are just nuisance weeds. Not so, as reported by, who emphasizes that the botanical name for dandelion – Taraxacum officinal – aptly describes its medicinal potential. Taraxacum translates into an “inflammation curative.” Officinal means that the lowly dandelion is revered as a bona fide, official medicinal plant. The use of the dandelion plant as a healing agent “predates written records,” but it is understood that the Greeks and the Chinese used dandelion compounds to aid in digestion, and as a liver tonic and diuretic. (RELATED: Learn more about natural remedies at

Traditional herbalists, both in the East and the West, have utilized the properties of the dandelion for liver support and as a blood purifier. It is this blood purifying action that intrigued Canadian researchers at the University of Windsor to pursue whether dandelion roots could be effective for individuals suffering from end stage blood cancer. The team experimented by applying dandelion root extract into petri dishes on “blood drawn from a leukemia patient and lab rats.” They discovered that the “dandelion root extract was effective in inducing apoptosis, or cell suicide, in tumor cells, while leaving healthy cells alone.”

This remarkable outcome garnered approval to test their dandelion root protocol on thirty Canadian cancer patients. It is the first time in Canada that a natural extract has been approved for utilization in a clinical trial. The lead researcher is Dr. Siyaram Pandey, a biochemistry professor at Windsor, who discovered the power of dandelions from an oncologist whose own patients had had enough chemotherapy and chose to drink dandelion tea instead – and lived!  Dr. Pandey shares his unusual introduction to dandelions, a simple explanation of what cancer is, and some of his initial thoughts about the clinical trial in this Tedx  presentation:

Each body is unique and all cancer treatment decisions are personal and made only after sound deliberation. A combination of clean food, nutritional and immune building modalities – among many other alternative medicine treatments – may be required to ultimately win an individual’s battle against cancer. Yet it is generally agreed that chemotherapy is a shotgun blast of toxicity that kills cells indiscriminately and cripples the immune system. Your backyard dandelion’s roots specifically kill only the cancerous cells and enhances the immune system. Dandelions are not toxic, and they also offer a bevy of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin A, K, B6 and B12.

Herbalists who live in America are not allowed to treat cancer patients, says author and internationally traveled herbalist Demetria Clark, who has taught thousands through her Heart of Herbs Herbal School. Dandelion is used enthusiastically by Clark as a “supportive therapy” with whatever cancer protocol her client has chosen. If a client has chosen chemotherapy, Clark says that dandelion will “support the liver and help the body detoxify.”  She also says that dandelion leaves put into smoothies can help with mouth sores and nausea. The dandelion can boost one’s appetite and also “get the digestive juices flowing.”  Clark believes that the available empirical evidence clearly shows that the dandelion “can enhances the immune system and supports the liver and kidneys with no toxicity and a high amount of nutrition.”  She encourages children and pregnant women to use the benefits available from the simple, but profound, dandelion.

Have you ever wondered why are there so many dandelions? Perhaps nature is trying to give all of us a gentle yellow immune boost.

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