
Over 2,500 DHS employees and co-conspirators have been convicted of crimes in the past eight years, according to federal auditor

It is often said that when an agency or department is failing, it’s because there is a failure at the top, that there is something wrong with the leadership. Nowhere is that more evident than at the beleaguered Department of Homeland Security where, under the tutelage of former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, an agency with an already dubious resume has gone from bad to worse to despicable.

A new federal audit of the monstrous agency, created in the heat and passion of the moment in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks, 2,527 DHS employees and co-conspirators have been convicted of either being corrupt or engaging in outright criminality since 2004, reported, citing written testimony submitted to Congress recently by the department’s inspector general, Charles Edwards.

During his Aug. 1 testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform’s subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency, and Financial Management, Edwards told lawmakers that, as of July 15, his office was dealing with 1,591 open criminal cases involving DHS employees and some of their accomplices.

Range of crimes, and lots of it

While he testified that some cases dated back to fiscal year 2004, the majority of investigations were opened within the past three fiscal years – in other words, on Napolitano’s watch. The agency began operations in March 2003. (For the record, it should be noted here that in February 2010, a number of U.S. senators were stunned to learn that DHS employed more contractors than full-time employees; then, DHS employed 200,000 contractors compared to 188,000 regular employees, the latter figure excluding members of the U.S. Coast Guard. A story dated Aug. 22 described DHS as a “massive agency” employing “more than 225,000 employees.”)

Per Among the 2,527 criminal convictions as of July 15, 1,644 (about 65 percent) stem from Federal Emergency Management Agency-related investigations; 358 (about 14 percent) from those linked to the Customs and Border Protection agency, 166 (seven percent) from Immigration and Customs Enforcement-related investigations, and 133 (five percent) from investigations linked to the Transportation Security Administration. The remaining 226 (about nine percent) convictions are categorized as “other.”

The range of crimes is astounding.

Border Patrol agents have been convicted of smuggling marijuana and cocaine. Immigration agents have forged documents and robbed drug dealers. Transportation Security Administration employees have been busted with child pornography. And those are just a few of the crimes the IG has been tasked with investigating in the past year alone.

“Since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security nearly a decade ago, the agency’s inspector general has been tasked with uncovering corruption, waste and criminality within its own ranks. The IG has had his hands full,” said.

In 2011, according to the department’s IG office, 318 DHS employees and contractors – men and women tasked with keeping the country safe – were arrested. That’s about one per working day.

The corruption seems worse along the southwest border

According to IG documentation, there is a great deal of corruption among immigration and border agents.

“Border corruption may take the form of cash bribes, sexual favors, and other gratuities in return for allowing contraband or undocumented aliens through primary inspection lanes or even protecting and escorting border crossings; leaking sensitive law enforcement information to persons under investigation and selling law enforcement intelligence to smugglers; and providing needed documents such as immigration papers,” Edwards told lawmakers earlier this month.

Some of the criminal activity is downright scary.

Consider the case of a Border Patrol agent from Tucson named Yamilkar Fierros. He was convicted and sentenced to 20 months in prison for providing “sensor location maps, trail maps, and communications technology” to drug cartels in exchange for $5,000 in bribe money.

How bad is the criminality?

On the day of Edwards’ testimony, two Border Patrol agents were found guilty of smuggling illegal aliens in their vehicles for cash. They could face 50 years in prison.



Stop stomach ulcers with the miracle remedy of cabbage

Cabbage is one of the most medicinal vegetables you’ll find in your garden (or your local grocery store). It contains powerful medicinal compounds that help heal cancer, but one of its best-known uses is as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers.

Cabbage may not sound like amazing medicine, but in terms of its complex phytonutrient compounds, it’s actually one of the most advanced natural treatments for ulcers yet engineered by Mother Nature. Read some of the supporting quotes about cabbage and ulcers below…

How cabbage cures stomach ulcers

The duodenal ulcers of patients fed cabbage also healed in one-third the usual time. In a double blind study of 45 inmates at San Quentin Prison in California, 93 percent of the ulcers in prisoners taking cabbage juice concentrate in capsules – the equivalent of a fresh quart of cabbage juice every day – were healed after three weeks. Only 32 percent of the ulcers healed in those taking a dummy capsule. How could cabbage work? Seemingly by strengthening the stomach lining’s resistance to acid attacks.
Food Your Miracle Medicine by Jean Carper

Classic European remedies whose effectiveness has been verified by medical research include raw cabbage and potato and celery juices. Drinking a cup of cabbage juice four times a day can heal stomach ulcers in only ten days. If juicing cabbage does not fit into your busy schedule, you can purchase dehydrated, raw cabbage powder at natural food stores. The magic ingredient in cabbage is sometimes called the antiulcer U factor. Its technical name is glutamine, and this compound is also available in capsules. Glutamine has proved to be a better ulcer cure than antacids.
Herbs for Health and Healing by Kathi Keville

There are natural antiulcer drugs in cabbage. That cabbage can help heal ulcers was shown by the pioneering experiments of Garnett Cheney, M.D., a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, in the 1950s. He demonstrated that a quart of fresh cabbage juice every day relieved pain and healed both gastric and duodenal ulcers better and faster than standard treatments did. In a test of fifty-five patients who drank cabbage juice, 95 percent felt better within two to five days.
Food Your Miracle Medicine by Jean Carper

We’re not sure just how cabbage (raw or juiced) became folk remedy number one for ulcers, but our survey proved its popularity. In fact, no other suggestion for this condition had as many fans. Linda Mae, 44, of East Canton, Ohio, and Austin, of Wichita Falls, Texas, were two such endorsers. “It’s good for an ulcer in no time,” says Austin. In fact, there seems to be a real history to cabbage as a cure for ulcers. Roman doctors used cabbage to treat ulcers, as well as such diverse conditions as headache, colic and insomnia.
Home Remedies: What Works: Thousands of Americans Reveal Their Favorite Home-Tested Cures for Everyday Health Problems by Gale Maleskey, Brian Kaufman

Deficient digestion and assimilation require raw juices. Cabbage juice (green or white cabbage), for example, will improve and often cure such conditions as arthritis, stomach ulcers and metabolic disturbances. Raw potato juice is another superb remedy for stomach ulcers and is most effective when taken in combination with cabbage juice. If you cannot take raw vegetable juices neat or diluted with warm water, you might like to try adding them to soup (vegetable, oatmeal or barley) immediately before serving.
The Nature Doctor: A Manual of Traditional and Complementary Medicine by Alfred Vogel

Raw cabbage juice has a remarkable track record in helping people with peptic ulcers. One quart daily of fresh cabbage juice, taken in divided doses, can be enormously effective. In one study, patients taking this amount had total healing of their ulcers in ten days. Though stress is no longer considered the only cause of peptic ulcers, it’s clear that stress, or the way we react to it, does play a role. Regular exercise is a good antidote for stress, as are breathing exercises and various relaxation techniques.
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller’s Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments by Robert M. Giller, M.D.

Eat a wedge of raw cabbage daily, drink an eight-ounce glass of cabbage juice, or add about one cup of cabbage slices to a tossed salad. Make it a habit. No matter which suits your taste, be sure the cabbage is fresh. That’s the key to getting good results with this crunchy therapy. Only recently have doctors agreed that a bacterial infection causes many more ulcers than stress does. Yet for decades, herbalists have recommended calendula tea to ulcer sufferers because of its immune-stimulating properties.
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller’s Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments by Robert M. Giller, M.D.

Today, we know its cancer-curing effects are from its numerous anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds. Cabbage speeds up estrogen metabolism, which is thought to help block breast cancer and suppress growth of polyps, a prelude to colon cancer. According to research, eating cabbage more than once a week cut men’s colon cancer odds by as much as 66 percent. As little as two daily tablespoons of cooked cabbage protected subjects against stomach cancer. Cabbage also contains powerful anti-ulcer compounds; its juice has shown to help heal ulcers in humans.
Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You by Andreas Moritz

Raw cabbage juice has been well documented as having remarkable success in treating peptic ulcers. One liter per day of the fresh juice, taken in divided doses, resulted in total ulcer healing in an average of only 10 days. Further research has shown that the high glutamine content of the juice is probably responsible for the efficacy of cabbage in treating these ulcers.
Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 2 by Michael T. Murray, ND

Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations held cabbage in high regard as they felt it was capable of treating a host of health conditions. Romans developed an ointment made from lard and ashes of burnt cabbages for use in disinfecting wounds. Cabbage juice is often sold in health food stores as a popular home remedy for ulcers.
101 Foods That Could Save Your Life! by David W. Grotto, RD, LDN

A study in Japan discovered that people who consumed the most cabbage had the lowest death rate from all cancers. This puts cabbage in the same category as yogurt and olive oil as potential life extenders. The high levels of vitamin A aid in tissue rejuvenation, and the sulfur content helps fight infection and protects the skin from eczema and other rashes. In its raw form and especially as a juice, cabbage contains ascorbigen, formerly called cabbagen or vitamin U, which heals and protects against stomach ulcers.
Prescription for Dietary Wellness: Using Foods to Heal by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

Perhaps the best plant food for treating an existing ulcer is cabbage. Naturopathic physicians often recommend drinking raw cabbage juice. My advice is to eat boiled cabbage that’s made with celery and potatoes and seasoned with ginger and red and black pepper. All of these ingredients contain anti-ulcer compounds. Among the herbs used for treating ulcers, licorice is the best, in my opinion. Several studies have shown that licorice heals ulcers as effectively as pharmaceuticals, often even curing them.
The Green Pharmacy Anti-Aging Prescriptions: Herbs, Foods, and Natural Formulas to Keep You Young by James A. Duke, Ph.D.

Cooked with care, though, cabbage is a delicious vegetable. Wild cabbages still grow in England and the Mediterranean area. Valued for at least two millennia, cabbage is sweet and slightly cooling to the stomach. It therefore counters overheated conditions, such as inflammation and dry throat. It nourishes the spleen-pancreas, regulates the stomach, and relieves abdominal spasms, pain, and ulcers. It treats constipation, the common cold, mental depression, and irritability. Cabbage purifies the blood, acts as a vermifuge, and was used by the Romans as a hangover cure.
The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating by Rebecca Wood

In the 1940s a prominent American physician got the notion that fresh cabbage is a natural anti-ulcer drug. Dr. Garnett Cheney, a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine, fed eyedropper amounts of fresh cabbage juice to guinea pigs, then tried to induce ulcers; not a single one developed the expected stomach damage.
The Food Pharmacy: Dramatic New Evidence That Food Is Your Best Medicine by Jean Carper

In its fermented form there is better nutrient assimilation of the cabbage. Fermented cabbage has high amounts of lactobacilli and plantatum bacteria, which have predigested the cabbage for us. These micro-organisms add much energy to our systems and aid in our general digestive process. The lactobacilli create an intestinal environment that is unfriendly to Candida. Raw cultured vegetables have been found to be effective in the treatment of a number of disease processes, including Candida, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, colic, food allergies, cystitis, and constipation.
Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Fresh apple, beet, cabbage, carrot, celery, and grape juices are also good, as are “green drinks,” which are made from green leafy vegetables. These green drinks are excellent detoxifiers. Raw cabbage juice is particularly good for ulcers, cancer, and all colon problems. Just be sure to drink the cabbage juice as soon as it is prepared. As this juice sits, it loses its vitamin content. As a general rule, you should not combine fruit and vegetable juices. Apples are the only fruit that should be added to vegetable juices.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

The value of raw cabbage juice as a cure for ulcers is now recognized by many doctors, since it was first announced by Dr. Garnett Cheney of the Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical School, around 1950. Mr. L.W. reports: “I was at home feeling punk and feeling sorry for myself. I had just gotten word from my physicial that x-rays showed my old ulcer had returned, and on top of that I had a new one. Once again, I was faced with the healing up of two of the pesky things with the old antacid treatment. Then I heard about cabbage for ulcers. So I brought out my old vegetable juicer.
Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams

Cabbage, both red and green, is one of the least expensive of the vitamin-protective foods and one of the most healthful. Raw cabbage detoxifies the stomach and upper bowels of putrefactive wastes, thereby improving digestive efficiency and facilitating rapid elimination. It also works to alkalinize the body, stimulate the immune system, kill harmful bacteria and viruses, soothe and heal ulcers, help prevent cancer, and clear up the complexion.
Whole Foods Companion: A Guide For Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers, and lovers of natural foods by Dianne Onstad

Drink 1 to 2 ounces of cabbage juice two to three times daily for two weeks. This common cruciferous vegetable contains phytochemicals that help soothe the gastric lining. Cabbage juice has been used for centuries for ulcers. It can provide exceptional relief for acid reflux. Papaya is an excellent source of digestive enzymes. Enjoy it often. Avoid citrus fruit juices and coffee. These common beverages contribute to additional acid in the stomach. Do not eat anything for at least two hours before going to bed.
Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults by Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND

Studies have shown that cabbage juice has remarkable healing powers for ulcers. Drink a quart of cabbage juice daily. It may be diluted with water or carrot juice. Cultured products will provide the friendly “bacteria” that fight H. pylori. Drink kefir milk or eat some live cultured yogurt every day. Zinc is healing to the digestive tract. Good sources include pumpkin seeds and whole grains. Consume garlic with your meals; test tube studies show it has anti-Helicobacter pylori properties.
Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More by James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D.

The common cabbage has been highly recommended as a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener. It has also been recommended for the teeth, gums, hair, nails, and bones, as well as for asthma, tuberculosis, gout, constipation, kidney and bladder disorders, obesity, diabetes, lumbago, and for improvement of the skin. Fresh raw cabbage juice has been acclaimed for alleviating stomach ulcers. It is an excellent iron tonic for cases where there is an iron deficiency.
Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds for Healthful Living by Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D.

Cabbage juice is considered a traditional folk remedy that can help peptic ulcers heal – but the taste of the juice is vile, says Lipski. Fortunately, the ulcer-healing compound in the juice is available in supplement form. One of the active ingredients is glutamine, an amino acid that nourishes and repairs the lining of the digestive tract. Lipski recommends taking 8,000 milligrams of glutamine a day for 4 weeks.
Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems by Bill Gottlieb

She also enjoyed a glass of cabbage juice each day, an agent found to help heal ulcers and chronic gastritis. Louise made it her habit to ask before every meal or snack, “Is this a ‘hole-healing’ food or a ‘hole-making’ food?” Within weeks the report was just as I expected – no more “hole” foods, no more debilitating stomach pain. Ulcers are not caused by worry or any other kind of emotional distress. Damage to the stomach is due directly to its contents (foods, beverages, drugs, and bacteria).
Dr. McDougall’s Digestive Tune-Up by John A. McDougall

Many years ago, researchers reported that cabbage juice accelerated healing of peptic ulcers. Drinking a quart of cabbage juice per day was necessary for symptom relief in some reports. Although only preliminary modern research supports this approach, many nutritionally oriented doctors claim considerable success using 1 quart per day for 10 to 14 days, with ulcer symptoms frequently decreasing in only a few days. Carrot juice may be added to improve the flavor.
The Natural Pharmacy: Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine by Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr. DC

It is, and will remain, a fact that the raw juices of potato and cabbage will heal gastric and duodenal ulcers. Even more interesting is the observation I made in connection with raw potato, cabbage (green and white) and carrot juice in the treatment of gout, rheumatism and allied conditions. If these juices are taken in conjunction with a strictly natural diet, these diseases will eventually respond to the treatment.
The Nature Doctor: A Manual of Traditional and Complementary Medicine by Alfred Vogel

The glucosinolates in cabbage work primarily by increasing antioxidant defense mechanisms, as well as improving the body’s ability to detoxify and eliminate harmful chemicals and hormones. Specifically, indole-3-carbinole (I3C), has been shown to increase the rate at which estrogen is broken down through the liver’s detoxification pathway by nearly 50 percent. Cabbage has also been shown to be extremely effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers.
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.

I believe it was simply due to the vitamin C content of cabbage. However little they received of it, vitamin C or ascorbic acid is something which ulcer patients are usually denied. Doctors often believe it irritates the stomach. But how can the tissue breakdown – which is what an ulcer is – heal without vitamin C, the main ingredient of collagen (tissue cement)? Just as the modest C content of cabbage was enough to prevent scurvy, during the early sea voyages, I believe it simply healed the ulcers in these patients, as well.
Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams

One of those is cabbage juice. Okay, cabbage juice doesn’t taste like Coca-Cola, but it is an extremely powerful stomach settler, and even a well-known cure for advanced ulcers. Another excellent herb for stomach pain is Glycyrrhiza glabra, better known as licorice root. Licorice has been shown to increase the blood supply to the damaged lining of the stomach, and increases the number of cells that produce the mucus that makes up the lining of the stomach. A note: if you are going to take licorice root, it is recommended that you choose deglycyrrhizinated licorice, better known as DGL.
Proven Health Tips Encyclopedia by American Medical Publishing


Use Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Diarrhea, Nausea and Vomiting

Acute cases of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting due to a viral or bacterial infection can be effectively treated at home using single homeopathic remedies. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting caused by overindulgence in food or drink can also be treated homeopathically. Most of the remedies mentioned in this article can be found in a standard Homeopathic First Aid Kit or at your local health food store. They are completely natural, easy to administer, and have no side effects. All the remedies mentioned below should be used in a 30C potency (strength). Look for “30C” written at the end of the given remedy name (e.g. Arsenicum Album 30C).

Arsenicum Album: The first remedy to try in cases of food poisoning or traveler’s diarrhea. There is vomiting and diarrhea. People needing this remedy are weak, chilly, anxious and thirsty.

Nux Vomica: A great remedy for nausea and vomiting, especially after alcoholic drinks or overindulging in food. It’s known as “the hangover remedy.”

Colocynthis: A good remedy for diarrhea anytime there is abdominal pain that is better from pressure and bending double.

Ipecacuanha: Good for persistent nausea, with or without diarrhea, which is not relieved by vomiting.

Podophyllum: Another common diarrhea remedy. The stool is profuse and offensive smelling. The stools may be yellowish or green and are often completely liquid, and the bowel movements can come very frequently.

Bryonia: Diarrhea and/or vomiting that is worse from the slightest motion. This person is irritable, wants to be left alone and feels warm.

Since homeopathy is safe and non-toxic, the remedies can be given to pregnant women and children. Dosage is the same for adults and children: a few pellets dissolved in the mouth, taken preferably 15 minutes away from food or water. The remedy can be repeated every half hour for the first few doses, then a few times per day thereafter. Remedy response is very fast in cases of acute diarrhea and vomiting, so if there is no response after waiting a few hours, it means that you have chosen the wrong remedy.

Dietary Precautions

Avoid heavy, rich foods and sweets. Eat foods that are easy to digest such as yogurt, bananas, white rice, or cottage cheese. Drink lots of diluted juice, vegetable broth, or rice water to avoid dehydration.


“Homeopathy for Children” Gabrielle Pinto and Murray Feldman, 1996.
“Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines” Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman, 1997.
“The New Synoptic One” Frans Vermeulen, 2001.


Fraudulent herbal immune supplement fails to reduce flu symptoms for 99 percent of people

In an independent review published in a peer-reviewed medical journal (see below), a popular herbal immune supplement called “ImmunoFlu Remedy” was found to fraudulently marketed as a “flu prevention supplement.” Its makers claim that if you take the supplement, you won’t get the flu and won’t miss a day of work during the flu season (a silly claim, eh?). But clinical testing recently revealed that ImmunoFlu Remedy only works to reduce flu symptoms on 1 out of every 100 people who take the supplement, meaning it is 99 percent ineffective.

An FTC spokesperson, commenting on the study results, characterized the marketing of ImmunoFlu Remedy as “obviously fraudulent” and a top FDA official has publicly promised to launch a criminal investigation into the makers of ImmunoFlu Remedy in order to “protect the public from misleading health claims.” Evidence has also surfaced that ImmunoFlu Remedy may contain trace levels of heavy metals linked to neurological disorders. Over a dozen children admitted to emergency rooms at hospitals across the country have been identified as consumers of ImmunoFlu Remedy, and two of those children died. The makers of ImmunoFlu Remedy are being ordered to remove the product from their website and recall the product from distributors and retailers.

As shocking as all this sounds, there’s something you need to know as you continue reading this story here on NaturalNews. There is no such thing as ImmunoFlu Remedy. This story is actually about seasonal flu vaccines.

Most of the details mentioned above, you see, are actually the true story about seasonal flu vaccines.

Flu vaccines don’t work on 99 out of 100 people

Seasonal flu vaccines have been scientifically shown to reduce flu symptoms in only 1 out of every 100 people (they are ineffective on 99% of those receiving the shots) (…). Flu vaccines also contain chemical ingredients linked to neurological disorders, which is why so many children in Australia and around the world have been admitted to hospital emergency rooms suffering from seizures and convulsions following flu shot injections (…).

Seasonal flu vaccines are also fraudulently marketed with blatantly false claims that they prevent the flu in everyone who receives a shot. “Get the shot and you won’t miss work” is one of the common claims made in flu shot promotions. Or, as Walgreens implies, “Get the shot and you won’t infect your family members.” That claim is blatantly misleading and scientifically false.

And yet, despite this fraudulent marketing of a product that doesn’t work on 99% of those who take it, neither the FTC nor the FDA has taken any action against it. Marketers of flu vaccines, it turns out, can make any claims they wish, even if such claims are laughable in the face of scientific scrutiny.

Forget the science… we’ve got vaccines to sell!

Flu vaccines, you see, are immune from any real scientific scrutiny — even by the scientific community. The mythology of season flu vaccines has been so pervasive and so widely described as “scientific” that the truth of whether it’s really scientific no longer matters. Flu vaccines are simply assumed to work even without testing; without scientific evidence and without any legitimate application of skeptical thinking.

There’s a word for that, of course. It’s the word used to describe a system of belief that requires no evidence… a system in which truths are materialized out of lies through the mere act of enough authoritative people uttering falsehoods until they all begin to believe each other. That word, of course, is a four-letter word: Cult.

A cult need not answer to statistical scrutiny. It need not subject its own internal beliefs to outside review because everyone inside the cult already agrees on the answer — and why ask questions when we already know the truth, right?

Such is the nature of the cult of flu vaccines. It’s a large cult, of course, but the sheer size of the cult in no way detracts from the fact that it is a cult nonetheless. In other words, just because millions of doctors believe the propaganda of a cult does not make it any less of a cult. Even if all the doctors, pharmacists and drug pushers in the world fall for a fictitious belief and put their faith and professional reputations on the line in order to back that belief, it’s still fiction. And it’s still a cult.

Doctors once prescribed mercury and other poisons

There was a time in western medicine when doctors routinely prescribed mercury as a remedy to treat various afflictions. For example, mercury was frequently prescribed to treat syphilis.

In fact, one study describing the treatment of syphilis with “mercury inhalations” was presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual Session of the American Dermatological Association in Swampscott, Mass., June 2-4 in the year 1921. That study was entitled:

Arch Derm Syphilol. 1922;5(1):18-33.

Notice that the three authors were all MDs? That’s because doctors have historically been some of the most persistent promoters of poisonous concoctions that today we would call “quackery.” They even sought to destroy the careers and reputations of their own colleagues who pointed out that perhaps mercury should not be used as a medicine — or even the idea that surgeons should wash their hands!

It is an historical fact that western doctors promoted the heavy metal mercury, highly addictive heroin, and other extremely toxic substances as “miracle cures” for all sorts of diseases and conditions. They also advocated cigarettes as being good for your health and even improving your teeth! (

In fact, the term “quack” comes from the use of mercury by western doctors. Mercury, of course, was once called “quicksilver,” and the term was bastardized into the derogatory “quack” to refer to physicians who continued to use dangerous substances that harmed patients. Under that definition, today’s quacks are not homeopaths or herbalists but rather oncologists who poison their patients with chemotherapy in almost exactly the same way the quack doctors once poisoned their patients with mercury.

Flu vaccines are modern medicine’s form of quackery

Based nothing more than wishful thinking and physicians quoting each other as reliable sources of expert opinion, the whole of evidence supporting flu vaccines today amounts to little more than an intellectual circle jerk of truly bad science.

Today’s flu vaccine-pushing physicians, you see, are no smarter than their colleagues from the 1800’s who prescribed mercury inhalations for patients. And they are arguably less wise, too. The only real difference is that today there are more of them and so their voices seem to take on the illusion of authority and consensus.

Consensus is not always fact. More often than not, it is merely the mass infection of many minds with official foolishness. At one time, after all, it was an established, consensus “fact” that the Earth was flat. More recently, even in 1847, a Hungarian obstetrician named Ignaz Semmelweis was viciously attacked by his colleagues for insisting that doctors should wash their hands before delivering babies (…).

What Semmelweis discovered then is what every person who speaks out against the insanities of western medicine knows today: Western medicine is an arrogant, misinformed and dangerously ignorant system of control in which truth-tellers are routinely exterminated in order to maintain the mythologies upon which the medical industrial complex is based.

The truth about flu vaccines would destroy much of western medicine

Semmelweis was much like the Wikileaks of the 1840’s in the sense that he revealed “uncomfortable truths” that challenged the status quo and made a whole lot of really important-sounding people look like fools. Since really important-sounding people don’t enjoy looking like fools, they simply attack the messenger and increase their resolve to defend their ridiculous falsehoods and mythologies… even in the face of clear evidence that shows them to be wrong. Such is precisely the situation happening today with flu vaccines.

To challenge the sanctity of seasonal flu vaccines and the regimen of annual shots (which just happen to coincide with steady profits for the drug companies) is to question the very foundation of western medicine. Without the mythology of vaccines firmly imprinted in the minds of the people, western medicine would no longer appear to have authority over the flu. If flu vaccines were halted for just one year — forcing people to turn to vitamin D instead — the illusion of flu vaccines would be forever shattered and the people would realize that taking seasonal flu vaccine shots is just as ludicrous as inhaling mercury vapor.

That’s why flu vaccines have to be incessantly pushed, each and every year, without any gaps in the “treatment.”

The real quackery of vaccines

The evil genius in all this is that people have been tricked into believing in vaccines whether they work or not. When someone receives a vaccine shot, they consider themselves “protected” from the flu. So what happens if they get the flu anyway? They simply reason in their own heads that if they hadn’t been vaccinated, they might have experienced far worse flu symptoms.

And if they don’t get the flu at all? Then they reason that the vaccine prevented the flu! Thus, with the right programming, flu vaccines can be thought of as useful and effective regardless of the actual health outcome.

This is a classic red flag for a system of quackery. It’s one of the most common complaints leveled against energy medicine by conventional scientists, in fact. They rightly point out that determining whether energy medicine really works for you is a guessing game: If you still get sick, you might think the energy medicine worked a little bit but not enough. If you don’t get sick, then you might think the energy medicine worked like a miracle.

Such a logic matrix is prone to misinterpretation by patients and doctors alike. In both cases — energy medicine as well as flu vaccines — patients are likely to convince themselves that it’s working, even if there is no real evidence that their belief is accurate. Belief itself, of course, is perhaps the best medicine of all, and it is a distinct possibility that the small number of patients who seem to be helped by flu vaccines (one percent) may be experiencing the benefit of the placebo effect.

Nevertheless, the way out of this puzzle is to subject flu vaccines (or energy medicine, similarly) to rigorous clinical trials in which a serious attempt is made to tease out some statistically significant answers such as “what percentage of people are actually helped by this treatment?”

What’s really amazing about all this is that such clinical trials have already been done on flu vaccines, and the results are in: Seasonal flu vaccines prevent flu symptoms in about one percent of the people who receive vaccine jabs. And that’s if you believe the more optimistic conclusions of the vaccine manufacturers themselves, by the way (…).

How would this quackery be viewed if it were an herbal remedy?

From a scientific perspective, then, seasonal flu vaccines have roughly a one percent effectiveness rate, which means they have no apparent effect on 99 out of 100 people.

What’s interesting about this is that if homeopathy, or energy medicine, or an herbal formula produced such poor results, it would be widely ridiculed as a quack remedy promoted via fraudulent marketing. A one percent effectiveness rate proves any “natural” remedy to be quackery, you see, and yet the same one percent effectiveness rate is more than sufficient to support the mythology of vaccines to those who believe the vaccine cult.

What it all comes down to is really this: Seasonal flu vaccines are really 1% science and 99% wishful thinking. And yet, apparently, that’s more than enough reason for virtually the entire medical and scientific establishments to back seasonal flu vaccines as if they were scientifically proven while touting highly exaggerated marketing claims that imply one hundred percent effectiveness.

In any other industry, marketing a product that didn’t work 99 percent of the time would be considered fraud. But in the vaccine industry? It’s just business as usual.

How to make money selling a product that almost never works as advertised

The seasonal flu vaccine is a great money-making con, too. Imagine how much money you could make if you could convince hundreds of millions of people to buy a product that didn’t work on 99 percent of your customers, and yet 100 percent of them were convinced that they were receiving benefits from it!

It’s a pretty clever con, and it all depends on promoting the mythology — or “catapulting the propaganda” as President George Bush famously said — in order to make sure that 99 percent of the wishful thinking that powers the flu vaccine industry remains in place.

Because, let’s face it: If flu vaccines actually worked, the industry really wouldn’t need to advertise them so heavily, would they? If these vaccines really stopped flu infections with 100 percent effectiveness, word of mouth about flu vaccines would spread even faster than the flu itself, and virtually everyone would line up to get their “flu protection” shots out of sheer necessity.

The only reason the industry needs to engage in such aggressive flu vaccine promotion is because flu vaccines are only based on 1% science, and the other 99% of the marketing formula depends on keeping people brainwashed into believing the false mythology of flu vaccines.

Flu shots as placebo

Flu vaccines, in effect, are largely just placebo shots. If you think they’re going to work for you, then you’ll remain convinced of that regardless of whether you get sick or not. There wouldn’t really be any harm in that except for the inconvenient fact that vaccine shots contain harmful chemical ingredients that pose a health risk to those who take them.

Thus, even while a flu vaccine may be providing as much as a 1% protection against the flu, it may simultaneously subject a person to a significantly smaller risk of a far more serious detrimental outcome: Neurological damage, convulsions, learning disabilities or even the accelerated development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Are these risks really worth a 1-in-100 chance of preventing the flu? A rational answer seems to be no, they aren’t. Especially when the available evidence says that vitamin D supplements work far better at preventing flu infections. And vitamin D can be taken with virtually no health risks whatsoever. Even better, vitamin D supplements are not formulated with mercury preservatives, chemical adjuvants or other questionable chemicals that are typically added to vaccines.

But don’t expect this sort of rational, clear-thinking discussion of flu vaccines and vitamin D to be undertaken by your physician. Doctors have already drank the flu vaccine Kool-Aid, and as a result the science no longer matters to them. Even if Wikileaks released definitive documents showing the entire flu vaccine industry to be a complete scam based on fraudulent science, most doctors would no doubt continue to push flu vaccines anyway because that’s what they’ve always done.

Doctors don’t change course very often… especially not if they’ve participated as active members of the vaccine cult for several years (or decades). The likelihood of a doctor actually changing his mind on this issue of flu vaccines is even less than the likelihood of a flu vaccine preventing you from getting the flu this winter. And that likelihood is ridiculously low to begin with. So don’t hold your breath. And don’t hold out any faith for the idea that doctors will suddenly embrace scientific thinking, either. Because there’s no room for truly scientific thought in the membership ranks of the vaccine cult.


The most irrational yet effective remedy in the world for radiation illness and its prevention

As the radioactive fallout from Japan has officially reached the level of Chernobyl’s catastrophe and encroached onto the U.S. and Canada, the EPA, for the lack of a drug to recommend, has been playing the role of psychotherapist – “you are OK, we are OK, don’t worry.” Even better, the psychotherapeutic arsenal has extended to even silencing this inconvenient issue altogether, thus leaving the public virtually to itself in managing matters.

In a nutshell, the situation is reminiscent of a humorous Russian novel where a billboard posted along the beach waters advised the public that “the business of rescuing drowning citizens lies in the hands of the drowning citizens themselves.” Perhaps this was just a prelude to a nowadays popular era of self-help, encouraging one of its more radical versions or,
maybe, the beach authorities were taking the good old evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest to another level but, under the current circumstances, that is how we might view the EPA’s position in the radiation matter.

So, being left to the business of rescuing ourselves and our children, what are we to do under the circumstances where radioactive fallout affecting 15 states in the U.S. by now, has been rising by the day and where it has already contaminated the food and water supplies. The level of radioactive iodine-131 that has been recently detected in rainwater in Berkeley, California and Vancouver, Canada was 300 times the legal limit set by the U.S. for drinking water. And, according to radiation expert, Dr. John Price, former member of the Safety Policy Unit and the UK’s National Nuclear Corporation,radiation leaks will continue for as long as 50-100 years.

In the meantime, aside from contaminated rainwater in Berkeley and Vancouver, over 2 million gallons of radioactive water released into the ocean from the Fukushima reactor might be flooding the fishing territory of Alaska. Here, too, we will be left to ourselves with guesswork as to how healthy still remains Alaskan seafood, even if labeled ‘wild’.

Certainly, had there been a patented pharmaceutical drug to swallow against radiation, the EPA and its foreign counterparts in Canada, Europe and Asia would sound far less reassuring on the matter and would sternly command the citizens to promptly begin the swallowing process. But there are no drugs, and even the much spoken about potassium iodide may protect just against thyroid cancer and only if administered within 24 hours following the exposure. If taken later, it may harm.

Yet, what we have not heard from the EPA, AMA, CDC, NIH and, even less, from ‘your doctor’ or ‘medical experts’ on major TV networks, is that there is a good alternative that does exist under the circumstances. The main reason for the silence engulfing this alternative is not only because of its belonging to alternative medicine but, also, because it represents its
most strange and even irrational category. Its name is homeopathy. The list that reflects its seemingly irrational nature, at least for allopathically or pharmaceutically-conditioned minds, is quite impressive, indeed.

It begins with the homeopathic principle “treat same with same” that extends to and even encourages to treat poison with the same poison!

The next irrational premise is that while homeopathic remedies above a certain strength or potency cease having a single molecule of the original substance from which they are prepared, their proponents, nevertheless, maintain that the remedies still possess therapeutic action. Furthermore, the higher the potency is above that level, void of a single molecule, the
stronger, they say, the remedy acts!

The claims defying common sense continue with some remedies registering their medicinal activity even after 200 years since their date of preparation.

Adding further to the assault to one’s common sense, the remedies’ action may continue for as long as a year following just a single dose. And even that lone dose is not to be swallowed, but just to lie under the tongue until it dissolves. This all flies in the face of pharmaceutical drugs and even natural supplements ways of doing things where these need to be ingested in some hefty doses and on an ongoing basis in order to maintain their effect.

In addition, what really seals homeopathy as taboo of all times for the Big Pharma and its retail distributor – mainstream medicine – is that homeopathic remedies are: able to treat medical conditions which drugs can’t, belong to energy medicine versus pharmaceutical-chemical medicine, dirt cheap and even can be prepared by the public itself!

In other words, if one is to look for the worst nightmare for medical business, look no further – this is it. ‘Deservingly’ so, you will always find homeopathy at the top of the quack medicine list of all of the allopathic experts from MDs to full professors of medicine whose most convincing argument is that the thing is irrational and defies even common sense, itself.

Before we address all of these seemingly irrational points concerning homeopathy, we need to come to grips with one plain and lesser known truth. This truth is that science does not operate on common sense… Nor, and contrary to tabloids and general media, science is phased by impressive names or the supporting majority. These have little to do with the very
nature of science that is alien to proverbial wedding generals and even seeks to protect itself against them.

This is for the very mundane reasons that there is no expert-authority who can be trusted with absolute knowledge or be immune to bias or conflict of interests. For these, among other reasons, science operates only on the essence of presented facts and phenomena of nature. Suffice it to say that even the greatest scientist of all, Einstein, made mistakes which were
not initially apparent in his time of glory.

What is the essence of scientific facts and phenomena underlying homeopathy? Let us begin with treating poison with the same poison, heat with heat, cold with cold, and so on. Certainly, this concept flies in the face of our allopathically-cultivated minds in Western societies which, akin to Pavlovian dogs, have been conditioned to reach out to drugs or even natural substances which work on the principle of opposite or anti-.

We all are well familiar with: anti-fever, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertension, anti-fungal, antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, among the endless list. Just check the medical sales manual, known as the PDR (Physicians’ Desk Reference). However, what we are less familiar with is that this very concept – anti – is dubious and that is why it has completely
failed in the care of chronic diseases.

Let us begin with testing this defying common sense homeopathic principle of ‘same’ by resorting to one of the methods of scientific reasoning that seeks to undermine one’s logic by approaching it through its opposite and, possibly, absurd side. Absurd is deemed if it contradicts well-established scientific theories. Here are two questions to test the issue:

1. Has there been a polar bear whose ancestors had to use electric blankets or hot water bottles in order to survive arctic winters for countless millenniums? No.

2. How about a camel whose forebears had used ice packs and soda machines to survive scorching heat and waterless deserts for as many millenniums? No ancestry with such aids ever existed.

So, what is the essential scientific principle in play here that also is at the very core of evolution concerning all species, including mankind? As already established, survival of the species is based on their adaptational abilities to their environment, however hostile. It covers excessive radiation, too, and if you manage to adapt, you stay, if you can’t, you go. We will revisit and explain this – how adding more radiation delivers therapeutic adaptation.

In the next irrational issue – ‘there is nothing there’ – or the remedy being void of physical substance, the allopaths, in the heat of “scientific” zeal, ended up contradicting themselves. Here, they are referring to the fact that homeopathic remedies due to their preparation process consisting of multiple dilutions do lose, chemically speaking, their original
substance above potency 23X that corresponds to the 23rd consecutive dilution cycle.

Yet, concurrently, they use another argument to defeat homeopathy that it is irrational to add more of the same poison through the remedy to the body that already contains it. The logistical conflict is that if there is ‘nothing there’, in the first place, why worry about adding ‘more’ poison? How can nothing add more of anything?

The simple answer here is that their ‘scientific’ arguments are based on two handicaps which are germane to humanity – ignorance and bias. Specifically, they ignore that the entire homeopathic preparation, besides dilution cycles, consists also of concomitant mechanical agitation. Unfortunately, allopathic training is void of knowledge of physics that explains
how this mechanical agitation imprints specific energy and information contents. These fundamental entities – energy and information – lie at the very base of the laws of nature. This also concerns the very basics of human physiology that has been deemed by physics as primarily an energy and information driven system.

That is why Nobel laureate in Medicine, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Ph.D., even being a biochemist by training, warned that reducing the human body to mere biochemical-pharmaceutical soup while ignoring its primary energetic nature reduces it to dead meat.

That is also the reason why Harvard biology Professor Edward O. Wilson quipped, in his book, “Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge”, that conventional training in biology and medicine leads their graduates to viewing the string theory in physics as having something to do with violins. With the string theory being a unified- or ‘Theory of everything’, based on the energy principle that all matter in the universe, including human cells, vibrates like string waves at its core.

This is why renowned allopathic medical experts often mislead the public through the media concerning their recommendations on many medical matters, because the ‘high’ opinions are confined only to chemical-pharmaceutical medicine. It is to emphasize exactly how scientists can deceive that Harvard philosophy and physics professor, Thomas Kuhn, illustrated in his
historic work, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, where a renowned professor of chemistry misled an audience with his ‘correct’ answer. Yet, according to physics, the answer was false.

And since physics, not chemistry or pharmacology, is established as the most fundamental science of all, homeopathic remedies which have been validated by physicists, as full-fledged energetic substances, do not even require recognition of chemists-pharmacologists.

That is why Professor William Tiller of Stanford University, the former chairman of the department of Materials Science, the very science that determines scientific properties of substances, finds homeopathic remedies scientifically legitimate. And so does Nobel laureate British physicist Brian Josephson.

So, homeopathic remedies, by virtue of their energetic content, render allopathic reasoning of ‘nothing there’ as senseless because there is energy and information there. Furthermore, the human body as an innate bio-energetic system, is highly attuned to indicated homeopathic remedies.

These destroy another allopathic argument of ‘why add more poison to the body laden with the same poison?’ Firstly, there is no actual poison in the remedy but only its energetic imprint. The key difference is that extra physical poison would, obviously, poison the body further. Yet, introducing its much weaker version in the way of its energetic imprint-signal allows the poisoned body to receive the specific stimulus to mobilize the necessary physiologic reserves in order to release the actual poison.

Returning to our examples with the eternal adaptation journey of polar bears and camels to harsh environments, the homeopathic stimulus-signal sets forth the body’s adaptational physiologic reserves into fast-forward mode. That is why scientific research does confirm the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in successful detoxification of numerous toxins from the body, among these: lead, mercury, arsenic, pesticides and radiation.

That is why homeopathic remedies prepared off radiation allowed me to neutralize radiation illness in patients exposed to the Chernobyl fallout. One of these was an Oscar-winning director for filming a documentary there. The treatment was effective on many people, years later in 1996, sickened by the radiation leak from the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island.

While Homeland Security has spent billions of dollars on stockpiling pharmaceuticals against terrorist acts using means of mass destruction, most of these will be, at best, palliative, e.g., bandaid-like drugs and vaccines, untested for safety or effectiveness. Even government analysts have deemed this state of “preparedness” as a mirage.

The reasons are that there are no drugs against chemical or nuclear warfare, or dirty bombs, there are no effective drugs against viruses, and storing antibiotics against the unknown bacteria is anybody’s guessing game. The vaccines against anthrax, smallpox and other infections risk becoming biological warfare themselves due to poor safety testing and individual
intolerance by many people. Many of our veterans afflicted with the Gulf War Syndrome claim to have been damaged by vaccines.

Speaking of radiation illness, according to the book “Osama’s Revenge”, the worst may be yet to come, even without Bin Laden, since dirty bombs or nuclear suitcases are alleged already to be in the hands of terrorist cells in the United States. This threatens any major American city, particularly as more rogue nations or corrupt governments continue to acquire nuclear
weapons or materials. This was the very subject of the international conference, at the head of states level, including our president, convened in Washington last year.

Yet, how many emergency rooms will be able to handle tens or even hundreds of thousands of deathly ill visitors, in the event? And what will they specifically offer them for radiation illness? Proverbial backrubs? So, the public, conditioned to have trust in the mighty American healthcare will swiftly face the stark reality of the aforementioned beach sign where the matter of self-rescuing will be the matter of utter survival.

So, the real question is not if, but how exactly we should use homeopathy in order to protect ourselves and our children. Specifically, we must know how to prepare homeopathic remedies from contaminated food, water, air, and from intoxicated bodily fluids. In addition, one needs just a few dropper glass bottles and a clean water supply stored in advance. By serially diluting and mechanically agitating contaminated material, one will gradually, in a matter of minutes, as presented in detail in homeopathic books, including mine, turn the poisonous material into its energetic antidote.

Can this whole thing be really that simple, effective and cheap? Just two years ago, the Cuban counterpart of the NIH undertook the largest experiment in the world engaging 2.5 million people in mass homeopathic vaccination, using one of the methods presented in my book. Its target was a deadly infection, leptospirosis, affecting millions of people in Cuba annually. The epidemic sickens and kills by causing meningitis, heart and multiple organ failure and where, even following conventional vaccinations, thousands of people still fall ill and some die. The study turned out to be a stunning success with no death and practically, no illness.

The immune response to homeopathic vaccine occurred much faster and it was ten-fold cheaper than conventional vaccine. It was distributed much faster, too, without overloading medical facilities. Again, on all accounts – cheap, effective and easy to consume by the public itself – it is the worst nightmare for the corporate multi-trillion dollar medical enterprise.
Furthermore, a well-conducted impressive scientific study like this puts the entire allopathic approach to healthcare upside-down on its head as it proves that human bodies can respond very well to effective and inexpensive energy medicine.

Due to all of these inconvenient truths, the study, instead of being all over both professional and lay media news for its scientific implications of historical proportions, is nowhere to be found, except for some obscure European homeopathic journal. So, do not expect Dr. Gupta to carry it on CNN any time soon. As the study head author, Gustavo Bracho, MD, shared
with me, all of the conventional medical peer review journals which received the study have refused to publish it. For the lack of finding scientific flaws, the journals have simply advised the study authors to “send it to a better journal” (?!)

On the other side of the coin, the premiere medical peer-review journals, which are quoted on news daily, earn up to a million dollars, from drug companies for marketing reprints, off just a single published positive drug study. Homeopathy is not an easy pill to swallow for the great majority in the business of medical science and pharmaceutical products.

Even a few open-minded medical scientists are well aware of this and are either unable to receive grants for homeopathic research or just feel intimidated. Just very recently, Nobel laureate in medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, published a remarkable study validating the homeopathic principle, yet he refrained from using the word
‘homeopathy’ and has referred to the tested remedies just as ‘high dilutions’. Yet, in our personal communication, he confirmed the homeopathic nature of these dilutions.

So, dear reader, under the circumstances as we are left virtually to ourselves in managing this as well as future radiation and other medical affairs, we should more than ever come to fully reflect on this funny Russian beach sign: “The business of rescuing drowning citizens lies in the hands of the drowning citizens themselves.”


Study: Homeopathic remedy helps treat migraine headaches naturally

A new study published in the journal Headache has found that a homeopathic preparation of ginger and the medicinal herb feverfew is effective at treating migraine headaches. Based on their findings, researchers found that 63 percent of those who took the remedy at the first signs of a migraine experienced pain relief, while only 39 percent of those taking a placebo experienced any perceived relief.

Funded by PuraMed Bioscience, the study assigned 45 participants the homeopathic treatment, and 15 the placebo. None of the participants knew which treatment they had been assigned. At the first sign of a migraine, participants were instructed to place the preparation under their tongue for sublingual absorption. Roughly one-third of those taking the homeopathic remedy experienced complete relief within two hours.

“The results are really intriguing, but definitely preliminary,” said Dr. Rebecca Erwin Wells, an instructor at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Massachusetts, concerning the findings. And although the study was funded by the company producing the remedy, she and others still consider its findings to be relevant and important for the development of complementary and alternative medicines.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, feverfew has long been used as a European folk medicine to treat headaches, arthritis, and fevers. In fact, the name “feverfew” was first hatched after it was discovered that the herb effectively treated fever symptoms. For treating migraines, the center says adults can take 100-300 milligrams (mg) of the standardized extract up to four times daily.

“We found that 50 percent of adults with migraine or severe headaches, which is 13.5 million Americans, used complementary and alternative medicine in the previous year,” added Wells. “We need more research to understand the mechanisms, benefits, side effects and risks of complementary and alternative therapies.”


Homeopathy for pets – safer and more effective than toxic drugs

Homeopathy is a specific form of alternative (holistic) medicine which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., a German physician, in the late eighteenth century. At that time, people were being treated with poisonous substances to get the “bad humours” out of them by making them vomit, have diarrhea, sweat, salivate, and bleed. Many patients died from these treatments which included bleeding, setons, sweating, etc. The drugs used today, however in Western Medicine are far more poisonous than in Hahnemann’s time and just like dropping a nuclear weapon on an ant hill!

Dr. Hahnemann felt such practices were barbaric, and he stopped practicing medicine. While making a living translating books, he came across William Cullen’s write-up on the action of Cinchona officinalis, the herb used to make quinine for the treatment of malaria. Dr. Hahnemann disagreed with Cullen’s assertion that it was the astringency of the herb that had the effect, and, to prove his point, took a small amount of the bark himself. He developed symptoms of malaria lasting a few hours. Dr. Hahnemann repeated the experiment several times, each time developing symptoms that went away by the next day.

From this research, Dr. Hahnemann developed the Law of Similars, derived from an ancient concept used by Galen, Hippocrates, and Paracelsus. When a healthy individual is made ill in a particular way by being exposed to a substance, that individual may also be cured by being treated with the same substance. Practitioners using Dr. Hahnemann’s homeopathic system are called classical homeopaths.

Many people mistakenly believe that the words holistic and homeopathic are inter-changeable. This is not true. Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of healing that uses remedies based on the Law of Similars, which is the reverse of the allopathic, or conventional, medical system. Allopathic drugs act in such a way that they suppress symptoms, but in themselves, they don’t necessarily cure disease. However, when used appropriately, homeopathy works with the body, not against it, promoting actual curing and not just suppressing symptoms. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the immune system in a very general way, which can and often does enable it to complete the job it was already trying to do on its own, however the immune system is really downstream of the life force of the patient, and there is no special action on that part of the body.

There are those in homeopathy that will declare that we don’t have all the hows and whys of how homeopathy works, but this would be true only if one does not accept anything that Hahnemann said about it. He spelled out in great detail how homeopathy acts. When people say they don’t know how it acts (even homeopaths) that means they are ignoring Hahnemann’s actual explanation. For the purpose of this writing, suffice it to say homeopathy is working on an energetic level, a concept nearly impossible for western trained health practitioners, whose belief systems follow the Newtonian principle of only ‘matter matters’ to understand this complex study. Quantum physicians and energy workers recognize that we are living in a quantum paradigm, where everything matters!

When in crisis, the human body, as well as that of the canine or feline, speaks to us through its symptoms. Symptoms, produced by the body’s attempt to heal, are windows to the internal process that should not be closed. All the symptoms, taken together, are referred to as the symptomatic picture.


Allopathic, or conventional, medicine usually applies the Law of Opposites to the treatment of disease. The medication prescribed by the doctor or veterinarian acts against the patient’s symptoms, as described by such names as antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Allopathic drugs typically suppress symptoms but do not necessarily cure disease.

The Law of Similars means that the remedy that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms in a sick person. For example, a bee sting (from the honeybee, apis mellifica) causes an area of swelling and redness in normal individuals. The swelling may be accompanied by itching and burning, which feel better from the application of cold, and the person isn’t thirsty. In homeopathic dilutions, the remedy apis mellifica cures itchy, burning, red swellings that come on suddenly and
are relieved by cold compresses, especially when the individual is less thirsty than usual.
The red swelling doesn’t have to have been caused by a bee sting in order for apis mellifica to be an effective remedy; it just needs to fit the same symptom picture. It may have been caused by something completely unrelated, such as sunburn, allergy, vaccinations, or drugs.


Another main principle of homeopathy is the Minimum Dose. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by dilution and succussion, which is a particular way of mixing. They are so diluted that individual molecules of the original substance are extremely difficult to detect in samples. This allows remedies to be made from highly toxic substances, such as arsenic, snake venom, or the saliva of a rabid dog.

So, how does a remedy work if there virtually isn’t anything there? When the mother remedy is made, the substance is mixed with water and succussed. This causes the water to receive an energetic imprint. Some might call it a ghost, a spirit, or even a memory. Science hasn’t yet discovered or explained how homeopathy works.
The concept of minimum dose means that the more diluted the remedy is (in other words the less substance it actually contains), the more powerful it becomes, and the higher “potency” it is.


The principles of homeopathy state that there are three possible outcomes of any treatment: suppression, palliation, and cure.

SUPPRESSION rids the body of specific symptoms, but it drives the disease into other channels by denying the body’s expression of the original disease. For example, a skin tumor develops that is itchy and
eventually opens and drains. The allopathic vet may decide to remove the tumor and may not consider that this was the body’s choice of a location to push toxins out. After surgery, the wound heals, and the skin looks great. The most troubling symptom is gone. Over time, however, the cat, dog or other life form, may experience a change in temperament (grouchier or more aggressive), or he may develop a more serious condition, such as thyroid disease or liver cancer. Since removing the original symptom, the patient has gotten very sick at a deeper level. It’s like plugging the outlet of a volcano. It gets hotter and hotter inside until it explodes at a deeper, more dangerous level and causes much more destruction than it might have otherwise.

PALLIATION means to alleviate symptoms through medicine, such as treating pain through aspirin. With palliation, the medicine needs to be repeated frequently. Palliation makes symptoms go away almost immediately (even if they’ve been present or recurring for years). A dog or cat may, for instance, temporarily stop crying when urinating, but the symptoms will soon return — in hours, days, or even far longer periods. Repeated dosing of a remedy, herb, or drug during palliation is a perpetual cycle to keep the symptoms away. The dog or cat is not getting healthier and, in fact, is slowly getting sicker overall.

CURE, the goal of homeopathy, means that the body eliminates the whole disease, not just symptoms, and rises to a state of optimum health. Health is defined as not just the absence of symptoms, but a feeling of well being and vitality. A cure in classical homeopathy is more than just making the symptoms go away, which can happen with many kinds of treatments. Rather, it’s when the symptoms go away and stay away permanently. The dog or cat feels, and is, healthy in every respect. They may still get minor ailments, but recovers quickly from them with very little or no treatment. By treating only symptoms and not the whole individual, allopathic, or conventional, medicine tends to be limited to the first two outcomes: suppression and palliation.


Today homeopathic remedies are still prepared according to guidelines given by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., in The Organon of the Healing Art (1810). If possible, an alcohol tincture is made (some substances are not soluble in alcohol and are prepared differently). Dilution and succussion (shaking) of the tincture produce a potentized homeopathic remedy.
The level of dilution of a remedy is denoted with Roman numerals.
One drop of the mother tincture diluted with nine drops of alcohol (or other solvent) creates a potency of 1X (as in X, the Roman numeral for ten).
Similarly, 1 drop of the mother tincture diluted with 99 drops of alcohol creates a potency of 1C (as in C, the Roman numeral for 100). Higher potencies exist as well, such as M and LM. By the time a potency of 12C is reached, the dilution is beyond Avogadro’s number (6.023 x 1023, or 602,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000), which in physical chemistry means that virtually nothing poisonous or toxic is left, no matter what the remedy has been made from.

NOTE: When we consider the action of dilution and succussion, it is always a tough one to explain. It bodes well for us to emphasize the dilution part because Hahnemann tells us that it is partly the dilution but primarily the succussion (shaking, agitation) that releases the energy responsible for the physical expression of the molecules. That is, the quantum energy behind form to put it in today’s vernacular. Again the Western trained scientists tend to reject homeopathy when they hear about our “less is more” principle of dilution.


Through homeopathy, which most conventional physicians or veterinarians are not trained in, a real cure to most chronic diseases can be achieved in many cases where allopathic medicine offers only a quick (and often temporary) fix — if it has anything to offer at all. Homeopathy works particularly well for feline health problems, because cats are subtle creatures and highly sensitive to energy. However, all animals respond well (yes, even people) and there are many practitioners that specialize in horses and dogs, also. Homeopathic practitioners all over the world work with all aspects of human health care, homeopathically.

Homeopathic remedies are quite easy to administer and they encourage the body to help it heal itself.

If you or your dog or cat has undergone long-term allopathic drug therapy, homeopathy may not work immediately. With persistence it may help restore the dogs or cat’s health in cases in which conventional veterinarians might even recommend euthanasia. In the process of attempting a cure, very ill animals may at least feel better even if they can’t be cured.


In homeopathy, a cure is obtained by giving the substance whose experimental symptoms in healthy individuals are most similar to the patient’s own symptoms. Since this therapy is based on an individual’s total symptomatic picture, you must learn the characteristics of each remedy, observe carefully all the symptoms your dog or cat is now exhibiting and has exhibited in the past, and understand his or her general characteristics.
Diseases tend to follow a predictable pattern. Here are the stages of disease:

ENERGETIC IMBALANCE: Your cat seems to be getting sick; there aren’t any symptoms, but you just know something’s wrong.

FUNCTIONAL CHANGES: For example, your cat is going frequently to the litter box, but there’s no straining and the urinalysis is normal. If the disturbance is treated right away, even severe symptoms may resolve quickly or be avoided. At this point, a conventional veterinarian may not be able to diagnose the problem. Dogs may exhibit a similar behavior by asking to go out frequently but again no straining and urin test is normal.

INFLAMMATION: If the disturbance remains untreated, inflammation shows that the body is trying its hardest to rebalance itself. At this stage the dog or cat is sick, often with fever, redness, and swellings.

PATHOLOGY: Finally, the body tries to ward off the problem by moving into pathology, such as bladder stones; thick, hairless skin; or fluid accumulation in abdomen or chest. Once this stage has been reached, a cure takes longer to achieve. The dog or cat must work his or her way back through the previous stages of the disease: inflammation, functional changes, and energetic imbalance. This is why it often seems as though the dog or cat is worsening before improving. When a chronically ill dog or cat is given an appropriate remedy, there will often be an immediate mental and emotional response of contentment, even though the final “physical” cure may take much longer.


Never attempt to use homeopathy on your own to treat your cat or dog. Always work with a homeopathic veterinarian because by far, the great majority of human homeopathic prescribers are not equipped to treat animals. There may be exceptions but they are such.
I especially like to refer those who are searching for a Homeopathic Veterinary Specialist to see the web site of a world authoritity on the subject, Richard Pitcairn, DVM where there is a listing of many veterinarians that have trained with him personally in homeopathy. Also there is a page of instructions that tells people how to select a homeopathic veterinarian, and how to know they are qualified. (

Although you may read this article and a few books on the subject and feel confident moving forward please keep in mind that selecting the right remedy in the right potency at the right time is not a simple process, and assessing the progress of the case takes training and experience.

Beginning homeopathic treatment may also seem expensive, but the costs are nearly all up front. Over time, you’ll spend less money than you would have with conventional care and its repeated tests and treatments.

Your first appointment with a veterinary homeopath is likely to take an hour or more. He’ll or she will ask a lot of questions; some of which might seem irrelevant at first. In prescribing homeopathic remedies, the smallest details help the homeopath understand the dog or cat’s personality, which will help your practitioner distinguish among remedies. It is helpful for guardians to
keep a journal of symptoms as homeopathic treatment progresses. Here are some questions to consider.

1. How does your dog or cat react to situations, people, other animals, noise, and other stimuli?

2. Does your dog or cat seek warmth under your covers or lie on the carpet or cool, hard surfaces?

3. How much water does your dog or cat drink? 4. Does your cat like dry, soft, or soupy foods? 5. How does your dog or cat interact with other dogs or cats in the house? 6. Is your cat the boss or the low cat on the totem pole?

A homeopath makes a list of all past and present symptoms, as well as of the individual’s unique characteristics. The homeopath asks about every body system and what makes each symptom better or worse. He looks for changes in symptom pictures and tries to discover a cause for the changes (for example, symptoms started after the dog or cat’s human companions divorced). Your practitioner will also look for characteristic symptoms (those symptoms that aren’t normally associated with the disease). For example, everyone with the flu feels tired and achy, but characteristic symptoms might be feeling better from being consoled, worse from exposure to an open window, or better from having only cold drinks.

In many cases, this is the point where you and your animal companion will go home.

Later, the homeopath looks up the most important and unique characteristics (and this takes experienced judgment) in a repertory containing tens of thousands of symptoms along with the remedies known to help each symptom. By cross-referencing the most important symptoms and traits, the homeopath comes up with the two to five best potential remedies.

Next, the homeopath compares his choices in a materia medica, which is a book containing in-depth descriptions of each remedy. He or she makes a selection and provides the remedy to you.


Be patient! A true cure takes time. Once a remedy is given, you must be vigilant about observing changes in your dog or cat’s symptoms, attitude, and any other signs or patterns the homeopath may ask you to watch. Keeping a journal is extremely helpful, noting observations and remedies along with the date, time of day, weather conditions, and any unusual stressors the dog or cat has been exposed to. The homeopath will ask you to report back as things happen or at specified time periods; be sure to stick to the schedule.

The most common instruction you will hear from a classical homeopath is “Wait.” Each remedy must be allowed to complete its work; for high potency remedies, a month or more is the minimum. Day-to-day changes should be noted in your journal, but try to see the bigger healing trends that are occurring. You will check in with the homeopath at intervals so that he or she can assess the case and make sure that the remedy is acting to cure, not to palliate or suppress.

When a homeopathic remedy is given, the energy field of the body immediately starts to react. In the first couple of days, the dog or cat may seem to feel better, even if symptoms haven’t changed. Three to five days after the remedy has been given, a response will usually be noticeable. This may look like current symptoms getting worse, older symptoms returning, or new symptoms arising — yet the dog or cat clearly has better energy, a better appetite, or just looks more like his old self.

As you research homeopathy you may come across the term “healing crisis” and this could cause one to believe that this is something that happens quite frequently during homeopathic treatment but keep in mind that this really does not occur if the homeopath is skilled. Healing crisis usually equates, in most cases, to animals getting worse with inappropriate homeopathic treatment. There is no need to expect this to happen.

However, keep in mind that a slight aggravation or change can be a very good sign; the body is being jolted into starting to heal itself. (Of course, if the symptoms get much worse and the dog or cat is clearly feeling sicker, call your homeopath immediately for instructions; the remedy is not acting curatively and may need to be changed).

When the aggravation or healing crisis occurs, it is critical to wait and not use another homeopathic remedy. You can make your cat more comfortable with other gentle treatments, such as massage, herbs, flower remedies, EFT Tapping, and Reiki.

Most animal companions have been instructed by their holistic veterinarian, or practitioner, who practices homeopathy in the “how to’s” of the preparation of a home made, organic, species specific raw diet, with proper supplementation, including omega -3’s which reduces inflammation that quite naturally occurs during the disease process itself and it’s healing crisis. Proper nutrition and stress reduction, will always assist the homeopathic remedy to help the body heal itself. As a practitioner, I wouldn’t consider practicing homeopathy without also using nutritional and nutraceutical support, as well.

Over time, you will most likely see the symptoms slowly start to lessen. Again, the length of time needed for a cure is proportional to the length and depth of an illness and the amount of prior inappropriate treatment received, no matter if they were allopathic, homeopathic, herbal, or other. Cures take time and patience, and they often require several remedies over months or years. Patience is the key.

NOTE: If your dog or cat is experiencing serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, you may need to get your animal companion to emergency allopathic care, such as at a veterinary emergency facility. As soon as possible, let your homeopathic practitioner know what treatment your dog or cat received . For example, if your dog or cat develops a life- threatening asthma attack on Saturday, he or she might need steroids as this is life threatening condition where emergency medicine may be a life saving solution. But if you panic during a healing crisis with a dog or cat already under homeopathic care and use allopathic treatment or give a homeopathic remedy on your own, you can create a difficult knot for your homeopath to untangle. It’s challenging to decipher what requires
emergency treatment and the use of western medicine and what is an acceptable level of crisis reaction. You should discuss this with your homeopath, in order to be prepared as to what you might expect, but when the moment arrives, only you can make that decision. A healing crisis and a true emergency may look quite a bit alike and it will always be better to err on the side of caution.

It pays to be prepared, however. And homeopathy can be used to great advantage in first-aid situations for acute injuries or illness. You may want to keep a homeopathic kit on hand for emergencies in 30C potencies. Study it carefully and have a basic understanding on how to use emergency homeopathic. Jean Hofve, DVM and I have included the basic emergency remedies and instructions in there use in our book, The Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care, which will of course be instructional and benefit dog companions, as well.

Talk with your homeopathic practitioner in advance of an emergency for additional information and remedies in your individual case to know how and when to use the recommended remedies properly.

Homeopathy is complex, and you can do serious harm with inappropriate remedies. Don’t take chances with your precious animal companions life. It’s best to work with a holistic veterinarian who is trained in small animal homeopathy, either in person or by phone, to select the right remedy, potency, and schedule of administration.
If you’re seeking a homeopathic practitioner in addition to your conventional vet, be aware that many conventional veterinarians will welcome your search for another way to heal your dog or cat. Other veterinarians may be threatened by new approaches, or feel they’re not appropriate. Just be honest and, if you can, enroll them as your partner in healing but if you are not comfortable with the response you get, find another veterinarian who is open to homeopathy and alternative adjunct therapies.


Homeopathic remedies are available in tablets and granules (pellets). Because the size of the animal isn’t important, the dosage is the same for dogs and cats as it is for humans. The potency selected and how frequently it’s given are more important than the amount given. If your dog or cat
doesn’t swallow a complete dose (for example exactly three pellets), he or she will still get the benefit. If your dog or cat refuses to be pilled it is also acceptable to dissolve the remedy in water and then give it with a spoon or dosing syringe. Your homeopath will help you determine a proper dosage schedule.

It’s best to give homeopathic remedies on an empty stomach. However, if necessary, the remedy may be given in a small amount (approximately 1 teaspoon) of organic raw milk or raw cream or in organic, raw carnivore, species specific food.

No Expiration Date is really necessary for homeopathic remedies even though one is provided on the package.

Homeopathic remedies don’t seem to lose their effectiveness unless they are stored improperly. Remedies one hundred years old have been used successfully! Just be sure to store your remedies away from sunlight, heat, strong odors, microwaves, motors, electrical equipment, and disinfecting agents.

Homeopathy is an exciting journey of discovery to embark upon for your own health care, as well as your companion animals.


Make veterinarian visits easier on your pets – Use homeopathic remedies

f the remedy is given immediately after the chip is inserted, it may help prevent infections and the possible growth of certain types of tumors that form at the puncture site.


Arsenicum may sooth a dog or cat that is overly anxious and fearful of being taken away from its owner, especially if the animal must be left at the hospital. Many animals become extremely restless and fearful when placed in a cage, pacing back and forth, crying, or having difficulty breathing. A dose or two of Arsenicum may offer relief. Additionally, if these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea from a virus or from eating something unfamiliar, Arsenicum may relieve symptoms.


Some pets don’t fully recover from anesthesia, remaining groggy, spaced out and “not all there.” In cases like this, a dose of Phosphorus may help remove the effects of the anesthesia, returning the animal to its normal, pre-surgical state. One dose is usually all that is needed.


Dissolve one pellet of any remedy in a 1/2 to 1 ounce dropper bottle filled half way with distilled water and preserved with 1/4 ounce vodka. A dose equals two drops or a sniff from the open bottle. Many symptoms and conditions are not covered in this article. Consult a homeopath for additional directions or remedy suggestions.

Sources for this article include:

A Veterinary Materia Medica and Clinical Repertory with a Materia Medica of the Nosodes; G. Macleod; 1989

Materia Medica and Repertory; William Boericke, MD; 1998

“Synoptic Materia Medica”; Frans Vermeulen; 1992

Jeffrey Levy, DVM, PCH: Classical Veterinary Homeopathy


8 natural remedies to overcome erectile dysfunction and impotence

The pharmaceutical industry thought they were on to something really big when they developed drugs like Viagra to overcome erectile dysfunction. However,the truth is that holistic healthcare practitioners like homeopaths, herbalists and acupuncturists have been successfully treating impotence in men with natural remedies for thousands of years. Conventional drugs carry a long list of unpleasant side effects whereas alternative approaches are often less likely to cause any — such as painful erections lasting for many hours or heart attacks and strokes.

Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is common to men worldwide and at all stages of life. Although the terminology covers a wide range of possible disorders, it primarily refers to a man’s difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.

Homeopathic remedies provide excellent results for a wide range of problems related to erectile dysfunction, which may be caused by either physical or psychological problems or both.

Homeopathic Remedies

Agnus Castus: This remedy may be helpful for men who have experienced frequent and intense sexual activity for a number of years and are now having difficulties maintaining an erection. A sensation of coldness of the genitals is a guiding symptom indicating the need for this remedy.

Argentum nitricum: This remedy is indicated when a man is unable to keep an erection when coitus is initiated and when thinking about the problem makes it worse. It is most effective in men who are worried, anxious, hurried and very warm-blooded.

Caladium: This remedy may offer relief to a man who is completely unable to get an erection even when he has strong sexual libido. These men may also experience nocturnal emissions even without an erection.

Selenium metallicum: This remedy may be helpful for men who have a wealth of sexual fantasies but experience diminished ability, especially when their impotence begins after a fever or illness. They may feel weak and exhausted, but still possess a sexual interest. The erection may be insufficient, weak, slow to occur with premature ejaculation.

Staphysagria: This remedy is indicated especially if there is a history of abuse, which can by physical or emotional, where the individual is subjected to a misuse of power. Most likely he was unable to defend himself for whatever reason. Impotence may occur due to shyness or embarrassment. Men needing this remedy are often emotionally suppressed and extremely sensitive.

Lycopodium: This remedy may provide relief for older men and those who are not able to achieve an erection. They may have an enlarged prostate. The man needing Lycopodium may lack self-confidence and also be domineering, in an attempt to hide his feelings of inferiority.

Baryta Carbonica: This remedy is helpful for treatment of premature ejaculation as well as the inability to get an erection. It helps men who have no sexual desire to build their libido. Additionally, it provides support for the prostate and reduces the need for frequent urination.

Sabal serrulata (Saw palmetto): This remedy helps to reduce enlarged prostates and improve sexual function, increasing a man’s desire. It is helpful for men who feel sexually aroused but are unable to get an erection.

Men experiencing erectile dysfunction should not try and treat themselves. It’s important to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable homeopathic practitioner who will choose a remedy that best fits your individual needs.

Sources used:

ABC Homeopathy: Impotence, Premature Ejaculation and Dribbling

LifeForce Homeopathy: Homeopathy medicines for Erectile Dysfunction

CIDPUSA foundation: Homeopathic Remedies for Impotence

Erectile Dysfunction Guide: 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction


Popular homeopathic cold and flu remedy Oscillococcinum under attack in Canada

The pseudo-scientific elite in Canada have launched a new crusade against homeopathy, this time targeting Boiron Laboratories, creator of the popular Oscillococcinum, a cold and flu remedy, and Shoppers Drug Mart, a marketer of this and other Boiron treatments. According to reports, the crux of a new class-action lawsuit alleges that Oscillococcinum is mislabeled because it does not contain measurable amounts of its stated active ingredients.

The concept behind how homeopathy works, as many NaturalNews readers may already know, is that therapeutically-active micro-doses of active substances prepared in diluted mixtures can effectively treat disease symptoms by triggering the body’s own natural system of healing. Homeopathy has been shown clinically, time and time again, to be a powerful and effective remedy for many conditions, and millions of people around the world use it safely and effectively.

But the medical-industrial complex abhors homeopathy, taking every opportunity to mock and ridicule it, as well as those that promote and use it. And when it finds the right opportunities, the mainstream medical system launches legal attacks against the legitimacy of homeopathy in the hopes of banning it, despite the fact that it is the second most popular form of medicine in the world, and is completely safe.

In Canada, there have been many concerted efforts recently to tarnish the image of homeopathy, including a recent hit-piece by CBC MarketPlace that makes homeopathy out to be fraudulent and ineffective medicine. Not long after this aired, the new $30 million lawsuit conveniently emerges in an attempt to further demonize homeopathy, and eventually get it pulled from the shelves in the long-term.

But Karen Wehrstein from the Canadian Consumers Centre for Homeopathy (3CH) has created a petition to defend homeopathy in Canada, and protect Boiron and Shoppers Drug Mart from this latest attempt at squelching alternative forms of medicine. The petition’s stated goal is 5,000 signatures, but surely we can help Wehrstein exceed that number by signing the petition and sharing it with our friends and family:

3CH is a grassroots, member-funded organization whose goal is to preserve freedom of choice in health care for everyone, which includes the freedom to manufacture, sell, buy and use homeopathic remedies. We encourage you to sign the 3CH petition, and support 3CH in its efforts to protect the safe, effective and inexpensive form of medicine known as homeopathy against those that seek to destroy it.

Sources for this article include: